
Alien Encounters and A Level

In the first installment of the 'A Levels' series, "Doctor Who" takes a dramatic turn as the Doctor makes a difficult decision to leave Rose behind, much to her dismay. Their relationship is tested when he repeats this action, sparking tension and conflict. As the story unfolds, the consequences of the Doctor's choices unravel, paving the way for an emotional journey filled with twists and turns. Welcome to my Patreon page! I'm JonSnow007, and I'm excited to have you join me on this adventure. Delving into the world of "Doctor Who," I explore the complexities of relationships and intergalactic encounters. Through my creative work, I aim to captivate audiences with thrilling narratives and thought-provoking themes. Join me as we journey through time and space, navigating the challenges of AS Levels and the mysteries of the cosmos. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!

JonSnow_44 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 9


Rose turned around and just had time to grin before nearly falling over from all of her friends ambushing her for a hug.

"Where have you been?" Kirsty yelled,

"It's been months! It's like you disappeared off the face of the planet!" Lauren added,

"Where's the Doctor?" That was Matt.

Rose laughed. "Good to see you guys too!"

"But where have you been?" Kirsty demanded, "You just suddenly disappeared after the end of exams,"

"Me and the Doctor went travelling again," Rose explained, "We only got back about an hour ago,"

"Where did you go then?" Lauren asked, linking arms with her and making for the college hall where their results awaited,

"A deserted island," Rose grinned,

" Deserted ?" Lauren gasped, "How'd you get there?"

"Oh the Doctor can get anywhere," Rose replied, airily,

"Bet he can," Kirsty joked,

"Where is he anyway?" Matt asked,

"He's busy taking someone we met home," Rose said, pushing down the small knot of fear in her stomach and thinking back to just half an hour ago.

Half an hour previously…

The TARDIS materialised in its usual spot on the Powell Estate and Jackie looked up eagerly. The door opened and Rose ran out.

"Hey Mum," she greeted, "We're back. It's still the right day, isn't it?"

"Oi!" said the Doctor, marching out of the TARDIS after Rose, "Of course it's still the right day! Hello Jackie!"

"Hi," Jackie said, trying not to laugh, "Good to see you both,"

"Us both?" asked Rose, her eyebrows raised,

"Yeah," Jackie admitted, "I thought I had better start liking the Doctor as you two seem permanently joined at the hip,"

"Thanks," the Doctor said, feeling oddly touched, "Right, when can you go for your results?"

"At two… so that's in three quarters of an hour. I better get going soon."

The Doctor nodded. "Well, I need to take 'Margaret' home. Can Jack stay in your Mum's flat? He'd probably sleep better there rather than in the TARDIS when it's moving."

"Sure," Rose nodded.

Together they fetched the still sleeping Captain Jack and put him in Rose's bed, explaining to Jackie who he was and what was wrong with him.

"I had better get going," Rose said, "Are you going to take 'Margaret' now?"

"Yes, it's not fair to leave her hanging any longer," the Doctor said. He took Rose's hands and looked her straight in the eyes. "I promise I'll be back as soon as possible,"

"You better be," Rose joked, trying to hide her unease. The Doctor wasn't fooled however.

"Rose, I can't do more than promise you. I don't know how long it's gonna take and I can't wait for you for 'Margaret's' sake. You've got the TARDIS 'phone number if you want to talk to me."

Rose sighed. "I know, Doctor. I'm just being silly. I trust you that you'll be back." Here, she allowed a small grin. "Otherwise Jack won't be very happy."

The Doctor laughed and kissed her sweetly. "Love you,"

"Love you too. See you when you get back."

"Has he been behaving himself?" Matt asked, breaking Rose out of her memory,

"Yeah, yeah," Rose said, not particularly wanting to drag up the last few days. They were over and she wanted to try and forget them- well the bad parts at least.

"So what did you get up to on a deserted island?" asked Kirsty, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Rose grinned and mock- punched her friend. "Mind out of the gutter! We just talked and sunbathed and… snogged." She sighed happily at the numerous memories.

Her friends laughed. "I do believe, Rose Tyler, that you are in love," Matt proclaimed,

" Deeply so," Lauren said,

" Extremely deeply so," Kirsty said, "We're happy for you, Rose,"

"Thanks guys," Rose said, "Come on; let's go see just how badly we did in our exams!"

"AAARRGH!" screamed Jackie Tyler,

"Mum?" asked Rose, slightly scared,

"I'm so proud of you, Rose," her mother said, giving her a hug,

"What's she done now?" asked a tired voice from the doorway.

Rose turned. "Jack! You're awake!"

"Yup. