
The prophetic creep


Crouched behind several sangfroid flower bushes a little girl assesses the mass of mages in front as well as the winged beings flying in the cloudless blue sky above her . She stares at the mob . How she envied their freedom . Shaking her head she pulled herself from her gloomy thoughts focusing on the sweet freedom that lay ahead . The girl sneaks through the crowd and runs with her bracelet glinting on her wrist towards a more secluded alley. She runs through the alley until the buildings began to grow less in number and the cobblestones disappeared and the path became irregular and rougher and she reached the area overlooking the woods. Then after walking for a while she hears voices and quickly hides behind a tree .

Once out of sight she turns around and looks in front of her . Three mages in brilliant shades of blue and saffron stood gaurd in front of the Aelionna forest standing between her and the entrance to the forest . A man with blonde hair and startling silver eyes shivered and said

" tell me again why are we standing gaurd outside a forest entrance that clearly no one wants to enter. The only people at risk here are us ! I don't care what Mr we have to keep an open mind says ,the ghost is going to get us the longer we stay here! "


The green haired woman glared at her colleague as she hit him behind the head

" keep your voice low you dimwit or the ghost will hear us ! We only have to keep watch until dusk falls and then when our shift is over we can get out of this cursed place once and for all and some other team of bulwark will be assigned this place to watch over" , the woman hissed keeping her voice low so that the girl had to strain her ears to hear her.

"Shut up both of you , need I remind you that watching over any place is our duty and stop being scared of that stupid ghost . Nobody knows for sure it exists because It doesn't . And for Rehsaan's sake start acting like real bulwark for once ." snarled the man with long crimson hair pulled in a ponytail , clearly annoyed with his two partners.

It pleased Violet to no end hearing them whisper fearfully to each other about the ghost. Oh ! she clearly knew the ghost existed, Afterall she knew the ghost better than anyone else did .

Picking up a rock she threw it carefully towards the alley she came from. The stone crashed into a lone metal pillar at the far side of the alley.

The mages jumped from their relaxed gait to one of alarm as they hurried of towards the place where the sound came from, giving her enough time to run through the entrance of the forest and enter further into it . She knew that even if they heard her run inside the forest they would not follow not when she was so deep inside it.

Once inside the forest Violet took off her bracelet and reappeared . Staring at the bracelet she sighed with relief . The invisibility enchantment was still in place and would be for the next few hours . This meant that she would not be getting caught anytime soon . She shuddered at the prospect of getting caught. If that happened....The shame she would bring upon her pristine family and the fate that would await her . No she would never get caught .

Once again she pulled herself from her thoughts to where she was going . She continued walking through the woods, enjoying hearing the songs of the magical birds and seeing the colorful bodies of the insects and worms that crawled on the forest floor. Whenever she was inside the Alieonna forest she always thought as if she herself could possess magic one day .she felt free here, free from the glittering prison she called home .

Suddenly she stopped, she could swear she saw the trees around her being enveloped in colorful hues . She rubbed her eyes and looked again , only to see that the colorful halo surrounding the majestic trees had gone . She wondered if she was hallucinating again

" Stop yourself",she chided herself voicing her thoughts aloud, " I don't have magic nor will I ever have, its useless wishing for something I will never be "

She was a nahimana . Everybody knew nahimanas were not the unfortunate ones, they themselves were the misfortune. The only place she felt like herself was when she sneaked into the nomana's world where humans lived in blissful ignorance to both magic and the world of mages.

Nahimanas were beings that despite being born onto the world of mages were unable to manifest their basic magical nature . Most children manifested after birth some manifested while they were toddlers . One mage Aripano korokovitch had even manifested at 13 years of age . That was the longest it had ever taken anybody to manifest their magic . Violet looked down at her hands . She was 11 and she still hadn't manifested and their was little to no chance that she was even going to manifest .

Her father kept her a secret from her family and the world. The only time she felt at peace felt, like herself, was when she visited the nomana world and collected their unique books and hear their songs that always managed to lighten her mood.

Hissssssss! Hellllo girly! Listen closely to meeeee.

Violet suddenly stiffened . She heard a hissing voice and she was sure that it was addressing her.

"Hello", she called masking the fear in her voice . Had anybody seen her ? Did anybody know that she existed ?" who are you ? And wherever you are come out or you shall pay!"

And violet meant it as she reached for the knife hidden near her ankle.

Here girly! Here down down you must see!

Violet looked down only to see a pair of big creepy red and green coloured eyes staring intently at her as if they wished to devour her and eat her for breakfast.

Listen closely o beholder of the power of the seventh one !

For destiny knocks at your door

A dangerous game of fate full of power and deceit is about to begin

To pay for each of the great one's sin

Beware you must not take another step

Or you risk losing yourself when the time comes

Beware listen to m...EEEEEE! AAAAHhhh!!!!!

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!screamed Violet as she kicked the lizard away from herself after coming over the initial shock of being discovered and quickly ran. Her legs tore through the forest, trying to reach the cave where the long lost portal that connected mages world to nomana world was.

" What a stupid, idiotic ,creepy , talking lizard. May Rehsaan keep that wretched creature far away from me ! Beware! Beware what? The only thing I would Beware is that lizard itself. Stupid forest with its stupid hallucinating woods with even more stupid lizards!!!!!"

At this point Violet was clearly frustrated not to mention that lizard had really creeped her out. Calming herself she stepped inside the cave and stared at the portal in front of her

Violet still remembered the first time she had seen it and had used it to reach the world of nomana

She had roamed these woods since she was 9 sneaking around whenever she could to come be at peace inside the forest . The fear and stories of the ghost of Aelionna had been oh so convenient for her to seek peace in this forest . These woods were her safe haven. She still remembered the first time she had wandered a little too deep inside the forest and had come across the cave and the portal accidently . Not knowing what it was at the time she had been teleported to the nomana world . She had eventually found her way back but that day she had stolen a book from one of the book stores . When she had reached back home she read the book and couldn't help going back for more of them . Those fantasical books amused her to no end. Nomanas had such a wrong and at the same time queer perception of their world. Their technology and the study they called science were very interesting as well. Not to mention their musical and artistic development . She thought she would never get tired of hearing their songs .

Keeping her head high and slipping her bracelet back in place she rendered herself invisible. With a sigh of relief Violet stepped inside the portal and went to the world she felt most like herself, to the nomana's world.