
All For You!

[Cover made by theacatane on fiverr!] Zola and her friends magically fell into a new world and in the garden of The Bourgeois's couple. After being taken in, they live their new lives as nobles hidden until the banquet. On the day of the banquet, Zola meets a handsome gentleman Tyrian and they fall for each other! When too many mistakes made my Tyrian their relationship cuts short by death. When realizing they are in the past. They have a second chance to undo their mistakes and avoid the paths that lead to doom! Will Zola succeed in preventing Tyrian's death? Or will the new path lead to something more tragic?!

KikiCreative · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Ch7- The Dreadful Day

I suddenly felt some arms wrap around me…

I broke free from the arms. I slipped and grabbed onto an invisible ledge. My heart raced. I didn't plan on falling today. I saw my friends hold their hands out and tried to reach out to one of their hands. I was close, but not there.

I lost my grip on the edge and in my last attempt; I tried to dash my hand, but to no luck. I fell and screamed at the top of my lungs.

I jolted out of my bed. I felt sweat all over my face. Thank god it was just a dream.

Stella quickly walked towards me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I just had an odd dream. How long have I been asleep for?"

"2 days my lady." I tried to process the words in my head. Six entire days I have been sleeping.

"Stella, what's wrong with me, why do I keep sleeping so much?"

Stella sighed. "The doctor said it's because of the shock you received when you were at the palace. So it's needed to sleep a lot and be easy on yourself until you fully recover."

"Oh, that would make sense." I spotted Max and Chanda sitting on the other side of my bed.

"How long have you two been sitting there?"

Chanda smiled at me. "The full two days you were sleeping."

My jaw dropped. "Did you guys even sleep?"

"Yes, my lady. They stayed in your room until it went dark." Stella smiled at me.

"Well, if that's the case then that's okay."

"Since you're awake, I brought books and some games we can do until you recover." Max said while dropping books on my bed. I lightly chuckled at them. I saw Mark standing near my door. We both locked eyes, and the air felt awkward between us. I was about to speak, to break the silence until Mark cut me off.

"I'm glad to see you awake. I shall excuse myself to inform The Bourgeois." Mark left the room and my heartfelt heavy. It's obvious Mark is avoiding me and I feel bad for the way I treated him back at the palace. Mark has been nothing but good and loyal to me. I shouldn't have acted that way towards him. I snapped myself back to reality. Maybe next time I will get the chance to apologize to him.

I asked Stella to bring me some tea and food and she agreed, then hurriedly made her way out. I got to catch up with Max and Chanda. We played games, laughed, and talked about what might happen in the future. My parents visited me. They were happy to see me doing well. They hugged me tightly, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. My parents stayed in my room and talked for a bit.

I spent the rest of my week recovering and taking it easy. I suffered from nightmares. It made it hard for me to sleep normally. Sometimes I had to do certain things to make it easier for me to fall asleep. The entire event with the Emperor and Tyrian caused a lot of talks and many nobles tried to visit me. I'd refused to see or talk to any of them. I made a mental note of the fact I haven't seen Mark as much

Then, with a blink of an eye, the day for Tyrian's funeral came. I wasn't ready for this day at all, but I wanted to go. Stella, Cassia, and other maids helped me to get ready. It felt like time was drifting. Stella tied my hair into one and Cassia put my hat that had a black veil that covers half my face. I made my way down to the manor to meet up with everyone else.

I waved to my parents and my friends. It surprised me to see Mark here with us. He disappeared for the past few weeks. I will talk to him by the end of today. We all got on the carriage. We said nothing on the ride. I don't know why, but I glanced out the window. Something I do reminds me of the 21st century whenever I'm in a car. The weather looked gray and gloomy even though the sun was out I guess it's perfect weather for a day like this.

We made it to our destination. My dad was right about how the Valiquette's wanted a quick funeral in almost two weeks. The funeral is here, and they only invited people who are close to them and Tyrian. We made our way inside the church.

I greeted the Valiquette's and gave them my condolences and since I am engaged to Tyrian; I had a lot of nobles who gave me their condolences. It was odd for me since I didn't know what to do in these types of situations. I could see Tyrian's face in the casket. Seeing his dead body again like this felt different, but at least he looks peaceful. I was trying so hard not to cry this entire day, but broke when I saw him. I silently sob on his casket. I heard people whisper, some of them saying how sorry they felt for me.

I gathered myself and stopped crying. I took off my engagement ring and put it in his hand so he can have a piece of me with him. I'm aware it doesn't work like that but it was like a closure thing for me. I went back to my parents, and we made our way to the graveyard to watch him get buried.

When it was done, it rained, and people left. I stayed staring at his tombstone. I was getting my clothes all wet from standing in the rain. I felt the rain stop. I looked up and saw a parasol that Mark was holding.

"Let's go, my lady, you will catch a cold." Mark said with a small smile. I silently agreed and walked back to the carriage that eventually took us home. For the rest of the day, I talked little. I was still processing everything that happened. I was trying to grasp that this was reality and I won't be able to see him anymore. My heart clenched at the simple thought.

Nighttime fell, and I told everyone goodnight I could see Mark today but didn't get to talk to him. I just don't have good luck, it seems. I lay in my bed thinking about how my life would move on forward without Tyrian. I attempted to go asleep but just ended up tossing and turning. I finally got up and checked one of my drawers on my nightstand. I found the necklace Tyrian gave to me before he died.

I fiddled with it for a bit before I put it in one of my hands and pulled the blankets over my face. I fell asleep. I came back to a similar black void. I walked around and see what would happen the more I walked, the more the black void disappeared and I walked on the grass. I looked around and saw the beautiful colors in the sky. There was a tree by itself next to a little pond. It was windy for some odd reason.

I sat on the rock, taking in the scenery and the beautiful smell of nature around me. I looked at the crystal blue water. A familiar voice call my name.


I held my breath and slowly turned my head to see who called me. My eyes widened when I saw Tyrian standing there with his beautiful smile. And purple hair gently gliding in the air. I ran up to him with tears in my eyes; I tried to speak, but Tyrian stopped me when he spoke.

"I showed you this place sooner, but I never got the chance to." He looked at the small pond.

I looked at him and the small piece of nature. "This is an actual place?" I saw Tyrian nodding his head in agreement with what I asked.

I looked down at the ground. "Well, from now on you can technically say you did." I lightly chuckled. Tyrian smiled and caressed my cheek, which made my face go red. We stood in silence for a bit.

Tyrian looked at the scenery. "Zola, if you had the chance to do it all over again knowing what I did, would you even talk to me?" Tyrian didn't move a muscle after he asked that.

I smiled. "I would."

Tyrian blinked twice. "Huh?"

"If I had the chance to start all over and still keep my memories. Talking to you would be like falling in love all over again." I looked at Tyrian, who had some tears in his eyes.

"Thats stupid."

I looked at him, puzzled. "Excuse you?" I raised a brow.

He chuckled. "Most people would do the opposite of that if they had the chance." Tyrian made eye contact with me. "But of course you're different."

I felt my face go red. He didn't have to say that so attractively. Out of nowhere, Tyrian hugged me. "Even though I'm gone, you and your friends take care of yourself out there."

"What do you mean?" After I asked that, I realized this was a dream. And this was his way of saying goodbye. "Wait! Please don't go." I hugged him back in hopes he'd stay. Tyrian kissed my forehead and smiled. Soon everything, including him, faded away. Now I was floating in nothing. I curled myself into a ball.

I woke up, my face drenched in sweat and panting.