
ALINA- Technology is under my control

[ MATURE CONTENT ] **RAPE**. Please read at your own risk. In a world where technology is rapidly growing, can you be able to keep up with the pace? Let's imagine. Imagine you wake up in the morning and the first voice you hear is that of a robot. You enter the bathroom to meet the bathtub filled with soap being bubbled by a robotic hand from the ceiling. You stepped into the bathtub and the water adjusts it's temperature to your comfort. Interesting, right? Now you are done bathing, you lift your leg, yes your leg...no not the left, the right, yes very good. You lift your leg to come out. The moment it touches the tiles that same robot rushes to you with a towel in hand. You take the towel and wrap it round your body. You hair! You need to have a hairdo. Before you take a step to get your brush, a robotic chair rolls to you. A chair, why? Let me tell you. Because you need to sit on it to get a hairdo. You need comfort will working on you hair. Now get your butt on it. You comfortably sit on it and it rolls you into the bedroom. What does technology have in store for you? Let's find out. It rolls you in front of a mirror. Why? Seriously? You need to see what you are doing. But wait, why are two hands coming out from the back of the chair? What's going on? You need to relax, maybe they want to.... Then the hands digs into your hair and begins work. Once done, you look into the mirror in awe of the beauty you have been transformed into. After the hairdo, what's next? You need to get dressed. You get dressed up with the robot tying, buttoning and adjusting when needed. Now you are done. You leave the bedroom only to meet the dining table downstairs with different varieties of food generously spread on it. Scrumptious, right? You need to eat, the food is getting cold. The minute you sat on your chair, another robot with wheels rolls to your back and ties a napkin round your neck to prevent stains on your dress. One spoon, two spoon, three...nth spoon, now you are done eating. Another robot wearing an apron assists you with your bag to the self-driving car. You enter the car and sit on the seat. The very second you sat on it, two belts from left and right crosses each other and buckles you in. Now you are save to drive. But wait are you going to drive from the back seat? Impossible. Remember it is a self-driving car. You gave the car your desired location and zoom, it speeds off. Imagine all these things are controlled by a chip in your brain. I welcome you to my second ongoing WebNovel - Alina; Technology is under my control. ** * Had an accident, saved by her uncle and brought to Dr Jason for chip implantation, Alina George Bridge woke up to a whole new world with a fragment of her memory wiped out. * Rosella Neil Bridge, her cousin and the eldest daughter of Dr Neil, forced herself to marry Josh Stone, the heir of Stone empire and a womaniser, because she wanted to become the heiress of her father's empire and conglomerate. The same empire and conglomerate her father was ready to give her cousin. Things don't go as planned, but will she give up and let Alina take over?. * Mina Neil Bridge, a strong supporter of her elder sister's decisions. But does she just support without a reason? Don't she also have interest in her father's properties?. * Clifford Jason, a psychologist who agreed to help Alina regain her memory. But after knowing that Alina's accident perpetrator is his sister's murder, he changed plans and helped her gain her revenge. Will he only help her gain her revenge? Will he also help her fall in love with him?. * Josh Stone, as mentioned above, slept with Mina as a condition for helping her with something and decided to make Rosella his sex machine. * Dr Neil - Alina's uncle. Rosella and Mina's father. A business guru who had sensitive secrets. Dr Jason - Clifford's father. A scientist cum neurologist. Enjoyed the synopsis! Try the story

Winnie_Malachi · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


' Seems like Lady luck shared my bed with me last night. If not, what will bring a storm to my house at this time of the day. Don't you think I am indeed lucky to have the wealthiest, the richest, the most elegant philanthropist, the man of the people in. my. house '.

The man who spoke, raised his head and looked at the mirror in front of him after pouring the wine from the bottle into his glass and keeping it aback on the table.

In the mirror, he beheld Dr Neil pointing a gun at him. He smirked his lips and raised the wine glass to his lips.

' What an honor! '. He remarked and drank the content of the glass.

After he had drank everything in the glass, he gently placed it on the table and licked his lips.

