
A Day at the Beach 4/4

Tim reached for Mia and pulled her into his arms brushing her hair away from her face. "I am sorry you had to go through that. While I hate that it wasn't me, I am incredibly grateful that you had someone to lean on and someone to look after you." Tim told her softly. Timothy ran his thumb along Mia's cheek seeing the unshed tears in her eyes.

"I am also going insane with jealousy right now." Tim's chuckle caused a smirk to appear on Mia's face. "I really want to be alone with you. Go on a date with me, Mia?" he prodded gently. He watched as her face betrayed her uncertainty before she finally agreed. Tim wanted to kiss Mia, but not wanting to upset his son, he moved her so that she was out of the direct view of the twins.

"Timothy, what are you...?" Mia started but was interrupted by his lips on hers. His mouth was soft and insistent until she opened her mouth slightly allowing him to deepen the kiss. A soft breath escaped her with a sigh. The sound made him groan and he pulled her closer to him, his strong arms anchoring Mia to his body. Her hands rose to his neck trying to pull him closer. Then Ginger called out to Mia. Timothy pulled away slightly but did not release her to answer the small girl.

"We'll be right there, bug." Tim's voice was rough. He turned back to Mia and gave her a sweet kiss on the mouth then one on the forehead, stepping away but taking her hand to lead her back to the twins.

Mia didn't know who this man was. This Timothy who was openly affectionate and unafraid to tell her how he felt. She thought he would be furious with her about Nick, but he had just commiserated with her and told her he was jealous. Mia was so confused. She didn't know if she should allow him to act this way, but having his attention was such a novelty that she let him continue.

Timothy's touch set her aflame and she wanted to be wrapped up in his arms. To have him touch her and to be with her. Mia's intense desire for him all day made her nervous about being alone with him. How would she stop herself from falling for Tim now that he wanted her so badly?

Mia had never felt like this before. With Nicholas it had been completely physical, but this was different, it was more somehow. She felt caught off guard and off-balance. Mia didn't want this to stop but she didn't know if Tim would revert to the often-cruel Mr. Barrett. If he did, where would she be?

Mia didn't know if she could trust this situation? For that matter, could she ever trust Timothy Barrett enough to be with him? Could she trust him enough to love him? No, she wasn't stupid enough to trust Timothy. No matter how good it felt to have his attention now, she knew he wasn't trustworthy.

Mia and Tim walked back to the children hand-in-hand only to find them arguing heatedly at the table. They tried to listen in but were unable to discern what had prompted the quarrel. Mia decided to stop the bickering. Sneaking up behind Sage, she snatched him out of his chair and began to kiss and tickle him until he was squealing and laughing.

"Mom, no, squeal, please stop." Sage cried laughing. Mia kissed all over her his face then sat him back in his chair. He gasped for air trying to calm down.

"You look funny Sage. Your face is all red," Ginger told her brother laughing.

"Be quiet." Sage told his sister. Crossing his arms he turned to his mother. "You are so embarrassing, Mom." Sage said haughtily.

"I love you too, little man." Mia responded to her son with a laugh. She watched the quick smile that adorned his little face before he quickly hid it.

"What about me, momma?" Ginger exclaimed jumping up to stand in her chair.

Mia walked over to Ginger peppering kisses all over her face. "I love you too, bug." Mia said hugging the animated girl to her. Tim watched the whole scene with an unfathomable look on his face.

"Are you two ready for dessert?" Mia asked after a moment. The twins exclaimed excitedly that they were. Mia got the items out of the refrigerator and handed a bottle of wine to Timothy to open. She assembled the twin's dessert which was a brownie with a scoop of ice cream and caramel sauce. She handed a plated treat to both of her children and took the glass of wine that Timothy offered her and sat down in her chair.

Mia swirled the wine in her glass as the children dug into their dessert. Timothy sipped his wine but was far away.

"Are you alright, Tim?" Mia asked cautiously.

Timothy looked at Mia without seeing her for a moment. Never in his life had he been party to such openness and affection. Mia offered his children her love without any reservations. It was clear to him at once that the children were loved so well that they didn't question her sentiments at all. They were loved. It was a fact, nothing more and nothing less.

Timothy had never had that. No doting parent to teach him the benefits of love. Tim felt grateful to Mia for teaching his children to love and for loving them. His chest burned, he suddenly wanted to be part of this love they shared.

"I'm fine." Tim responded after a moment, "just lost in thought."

Mia watched him a moment longer. She could see that there was something on his mind, but he didn't seem to want to talk about it. Today had been such a strange carefree day. There was no way that she could have predicted how this day had gone. A perfect family day at the beach was not what she had pictured.

Mia had expected to spend a couple of hours being uncomfortable in a tense atmosphere so that the children would at least know who their father was. Instead, she was dreading the day ending and becoming excited about a date with Timothy. What would it be like to go on an actual date with the man? Mia had been married to him for more than three years and had never been on a date with him.

