
Alien in the Cultivation World

We're so used to magicians, reincarnators, transmigrators and other race in the cultivation world. But what about an alien? Even better.... An evil one ?

InnocentFox · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
54 Chs

Familiar Feeling

The ceremony was held in the central square, surrounded by old wooden structures that had stood the test of time. 

The buildings were simple and sturdy, with aged wooden beams and roofs covered in weather-worn tiles. 

Tension filled the air, accompanied by the low murmur of whispers and the occasional laughter from those confident in their abilities.

Groups were divided into three categories: the talented, effortlessly carrying an air of superiority; the average, blending into the background.

And, of course, individuals like him, labeled as trash, begrudgingly present to fulfill the ceremony's age-old traditions. 

His heart pounded in his chest as he approached the registration table, his eyes scanning the faces of his peers. 

Most of them had already started their training under the watchful eyes of the town martial artist.

On the other hand, he looked like a weirdo because he had to cover most of his body with a robe that reached his head to avoid sunlight.

"Is that Fang Xuan?" one of the participants exclaimed loudly, drawing attention from the others around.

He was fairly well-known in town due to his unique green hair and eyes. 

Unfortunately, his popularity was on the negative side.

He was fragile, weak and had always been bullied, leaving him friendless and an outcast.

"He actually dared to show up? Ha! This is going to be funny!" another chimed in, earning a few laughs from the surrounding crowd.

"He's such a loser. Look at him, hiding under that robe like a scared cat"

"Why bother even trying? He's just going to embarrass himself ."

"He should just go home and hide in her mother's skirt, like he always does."

Their whispers grew louder as Fang Xuan took his place among them, enduring their insults with a forced stoicism.

'Remember, it's not just about the results, but how you carry yourself ,' his mother's voice echoed in his mind, giving him the strength to stand tall.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to push out the negative thoughts that threatened to consume him.

"Well, at least his mother is a beauty, so he's got that going for him," one young man chuckled aloud.

He was big and looked like a certified bully through and through.

Everyone laughed at his joke, pushing Fang Xuan to finally snap.

'Not my mother…' he gritted his teeth in anger. 

He felt his heart throbbing, aching , for the first time in his life, he wanted to hurt someone so bad.

"What did you say?!" he roared in anger, his fists clenched as he charged towards the bully with all the strength he could muster.


The crowd gasped as a body hit the ground—it was Fang Xuan, knocked down by an effortless punch.

The bully had even held back, because he might seriously injure him. 

"What are you doing? You think you're some kind of heaven-blessed individual who just awakened his potential after being insulted?" The bully chuckled aloud, prompting others to join in laughter at Fang Xuan's expense. 

"He's so weak, even a child could knock him down!"

"Pathetic loser, always trying to be something he's not!"

Their mocking laughter echoed around him, amplifying his humiliation.

The elders saw this, but they did not interfere. 

To them, such incidents were nothing compared to the brutal realities of life as a martial artist. 

'Why am I so weak' he gritted his teeth in frustration, tears streaming down his face alongside a runny nose.

'Why am I so useless?' 

"Look at him crying like a baby!" Everyone pointed and laughed at his tear-streaked face.

"Baby Xuan!" 

"Baby Xuan!" 

"Baby Xuan!" 

"Baby Xuan!" 

"Baby Xuan!"

They chanted his name, and for some reason, he sensed a pang of familiarity. 

He felt that there was a time when everyone chanted his name, but back then, it was with devotion, not humiliation.