
Chapter 3: Jurdelious

Jurdelious sat comfortably on a yellow couch that could normally contain three people, occupying half of the entire couch with his shoulders alone.

In front of him was a wide screen showing a news channel, the reporter was talking about a wanted group of terrorists whose images were put on display just in case the civilians saw them. His eyes which were no longer black with purple pupils but regular black and white showed that what he was hearing on the screen was only amusing him and nothing more.

"*sigh*, mortals and their shenanigans," He said.

Krene's voice came over from the kitchen like she heard his voice all the way from there." Oh don't be a hypocrite Jurdelious, your ways aren't pure either" Although she said this, her face was neutral, she didn't really care about what he was saying.

"That's different" He stood up from the couch, revealing his seven feet form, and headed to the window to just stand there.

He stared at the green clouds that only appeared during the middle of the year, hence the name, Planet Green Cloud. "Anyways, have you noticed anything about Al'ravee lately?"

On the dining table close by, Krene sat down with a worried face. "Of course I did, he's been having mood swings. It's hard to predict how he'll react to some things these days." She turned to Jurdelious, "I hope he learns to handle it soon."

Still standing in front of the window, Jurdelious let out a playful laugh, "Hehehe, to think such a thing could give Krene, the great goddess, a foul mood. I wonder what the others would say."

"Why wouldn't I be in a foul mood? This is a very delicate moment. I have no idea whether what we have would be good enough. I don't want our son to become like one of those useless guys. Remember that guy, Yuznir, who claimed to be the god of rivers or that other lady who specialized in the concept of sorrow, where are they now? You know how hard it was for them to get into a pantheon because of their lock." Krene said.

"Ah, that's them. Those guys didn't have people like us to guide them." Jurdelious said as his eyes shone with arrogance.

At this point, the front door opened and the still naive Al'ravee walked in and from the way he had a slight leap with each step he took, it was clear he was feeling pain in some parts of his body. Trying to hide it he walked fast towards the chair in the dining room, resting his legs before his parents noticed.

"Hey mom, hey dad," Al'ravee said, shouting the last part while looking down at the glass table.

Krene looked at Al'ravee with one eyebrow raised, the corner of her lips revealing the usual expression of amusement that she and her husband usually had since they arrived.

She engaged Al'ravee in some small talk about school, not implying that he was doing a bad job at hiding his bruises.

"Perfect!" Jurdelious suddenly yelled out loud.

Al'ravee looked at his father strangely, sometimes he wondered if they were his biological parents. His mother had blonde hair while his father had jet-black hair, so where did his brown hair come from? He was tall but that was only compared to others his age which was okay, shy of six feet. His father was nearly seven feet and he was one or two inches shorter than his mother. Most of all were their resemblance, he had no resemblance whatsoever to any of them but even then, all three were quite good-looking.

Jurdelious looked at the screen still showing the news reporter. "I'll be back, I need to check something out with a friend of mine." He said as he gazed at Krene and his son with a smile that made him look silly.


*Night time*

A convoy of six black armored cars rode into an old cement factory, stopping in front of the large metal doors in a straight-line formation. An old lorry was parked a few meters away.

Under the moonlight, twenty-one black-suited men stepped out of the cars with an air of arrogance around them. The men at the far end brought out wooden crates from the trunks.

Two minutes later, thirty-odd men came out through the metal gates putting on combat gear and armed with high-end rapid-fire rifles.

Their leader, a man with scars on his face and a scrubby beard walked forward. "Hey there, hehe, I know what you guys are gonna say but hear me out..." He started with a stupid smile on his face.

"Shut the fuck up Teddy" A brown-skinned bald man with dark shades that made him look weird at night, marched out in front of the black-suited men. His face betrayed the feeling of disdain he felt for these people. " You messed up big time, the boss isn't happy with you. What were you thinking about? Letting yourself get exposed like that. The boss had to pay a lot of money to silence those bastards."

Teddy and the rest of the small terrorist group could not help but shiver in fear at those words.

"Ugh, it's not like we wanted it to happen like that, plus I'm not sure how the enforcers caught wind of our next target. To me, it's kinda like they were prepared, y'know, waiting for us." Teddy said in defense.

"Watch your words, Teddy, there won't be a next time" The man in the black suit raised an eyebrow knowingly in thought.

After some hesitation, he walked back to the car while signaling to the men in black. In response, the other black-suited men brought the crates forward. "Anyways, the boss sent supplies and a message. Your next target is going to be the conference happening at... Who the heck are you!?" The dark-skinned man exclaimed.

Behind the cars, walking slowly towards them was a large muscled man wearing a light blue baggy short-sleeve shirt with brown shorts and white running shoes. On top of his head was a nice-looking black mohawk to compliment his black beard.

The man walked to the back of the car which happened to be the one that the black-suited man was standing in front of.

This big man suddenly raised his thick muscled right leg and placed it upon the back bumper, he then gave it a slight gentle push. For some reason, when the man made this action, everyone else in the area had a strange feeling that they were in extreme danger. The instinctive kind.

Many of the men present already had their weapons aimed at the newcomer.

That feeling before a packed punch is thrown at you.

That feeling one had before someone pulled the trigger of a gun pointed at your head.

That feeling one has before a sword capable of cutting your neck with one strike is unsheathed.

That feeling one has when you watch the timer for a bomb that will kill you is about to reach its last second, that very moment before the explosion.



They could all swear that they heard the bumper of the car give out a metallic groan as if it was enduring too much pressure.



The car shot out like an electric train, smashing brutally into the eight men who were unlucky to be in front of it. This also included the black-suited leader, and the car crashed right through the factory wall.


Two mangled bodies lay on the ground, the car probably not carrying them along into the factory, their limbs twisted in very wrong directions. A trail of red blood was left behind like a liquid red carpet.

All eight men that were hit by the car died, obviously.

The beautiful light of the moon shone upon the burly man but could not outshine the threatening purple light coming from the man's cold piercing eye.


© February 13 2024 JEFFERY D IDOKO