
Alien lover

He loves me. Could they all be lies. but rumors come from somewhere. I feel a kiss on my neck little sparks run down the side on my neck and I instinctively tilt my head to give him more access. "Does this mean you accept me" he asks. I shiver it's feels good but, he took over our world. is it wrong to fall in love.

Daph14 · Sci-fi
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3 Chs


My writing isn't perfect. Feel free to constructively give feedback remember that the key word is constructive though. also this will include sex with men and women. I am not fully sure what combinations there will me male and female I am not sure if there will be more though. This is also romance so I will put warnings if I remember if I don't please post in the comments and I will add them. and if your a 12 year old girl or something this is not intended for you so shoo. have fun otherwise. and don't complain later that I didn't warn you