
All Hail the sect leader (The strongest sect of all time)

This is the journey of Jun Chang Xiao making his sect The Strongest Sect Of All Time

LuoChuan · Eastern
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65 Chs

Chapter 32

Jun Changxiao, who had been leading his disciples up the mountain, was now heading back down with them. The once-feared pirates on Laoshan, along with their master, had been reduced to ashes in the flames, leaving Heifengzhai completely destroyed.

This trip had been quite fruitful.

Not only did they complete an additional hidden task, but they also earned 50 points of contribution. The gold and silver jewelry in Jun Changxiao's space ring alone nearly formed a small mountain.

Jun Changxiao wasn't entirely familiar with the wealth and currency of the Starfall Continent, but he estimated that if the silver was exchanged, it would be worth at least 12,000 taels.

"Looks like we have enough money to rebuild the courtyard," he mused as he walked back, but his eyes grew colder.

"Lingquan Sect."

They had spent money to hire robbers to kidnap his disciples. When Zhou Tianba called out his name upon arrival at Heifengzhai, Jun Changxiao was slightly taken aback, but now it all made sense.

"If I didn't go to rescue the disciples, it would chill the hearts of the others and damage the prestige of our sect. If I went, I was supposed to end up paying the ransom and then getting killed."

"Their plan was good," Jun Changxiao scoffed, "but they didn't anticipate I had a powerful weapon to destroy Heifengzhai easily."

"All I want is to develop quietly on the Starfall Continent, complete the main tasks, and survive. Why must they provoke me?"

"Lingquan Sect."

Lazily stretching his back, he muttered, "Sooner or later, I will seek justice from you."

Why not immediately? Because the powerful weapon, the hard-to-receive knife, was sealed again, and it would be tricky to confront Lingquan without it.

"Is there a way to obtain the seal of unsealing in the system store?"

Jun Changxiao opened the data panel, searched the store, but found no such seal.

The system responded: "The seal of unsealing is not for sale. The host can only obtain it by completing specific tasks."

"And the chances of getting those specific tasks?"

Jun Changxiao shrugged. "So, I need luck to get it?"


"It's harder than winning the lottery..."

Jun Changxiao muttered, thinking he must have the worst luck.


"Master, Second Brother!"

"The head is back with the brothers and sisters!"

A disciple ran excitedly into the outer courtyard of the Iron Bone Sect.

Li Qingyang hurriedly walked out of the hall. Seeing that the head had returned safely and brought back more than thirty disciples, the stone weighing on his heart finally fell.

Though he hadn't been in the sect long, Li Qingyang had already developed a deep respect for Jun Changxiao.

The eldest disciple, Lu Yan, was different. She leaned at the front door of the hall, glanced at Jun Changxiao, and coldly remarked, "Not even a scratch on him?"

The head's return made the Iron Bone Sect lively again.


"Heifengzhai on Laoshan was destroyed by the head?"

When the disciples learned this, they were speechless.

"Head, did you really remove the bandit leader in Montenegro?" Li Qingyang asked.

"Yes," Jun Changxiao replied.

Li Qingyang bowed in admiration. "The pirates on Montenegro have been a scourge for many years. The head has resolved this, undoubtedly bringing peace to the people!"

"It's just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning," Jun Changxiao said modestly.

The government and various martial arts groups had repeatedly failed to deal with the pirates, yet the head had destroyed them single-handedly. How could this be a trivial matter?

"Head, there were thirty-two disciples taken away. Why is there one less?" Li Qingyang asked.

Jun Changxiao replied, "The one who was greedy and cowardly was killed by the pirate leader."

He was disappointed in the disciple who had begged for his life. He realized that while he could recruit disciples, their strength and loyalty were crucial.

"Greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Li Qingyang understood and didn't press further.

Lu Yan still leaned against the hall and asked, "Since you destroyed Heifengzhai, you must have had a good haul?"

Jun Changxiao replied, "A little."

Li Qingyang saw the destruction of the pirates as a righteous act, while Lu Yan was more interested in the loot, showing their differing priorities.


The next day, Jun Changxiao, wearing a clean robe, stood on the steps of the hall.

In the Yanwu martial arts field, 98 disciples stood neatly. Since they didn't have uniforms yet, they wore different clothes.

"I need to find a tailor soon to make uniforms," Jun Changxiao thought.


Jun Changxiao coughed twice, hands behind his back, and said, "Since you have joined the Iron Bone Sect, remember our primary purpose: to be people of iron bones and to do things with iron bones!"

"What are iron bones, what is the spirit of iron bones?"

He paused and then said, "It means sharing honor and disgrace, advancing and retreating together. Behaving with integrity and acting properly is the spirit of iron bones!"

The disciples chanted in unison: "Sharing honor and disgrace, advancing and retreating together, behaving with integrity and acting properly!"

"In the face of insults and provocations, you must stand your ground and fight back. Even in the face of death, you must stand tall. If you fear death, you do not belong in the Iron Bone Sect!"

"Yes!" the disciples shouted in unison.

"Dissolve," Jun Changxiao waved, and the disciples left.

The disciples exchanged glances, trying to grasp the full meaning of the head's words.


Jun Changxiao didn't say much in his first assembly with the disciples, focusing on the core purpose. There were more comprehensive rules needed, so he called Li Qingyang for a discussion.

"Head, the rules are set by you and the senior management of the sect. Disciples like me shouldn't be involved," Li Qingyang said humbly.

"If I say you're qualified, you are." Jun Changxiao handed over a written draft of the sect rules. "Quickly, see if anything needs to be changed or added."


Li Qingyang felt embarrassed but read the draft, made corrections, and added necessary rules, such as not leaving the sect without permission and prohibiting internal strife.

After a few discussions, the Iron Bone Sect's rules were finalized, emphasizing the spirit of iron bones and appropriate behavior.

Jun Changxiao handed Li Qingyang a piece of papyrus. "Go to the town and find a tailor with good craftsmanship. Use these drawings and specifications to make uniforms for the disciples."


Li Qingyang was surprised.

"It's the attire of the sect," Jun Changxiao clarified.


Li Qingyang took the drawings and saw different designs for men and women. He was stunned. "Head... isn't this design a bit..."

