
All Hail the sect leader (The strongest sect of all time)

This is the journey of Jun Chang Xiao making his sect The Strongest Sect Of All Time

LuoChuan · Eastern
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65 Chs

Chapter 34

Xun Jun often laughed at why he didn't want to personally teach his disciples. Despite this, he had already advanced to the tenth stage. His understanding of martial arts was still nascent.

Without much martial arts experience and being low in cultivation, he relied heavily on the strongest martial arts system. However, a purchase restriction condition prevented him from happily buying insightful signs.


Xun Jun often smiled as he sat in his room, rubbing his temples. "I can only let the senior disciples teach the others and wait until I can exchange for the token of insight to instruct them personally."

The next day, at dawn.

Li Qingyang and his disciples began practicing in the martial arts field. Since most of them were in the second or third stage, their training focused primarily on basic martial arts.

Not long after, Lu Yan, dressed in a white shirt like an otherworldly fairy, brought twenty female disciples. Due to the color change in their clothing, her frosty demeanor softened a bit.

Daily training was entrusted to the senior disciples.

Xun Jun often laughed as he sat in the hall, bored, and opened the system panel. Seeing no updates on martial missions, he was depressed: "System, when will this ghost mission be released?"


The system was concise and straightforward.

Xun Jun often laughed silently, and could only run the meditation method to absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth and consolidate his psionic energy.

He still had 50 points of contribution value left. He didn't want to exchange it for experience or goods, intending to save it for emergencies.


Li Qingyang approached and asked, "Do we have any unique mental techniques?"

"Yes, Ningqi Determination," Jun Chang responded with a laugh.

Li Qingyang replied, "Ningqi Determination is not suitable for the disciples."

"Good point."

Xun Jun often laughed and began to consider whether to write down the meditation techniques for the disciples to practice.

No, no.

These techniques belonged to the Cangshan School elders and it wasn't appropriate to teach them here.


Xun Jun often smiled, opening the system panel and the first-level mall. He thought, "There are martial arts like Jiuzhong Bengquan in the mall. Maybe I can find something useful."

Unfortunately, after opening the first-level mall, there were no mental techniques, only the Jiuzhong Bengquan.

"What to do now..." Jun Chang smiled, feeling depressed.

The system reminded him: "The host can pull down the panel, and the old products will be replaced with new ones."

"Is there a refresh function?"

Surprised, Jun Chang laughed and decided to try pulling down the product panel.

The system reminded: "Pulling down once will automatically deduct 10 points of martial art contribution value, so please consider carefully."


Xun Jun often twitched at the corner of his mouth.

No wonder it reminded him—it was a paid feature!

What should he do?

Pull down or not?

Jun Chang often laughed, feeling conflicted because there were already good products available.

For example, the first-grade charm of insight and the qualification reforming liquid. If replaced, he couldn't buy them anymore.

The system reassured: "Hosts, please note that all purchased items will be stored in the purchased products section. You can still buy them even after refreshing the mall."

"Is that so?"

Xun Jun often laughed, feeling relieved.

Of course, he understood that the system's detailed explanation aimed to encourage him to spend contribution points!

Fine, as you wish.

Jun Chang often laughed, decisively pulling down the mall panel. The original products disappeared and were replaced by new ones.


"Martial contribution: 40/100."

Jun Chang often laughed, not only consuming 10 points of contribution value but also gaining an extra [purchased product] button on the right side of the initial product.

Clicking it, he saw all previously purchased items arranged, but most were grayed out. Refreshing the products did not refresh the purchase limit time.

Jun Chang often laughed, taking back the purchased panel and looking at the new products in the initial mall.

After refreshing, there were many new product categories, but most were first-level products, with exchange prices generally at 10 points.

Dragging the merchandise down, Jun Chang's hope dwindled. The refreshed merchandise had no mental techniques or even boxing cheats!

It was over, 10 points of contribution value wasted.

He thought it might have been better to exchange for a first-grade cold sword.


As he continued scrolling, Jun Chang laughed and found a grid with an ancient yellowish book, titled 'Yijinjing.'

"And this thing?"

In his understanding, the Yi Jin Jing was a top Shaolin martial arts manual in world martial arts novels. Finding it in the mall was incredible!

It would be even better if he could refresh 98K.

Excited, he clicked on the product introduction:

**Item: Yi Jin Jing**

**Introduction: One of the two sutras left by Master Dharma when he was at the wall of Songshan.**

**Effects: Strengthen muscles and bones, clear the meridians, temper the will, and enhance the body.**

**Advantages: Applicable to warriors at the pulse-opening stage. After successful cultivation, it can improve the physical body and increase the success rate of opening the pulse by 50%!**

**Disadvantages: Martial arts practice is limited to the open pulse phase.**

**Price: 10 points of contribution.**

**Level: Divine Elementary Mind.**


Seeing the final level, Jun Chang smiled in amazement, patting his face subconsciously, and finding it hard to believe: "This Yi Jin Jing is...a first-level divine mentality?"

He thought he might have misread it. But no, it indeed stated divine first stage.

Regarding martial arts quality in the starfall continent, Yi Jin Jing was top-ranking, even at second-level high-level!

"My second Olympic!"

Certain he wasn't mistaken, Jun Chang laughed, jumping up from his seat.

Getting such a divine-level mental technique for 10 points of contribution value was incredibly lucky!

The system, unable to remain silent, said: "The host is very lucky. The probability of this divine mental method being refreshed in the initial mall is less than 1%."


Xun Jun often laughed and roared internally, "I'm so lucky!"

What was there to hesitate about?

Definitely buy! Buy! Buy!

Jun Chang's thoughts quickly moved to Yi Jin Jing, and he chose to buy it without hesitation.


"The host consumes 10 points of contribution value to get Yi Jin Jing × 1, which has been delivered to the space ring."


"Martial contribution: 30/100."

Jun Chang often laughed, quickly accessing the space ring, taking out the Yi Jin Jing manual with excitement: "Successful cultivation will increase the pulse-opening success rate by 50%. This is definitely a god-level mind technique!"

The most challenging stage in early martial arts practice on the continent was opening the pulse!

The original owner of this body, after entering the second stage, failed and died attempting the third stage.

As long as Yi Jin Jing was successfully cultivated, even those with mediocre qualifications had a half chance to break through the meridians!

The head of Xunjun couldn't wait to practice Yi Jin Jing immediately, no longer needing to rely on contribution points to exchange for experience value.