
The voice

Kaley got back to her senses and said "I will drop you to the company and then go to meet Kai, I already mentioned to him that you are going to a interview and can't meet him in the morning." After having breakfast, Mia got dressed up and was on her phone checking the data of the company which she has interview for as her mother Grace calls her.

Grace complains about Mia's brother Ethan, who is nearing his collage entrance exams and is out all day playing sports and her father got angry when he got to know about it. She asked Mia to talk about it with her brother, and not make her father angry. "your father's health is not good lately, and Ethan is making him anxious about his studies. Ethan only listens to you, get him to study properly."

"Ok mom, I will talk to him about it. I have a interview and will be free after that. Take care of yourself and dad, i will be home once I'm free." replied Mia. "Ok, do a good job for your interview and take good care of yourself and bring Kaley along once you both have time" said as her mother hang up.

As the company was a little far from their university it them almost a hour to reach there. Kaley sent Mia off at the company and went for her date with Kai. ZQ corporation, Mia was now standing infront of a tall glass building determined to get the job.

ZQ corp is one of the best companies and has footing in wide range of industries all over the world such as contruction, real estate, entertainment, electronics and many more. Mia wanted to get some experience of handling business before could help her dad.

As soon as Mia entered the building, Shadow the one who was following Mia spoke into his ear piece "Sir, just reached."

"Ok, follow the plan and do not leave any traces. Everything should go according to the plan" said the man as he hung up. He was watching the survelliance of Mia enterning the building with a mysterious smile "You are not gonna escape from me now. see you soon, Queen."

If Mia heard him talk, she would recognise it in a breath. The voice that had been taunting her for the past few months everyday. His voice is as if he is The Satan directly from hell.

Michael Zuk, the King of wealth and also the secret big boss behind the ZQ corporation. Not many people know about his identity as he never made a public apperence. He rarely comes to the office, but there was an important meeting with higher management today. He could let his assistant handle the meetings but not today.Mia is here today and Michael doesn't want to let this chance miss by to have an encounter with her.

Mia entered the building and went straight to reception to ask about the interview. The interview was held on 20th floor, she got a temporary access to enter the company and went ahead as directed by the receptionist.

When Michael is ready to go meet her, when he was interrupted by his assistant that their client Mr.Han came a day earlier than expected. He gave Shadow, who was assigned to follow Mia a heads up that he was going to a meeting and take care of everything on Mia's end until he was done with the meeting.

As the meeting was rather important and the client has done business with them for generations and could be considered as family friend, so he has no choice but to recieve the guest himself.


All the members who are there for interview were setted in a small conference room and the room next to that was where they held the interview. There about twenty to thirty people in the room in which only five of them will get the job. When they thought that interview is going to start, it was announced that there will be a delay.

By the time Mia's interview has ended it was around 2pm, Mia was told to wait for the news from the company but she was sure from their atittude that she did a good job and almost got the job. Mia called Kaley to pick her up.

Mia was feeling a little hungry so she went for the office cafeteria while waiting for Kaley. Then went in search for bathroom to remove her makeup, Mia doesn't usually wear makeup it was all Kaley who persuded her to do makeup. Mia was feeling her skin itch because of makeup for a long time, so choose to remove it before going downstairs to meet Kaley.

As she was removing her make up she heard someone talking outside. At first she did not care about it but then when they got near the door, she heard the voice clearer "About Mr.Han's requriements make sure to adjust the contract and be sure to submit it before work hours."

Mia was stunned for a second, "Am I dreaming...."