
All for the billionaire

Denise Walter, a simple girl trying to pay her mother's medical bill goes ahead to get a loan from a gang leader who comes after her when she is unable to pay, He threatens to destroy her and everything she loves but luck smiles on her, she gets a major gig to pay off her debt and offset some of her bills. The night of her major gig she comes in contact with a wealthy man named Gregory Williams who upends her life after a passionate night together and thereafter denies knowing her. Her rage and hatred for him ignites, but some deadly discoveries make her question what is. Determined to get answers to these questions, alliances are formed and love brews.

HannahL · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


My body responds to his instruction as my legs carry me towards the area he leads. Before you know it, we are standing before a black Chevrolet Corvette despite my tipsy state I recognize. I know this because I love cars even though I cannot afford one.

"Step into the car," Gregory tells me. "Gosh does he speak only a few words", my mind wonders.

The ride was quiet, not an uncomfortable one, on the contrary it was peaceful like the calm before the storm. I can't fully process my surroundings and all I know is that I am in an elevator with just me and Gregory in it and he is staring at me with those unfathomable yet beautiful grey eyes, like I'm the only thing that exists. He takes a small step forward and I take one back and my back hits the end of the elevator wall. My breathing has become heavy as I stare into his eyes. He leans towards me despite his height and kisses me on the lip not just any kiss but a deep kiss. I know I don't know much about kisses but I know this is not the way you kiss a stranger. My eyes voluntarily close as his lips move in sync with mine and I unconsciously moan which makes him deepen the kiss further. He breaks away from the kiss giving me an opportunity to breathe, my eyes flutter open and his eyes are still on me. "I have never kissed anyone like this before, heck I haven't kissed anyone before" I whispered. He just chuckles and leads me towards his penthouse.

 "Make yourself comfortable", that's all he says as he strides away while I look around the penthouse, it's nothing like anything I've been in, "like you've been in a penthouse before", my mind interjects. 

He walks back with glasses and a bottle of red wine, and asks Alexa to play a song I don't know as he proceeds to pour the wine for us to drink. I gulp down mine and I notice how close we are, he's all in my personal space and he breaks it further as he leans in the second time today and our lips are joined. This kiss is slow and passionate. My mind has turned into pudding with the way he is kissing me. All I register is that my back is pressed on the couch and his hands are beside my body so as not to crush me with his weight. He breaks the kiss for the second time today. "I haven't been this intimate with any man before '' I say to him. "I'll be gentle" is all he says as he carries me to where I presume is his room. My heart is racing because this night has been a night of many first, and I'm about to indulge in another first. 

Gregory is gentle with me as he has said. Our lips are locked together like they were meant to be that way right from the beginning of time. We break the kiss reluctantly and stare into each other's eyes. "Can I" he gestures to my clothes and I nod my head like an Agama lizard. He takes my clothes off slowly till he finally gets it off me, " Can I" he asks again, "yes" I reply shy as he unclipped my bra, my body on display for him. "Remove yours too, I can't be the only one bare" I say in a shaky voice and he chuckles to my demands. "You're cute when you make demands" he murmurs to my hearing and I smile. His shirt and singlet are thrown to the floor and I can't help but admire his fine body, " you know I've never been attracted to a lady like I am to you, gods you're beautiful". Your eyes captivate me" he leans in and gives me feathery kisses on my face moving down to my collar bone. " Your essence draws me in, your lips are like a drug I don't think I'll get over", he continues to whisper sweet words to my innocent ears. His words and kisses set my body alight far from anything I've ever known.

True to his words Gregory was gentle in every way, he worshipped my body till I felt like I was floating. We were entangled all night as he brought me to the edge every single time we were at it.

I feel so content at this moment, I have a sheepish smile plastered on my face. Gregory's hands are around my body as he cuddles me. He pecks me on my head which makes my heart flutter, an assurance that this means a lot to him as it does to me. 

"Denise you're the first lady I've brought to my penthouse, I don't know why I did it but I know I like you a lot". His words swirled in my mind as my exhaustion kicked in and I fell asleep.

Sun rays wake me up and I smile as I stretch my body. Feeling the hottie next to me, I turn around and watch him sleeping soundly. I proceed to wake him up. "Gregory, Gregory" I rub his arm affectionately and he stirs. His eyes flutter open as he comes to register his surroundings. 

"Who are you" his groggy voice demands, "and what are you doing in my bed and in my house?.

"What do you mean by what am I doing in your house Gregory", I responded to his question with a confused expression on my face. 

"You know what, I don't care, just get out," he responds.

"Gregory what's wrong with you, are you okay?," I calmly asked him with a concerned expression on face. Something is definitely wrong somewhere.

"Look lady, get out before I lose my temper". He says oddly calm, with his hand rubbing his temples.

"I don't understand.." I had barely finished my statement when he screamed with anger for me to get out of his house. Tears stung my eyes at his outburst, I quickly scrambled out of the bed and grabbed my clothes on the floor with embarrassment, anger, shame and most importantly hatred for the man that I a

llowed to take my innocence.