
Alien Invasion of Another World

Unqestionably ruling their galaxy for two thousand years, the Selenian Empire stands united and proud under the unchallanged rule of the Supreme Overlord, feared and revered by all those living in it's domain. The time of peace however ends, when a scientific breakthrough reveals the existence of another world, where space is still a virgin territory, and the day is ruled by magic, swords, and sorcery. Intrigued by this discovery, the Overlord decides to subjugate not just it's people, but also the powers coarsing through the stars of this new frontier. Yet instead of system destroying weapons or innumerable armadas, the first traveler of this new world will be an explorer vessel and it's ragtag crew, tasked with breaking a path before the real invasion can began.

Imperial_Guard_42 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

On the skies of a distant universe

The battleship "Godstep" was flying through space with a dignified speed throughout the sector, followed by it's sister ship the "Godbreath". This pride was not without basis, as back in it's youth, the vessel conquered entire systems all by itself, expending the influence of the Supreme Overlord that much further. Since then however technology advanced, and the craft was outdated by several decades, yet out of respect it managed to avoid the fate of rusting in a junkyard or depot, instead proudly ferrying the high ranging officers of the Admiralty.

To pilot a relic like this was the highest honor any captain could ask for, meaning that the task could only be fulfilled by someone who not distinguished himself with outstanding service, but also enjoys the full trust of the Admiralty.

Such person was Captain Maxus, proud member of the Atrichus, a race of amphibian chepalopods, evolved in the icy waters of the planet Omerius Beta. The species itself was born after the original rulers of the planet wiped themselves out in a devastating war, just at the brink of achieving FTL travel. Thanks to this [un]fortunate turn of evens, the Atrichus started to colonize thier home system in less than a thousand year after they first gained sentience. It was really a shame then, that the moment they set tentacles on one of thier first planet, they quickly met with the Selenians, who at the time were also in the process of "colonizing" thier first systems. Needless to say the squids were quickly crushed, subjugated, then integrated into the bigger Empire. It has been two thousand years since the event, and the species as a whole hasn't committed a single uprising ever since.

Maxus was nervous, and not without reason, as thier destination was everything but ordinary.

"Just who are these people, and why do they have to go there?" - asked the captain himself, while thinking about thier mysterious passengers and thier destination, when suddenly his first officer interrupted him in his thoughts:

-Captain, the Warp-Gate is in sight. Please, give the order so we can begin standard jump procedures.

-Oh yeah! - said the captain absentmindedly - New order! Open communication to Warp Gate Authorities! Send them our codes, and authentication signals.

Warp gates were the method by which the Empire kept itself together, and usually they had two types: the "Giants" serving as hubs for thier smaller counterparts in the four corners of the galaxy, and the "Dwarfs", which connected systems inside a galaxy. They were the single, most important military and civilian assets, not just serving as a convinient method of transportation, but also weapons when a new domain outside the Empire's influence was discovered, as once built, could transport a huge amount of warships in the matter of seconds.

-Do you wish to open voice cummunications? - asked the communication officer - I don't mean to offend, but they...

-They won't! -cut him off the captain- They are expecting us.

Or at least he hoped, that they were expecting them. Unlike the others, this warp-gate was special in the sense, that one needed to obtain permission of usage at least a week before they arrived, otherwise the approaching ships would have been torn to shreds by the defensive singularities generated on the outer peremiters.

With these reassuring words, the "Go ahead" response also arrived to both ships. Receiving the permission, both ships cranked up thier speed, hastening thier speed towards thier destination. As they were promised, the authorities controlling the station were informed in advance, otherwise both of the ships would be torn to shreds in the matter of seconds without question or hesitation.

While being categorized as high-tech, the gates did not reflect this fact in thier appearance. The whole complex consisted of a central ring shaped station, with several other blue rings of various sizes floating around it without any appearant logic or reason, each inscribed with strange symbols on them. This was however only it's inactive stage. The moment the Godstep approached it, the rings suddenly aligned themselves according to thier sizes, with the smallest, a.k.a. the central station being at the front.

It took a moment or two, but after the last ring slid into it's place, the station began to transmit a strange, white stream of energy, completely filling up the newly formed structures. At the end of the process Captain Maxus received one, final message:

-This is Station Selenia Prime-0. We checked your permission, and confirmed your identity. The warp gate to the Homeworld is now open. Have a safe journey, and may the Empire protect you!

-May the Empire protect you! -repeated Maxus back to the station, then using his communicator gave an order to the engine room - Full speed ahead!


In another universe, an entirely different captain with entirely different orders just finished recording his newest report. Natra was satisfied with the progress they were making. Just in a weeks time they built an orbital platform, complete with all the necessities such as solar panels, stabilizers, shield generators, and defensive turrets. Even the TelCom facility was completed, the only thing remaining from thier list was the Communication Satellite they were ordered to build, and even that will be finished very soon. From a mission standpoint this piece of equipment was vital, as the speed and quality of thier current communication method with the Homeworld left a lot to be desired.

Of course one couldn't ignore the strategic importance of the platform itself, which from the standpoint of a proper orbital installation was still lacking when it came to functionality. Usually most of them were equipped with shipyards, factories, refineries, entire mining and housing complexes complete with shopping and entertainment districts, usually big enough, that they can be observed from the planet's surface even with naked eyes.

While thier installation was still small - and thus so far remained concealed - it was just a matter of time, before it requiered another set of expansions, but at that point concealing themselves would be the least of thier worries.

Looking proudly to the expansion, the captain could only smile, when the roof of the communication hub opened up to release a device the size of a fighter - aircraft, with the looks to match. The only difference was, that instead of weapons, it carried a very sensitive device, which would allow them access to a faster, stronger, and more reliable way to stay in contact with thier own universe.

It was so beautiful as the satellite began to awaken, first by only extending a very thin antenna on it's top, then -after receiving a signal from the platform- slowly started stabilizing itself, all the while keeping it's shield on maximum power, while slowly navigating itself to the pre-determined path calculated by the installation's overseer A.I. , which was a smaller and less powerful version of the one used on the Vanguard.

It was really breathtaking, and Natra could have watched it for hours, if not for the simultanious interruption of the vessel, and Commander Kryolis:

-Captain! I wish to inform you, that a new discovery requieres your attention!

-Captain! You have to see this!