
All About The Foot

Kelvin: Lash? Lash: Bad huh? Kelvin: No, well I go by the name Kelvin. I'm an explorer and I love discovering new things. There was this roar that tremble the whole town so I came into the forest looking for that creature. Lash: Roar? Kelvin: Yea, when I found you at first, I thought you made the roar. But you are a lady, I don't think you can roar so loud. Lash: I made the roar! Kelvin: What! You're joking right? Explore more events between Mr Kelvin, Jude, Lash and the hawk. Pls comment and vote.

Ayomide_Emma · Fantasy
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6 Chs


(That same night, Jude and three men with him running after the hawk. The hawk turned back as he flies toward Jude)

Jude:(Screams out) Everyone lie low to the ground. (They all fell to the ground as the hawk flew passed them) Where could it be going?

Men 1: Sir I don't think running after the hawk is a good idea.

Jude: Let's not give up. (They all stood up running after the hawk. The hawk ran into the Mexi forest as Jude and his men ran to the forest. As they are running, they noticed a very big footprint on the ground. Jude bend down as he looks at the footprint) Another mission ahead, we gat to capture the hawk and this big foot creature.

Men 1: Huh? That foot is too big. it could be a giant!

Jude: Interesting, let's follow the footprints. it will lead us to the giant. (The hawk wandering round the forest looking for Lash as Jude and his Men followed the footprints as light fades).