Unfortunately, it was getting late. The twins had finished their treats. Ginger was speaking animatedly with Tim about her teacher and Sage was eyeing his backpack. The fact that Sage wasn't on his computer was a good indicator of how much fun today had been. Mia stood and walked over to the counter grabbing the children's clothes.

"Time to get dressed," Mia said to her children handing them their clothes. Mia grabbed her shirt and pulled it over her head. Realizing it was time to go, Tim excused himself and went to get changed. A few minutes passed while she waited for Timothy.

"Mia, could you come here please." Tim called from the bathroom. Mia told the children to play quietly, and she would be back in a moment. She went to the bathroom door which was open a crack. Mia could see that the now dressed Timothy was pacing in the small space. She tapped on the door softly.

Timothy opened the door quickly and grabbing Mia's wrist he pulled her into his arms. He closed the door partially and buried his face in her hair. Tim breathed her in several times to calm himself.

"I don't want to go." Tim spoke quietly, "Today has been the happiest I have ever experienced, and I don't want to let the three of you go." He moved his hand to Mia's cheek and gazed into her eyes.

"We'll see you in a few days." Mia said smiling at him. "I thought you were going to take me on a date?"

"Are you sure you won't disappear?" Tim asked, clearly worried.

"I promise, Tim. I will not disappear with the twins." Mia told Timothy plainly. She didn't know if her promise would hold forever, but it was true for today. He gazed into her eyes searching for a lie and when he didn't find one, he smiled at her softly.

Tim captured Mia's lips with his own, quickly deepening the kiss and pulling her body fully against his. He kissed her until desire ran like tongues of flame through both of their bodies and their hearts raced. When Tim pulled back to look at Mia, they both breathed raggedly.

"I want to pick you up on Wednesday. Dress for a day on the water," Tim told Mia with a grin.

"Really? Okay." Mia gave Tim a sideways glance with a tentative smile. "We really do need to go. It's already the children's bedtime."

"I know," Tim groaned reluctantly stepping away from Mia. "Let's get our children home to their beds."


Ginger was perched happily on Timothy's shoulders while Sage held his mother's hand as they retraced the path they had taken though Aide Castle earlier that day. The last corridor was in sight and Mia made a quick call to her driver to have the car brought to the resort's entrance.

Tim heard the voice a second too late as he stepped into the main resort area. When the woman called out to him, he ducked quickly back into the side hallway. Tim pulled Ginger from his shoulders and handed her to Mia.

"Hide in the alcove over there." Tim told Mia pointing to a small area a little further down the hallway. No one knew of Sage's existence and there were protective measures that still needed to be in place before they could openly be in the public eye. She nodded in agreement.

"I'll lead her away and then you can take the children and leave." Tim said, feeling upset that their last few minutes together were being stolen from them.

"Timothy," the woman called, "where did you go?" With a parting smile for Mia and his children, he stepped into the main resort area.

"Luna," he addressed the woman with calm detachment.

"There you are, Tim." Luna purred. "My goodness, I swear you were taller a second ago," she breathed sidling up to the man.

"I am exactly as tall as I have ever been." Tim replied with disdain walking further into the resort in the opposite direction to the entrance. Luna huffed trying to reach for Tim's arm but was ignored.

"What brings you to Aide Castle today?" Luna pried as she followed Timothy around a corner into a reception area.

"Research for a business collaboration for Barrett Group." Tim told her coolly while sidestepping Luna's wandering hand. "Why are you here, Ms. Maynard?"

"I am working with the design team on the final preparations for Asher's birthday party. It's only a week away you know, and I want everything to be perfect for his day." Luna exclaimed.

"You did get your invitation, didn't you Tim? You will come, won't you? It would mean so much to Asher." Luna was determined to convince Timothy to attend the party. If she could just get him alone perhaps, she could convince him that she was the right woman for him. Tim grunted non-commitally.

"I sent an invitation to the Lane residence. I thought it might be good for Mia to bring that girl Ginger. She is the right age for a playmate for Asher." Luna hinted. Timothy would likely come if he thought Mia would be there. Too bad Mia's invitation had the wrong date printed on it. Luna didn't understand what Tim saw in Mia anyway. Couldn't he see how much better Luna was for him?

"That girl, Ginger, is my daughter. Be respectful!" Timothy snapped sharply.

"I didn't mean any offense, Tim." Luna lied. He was protective of the brat, she noted.

Timothy glanced toward Luna, "I will see if I am free and either way I will send a gift for my nephew." Luna smiled tightly, that was likely as good of an answer as she could expect from him.

Timothy's phone buzzed and he checked the message, 'All clear, thanks for today.' Timothy nodded at Luna dismissively and turned on his heel to head to the entrance. He texted his driver to bring the car around at once.