' So tell me, what have I done this time? '. He turned around to face Dr Neil as he spoke.

' Didn't I give you a strict warning

to stay away from my family? '. Dr Neil asked as he cocked the gun.

The man raised a brow and shook his head.

' Where was I when you met me? Why do I have this feeling that you always want me to be a part of your family problems?. So tell me, what happened now? Did your wife fall off the balcony or did that tiny pest slip in the bathroom? Oh wait, did the big bug mistakenly slice her neck with a knife? '. He asked as he rest his butt cheeks on the table and crossed his leg.

' Who told Rosella that taking poison would help the situation? Answer me, who advised her negatively? '. Dr Neil asked as he walked to him slowly but threateningly.

The man widened his eyes at his question.

' Wait a minute, so you left wherever you were to come and ask me that silly question? It is very much obvious now that you really underestimate your daughters. Did you really think that your daughter would gladly accept to marry Josh, knowing fully well that he specialises in the women profession? '. He asked Dr Neil.

' My daughters will obey me to the latter, no matter the circumstances. So for the last time, I will advise you to stay away from my family '. Dr Neil said and shot the mirror at the guy's back. To show how fearless he was, he did not flinch but rose an eye brow and shook his head.

As he was about opening the door to leave, the guy stopped him.

' I learnt Alina is awake. Please greet her for me when you visit her '. Dr Neil looked around him and pitied him. He was not surprised at all because the guy had eyes and ears everywhere, if not he would not have wasted his time to come and threaten him.

He looked down for a while and opened the door. Then he left the room, then the building and entered his car.

As he sat down, his driver showed him something on his phone. As he went through what the driver had shown him, fury started growing in his eyes.

Angry at what he was reading, he threw the phone out of the window and turned back only to see his driver looking away

He looked outside and saw the shattered pieces of the phone on the ground. Guilt6 for what he did, he brought out his black card and gave it to the driver.

' Go to the mall later and get yourself any two Apple products '. He ordered and the driver collected the card happily.

' I am going back to the office '. The driver started the engine and hit the brakes in great happiness. He lost one to gain two.

The phone laid dead on the ground.

As the car drove off in the company of the body guard's vehicles, his mind ran different thoughts.

Who gave them the right to post anything they want to post without seeking permission? How can a reporter say that he chose wealth over his daughter, without first verifying it?.

With the various ways he have helped the people, provided for the less privileged, built schools for the little ones. Built an enterprise that employ over a hundred youth, empower youths and widows. Built homes for the homeless, contributed to the economy. Constructed roads, built a university for the youth, everything he had done for the people and yet some people still decided to to bring diatribe to his name.

Most of those media houses have huge partnership and support from him. Some of the reporters even graduated from his University and other universities with the help of his scholarship programs. Some of them have gone on tours in other countries with the help of his tour agency. Some of them are driving cars that he normally gift every year to youths who are earning more than a thousand dollar.

Some of their moms are now living big and able to care for their themselves with the help of his empowerment program. Some of their elderly ones are enjoying old age with his pension trust fund.

Some of their siblings are attending his secondary and primary schools free-of-charge. Some of them are living the life with his free one billion dollars he release to banks annually, which is then shared to their customers of ages 18 to 25. He does this each year and they benefit from it, but see what they could do to him.

Not that he was not there, he was there but they did not see him. And they could not assume that maybe he have a private entrance into his hospital. They could not think that because he own the hospital he can even walk through their midst without them knowing.

The people you think you are helping are actually the people that are fighting for your downfall.

The youths of today that are looking for views and likes can do anything for them regardless of who is who and what he or she have done.

He slammed his fist on the door frame as the thought lingered in his mind.

After he left the building, the guy picked up his phone and dialed a number.

' He came here '. He said and turned off the call.

A lady in a black dress, wearing a black veil and a black mask, brought her phone down from her ear gradually.

' He was there '. She spoke to a person that could not be seen because the room was dark.


Much love readers. Keep on with the challenge. Keep trying things, new things.

❤️Much love❤️

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