
Alien vs. Predator: The Last King

From the planet of Aliens, the king of Aliens will go and tries to find away to open their homeland and tries to destroy planet earth. At that time, a predator will stop them. The predator needs to see who was the last king at the homeland of Aliens. Some people's try to save them but a best scientist will kill them. Who will win?

Dhanaraj123 · War
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Predator sign

Predator took Aliens body and tear its body and its the Aliens skin. He took the Aliens blood and make a sign in his forehead. He put it to Steven freinds. Predator put the sign and went in. Only some places and rooms are not damaged. So it went in and searched for the power spear and Light of God's. Steven freinds asked what is this sign for and Stecen explain about it. The Predators use the blood of Aliens to make their sign. This sign is for protection. Suddenly a body came to their place where they were talking. It was the Aliens skeleton and and some of the body pieces. One of his freinds said that why the hell is the Predator not giving food for us like pizza or McDonald's. Steven said if they eat its is alergic for them and their shit will come has human.