
On a Hit job

Bella lay on her bed, recalling the events that happened to her today. 'I can't believe I got insults today from my step mother because a man smiled at me. is it my fault that he smiled at me. my own father couldn't even defend me'. she hisses

she finds it difficult to sleep, so she went out to the veranda to get fresh air at about half past ten. she heard the gate opened and them Damien almost walked pass her.

Then he said "Good evening, couldn't sleep?"

"good evening sir, I just came out to get some fresh air. Do you usually come home by this time? were you the one that opened the gate that night?"

" yeah I do come late because of my work and yes I

was the one who opened the gate "

" why didn't you tell them when they asked in the meeting, this evening?" Bella asked curiously

" they ask the question, today? I don't remember, I was memorized by your beauty then" he said teasing her.

Bella blushed, she rested her hands on the metal gate separating him and her.

after minutes of talk and flirting, they exchange numbers.

Bella went to bed with feelings of excitement, she was so happy that she talked to him. so happy that he complemented her. so happy that he showed sign of likeness towards her. oh Gosh

Damien, on otherhand went to his room and received a call.

" I heard what happened, did you have anything to do with the killing". A deep voice over the phone said.

" yes, I made it look like a demon fed on those humans, and left the blood stains. am using it as a decoy, once Jamiel, hear the news, he will think another demon is in the town because of him. then he is going to do something stupid, , by seeking out information. I'll find him then."

" that wasn't necessary, those men you killed were night watchmen. you could have just use your active ability to find him" the voice, a little raised.

" oh, so I should use my active abilities, so the guardians of the earth can detect me right? you know we celestials are at wall with them. I don't want to be on their list of known celestials. just relax, he is going to seek out, am counting on it, when that happens, I'll kill him and bring you his memories, he is just a petty, six grade intelligential demon"

" what if you fail, then it all fall back on me"

" have you forgotten, who you are talking to" a deadly

vibe was released from Damien to scare, the person on the other end of the phone. the person stayed mute

" I'll get the job done, two weeks tops. just worry about getting my money complete." Damien said and ended the call, he was a bit angry now, been underestimated by a demon, he could crush in minutes.

"Another call came in, he didn't need to look at the call before knowing, who was calling, he can trace signals in milliseconds to the caller destination and also he uncovers reality that are folded at that point in time.

That means, although caller's name is not visible, but he can see it with his powers. tracing the call with take few minutes since the caller is calling from America. so he just unfolded the reality with his powers and he knew instantly, that his junior brother was calling.

picking the call a voice said

" Damien, sup? are you blocking my teleportation, cause I don't know were you are right now"

" yes, I am. what do you need my location for, why did you call?" Damien said coldly