
Any Other Day

It was any other day. People spending time with families, heading out to work, exercising, doing daily people stuff.

"Atlas! Atlas! Quick, get over here! Hurry!" A female voice yelled sounding in need of immediate help. A teenage boy came running down a flight of carpeted stairs, reaching the bottom he turned, changing direction slipping slightly on the dark wooden floorboards. He continued to run over to the female voice that had pleaded for help.

The boy reached the woman, out of breath he slid into the kitchen where the woman had cried for help. Sliding across the wooden floor gripping onto the granite island to stop himself from falling. Out of breath the boy asked "What.....is it Layla?" He asked the female that had pleaded so desperately earlier. Layla, the girl earlier replied curtly "I need help grabbing the cookies up in the cupboard. Could you pretty please help me?" The small girl asked him her black eyelashes fluttering as she blinked. Atlas sighed "Is that seriously all you needed help with?" He asked her giving her an unimpressed look. "Yeah, seriously. Just stop whining and get it for me already." She complained. Atlas shook his head 'Says the one whining' he thought in his head as he reached up on his tippy toes and grabbed a cylinder like box, full of cookies.

Before he handed her the box of goodies he looked at her and made sure she understood one thing. "If mom finds out you somehow got the cookies, your the one taking the blame. Got it. Cause I was never here." He said handing her the box once she violently shook her head showing she had agreed. The small girl wrapped her hands around the box, smiling happily, as she sprinted off, Flash speed up the stairs. You could immediately hear a door slamming once she reached the top.

Atlas sighed as he slowly made his way back up the small flight of carpeted stairs. He walked down the dimly lit hall back to a door with an old poster of a superhero on it. The teenager sighed as he pushed the door open shutting it as he walked into the room. The room wasn't the cleanest, it had a few clothes laying around here and there, a few books and comics, just any normal teenagers room. Atlas walked over to a small desk with a computer, some books, pencils, and other stuff you'd find on any normal desk.

Atlas sat down in his rolling chair. He scooted up to the desk grabbing a pair of headphones with a small microphone on the end. He pulled the headphones over his head, adjusting the mic so it was placed close to his mouth. He moved his mouse clicking on a tab on his computer. "Alright I'm back guys, sorry about that." He spoke apologetically into the mic. Another male voice was heard "It's alright man, no hard feelings." Atlas nodded even though the others wouldn't be able to see him. "Thanks, Tom." He said into the mic as he placed his hand on the computer mouse. "So, Squad ready?" Atlas questioned into the mic. "Yup." A female voice said. "Yes, sir." The make from earlier, Tom replied. "Yeah." Another quieter male voice said. "Alrighty, so we good to start the game then?" Everyone agreed, saying their 'yups and yes sirs' into their mics.

Atlas nodded and hovered his mouse over a 'ready' button. "Okay, see you guys in the game, let's win this thing." He said determination evident in his voice. "Yeah!" The female voice yelled into her mic. "Hey! Not so loud Sam." A sorta scratchy annoyed male voice said. "Sorry, Leo I'll try not to be so loud next time." Atlas laughed quietly covering his mouth so the others wouldn't hear him.

Leo was the hot head of the group. Always telling others to shut up or calm down, or stop being so annoying. Then there was Sam. She was cool, she loved computers and programming. There was also Matt. He was more on the quiet side, never really talked much. But he's surprisingly good at making stuff from scraps. I know kinda weird, but if anyone had to vote on who they'd want to stay with to survive on an abandoned island. No doubt they'd pick Matt. And then there was Atlas. He was like the leader of the Squad, so they called themselves. He always kept them in check, keeping them out of fights or trouble. He was more of like the support friend. He was always there for his friends to comfort them. Even if he may be having a crappy day, he'd still build up all his positive and courageous energy to comfort his friends. He was the spine of a book, holding everything in place. If he fell apart or broke so would the pages. But Atlas keeps strong for his friends. Always cracking jokes at the worst time to lighten the mood.

"Alright let's start!" He whisper yelled into the mic so Leo wouldn't yell at him like he did to Sam earlier. They all clicked the 'Ready' button their computers screens changing to a loading page. The lights flickered above Atlas. He glanced up at the light, shrugging it off as just a little matter, he turned his gaze back to the screen. The loading screen was just about to be finished. Until the lights blew, everything went black, and something that Atlas would never be able to forget.

He heard a piercing scream that could be heard through the whole entire house.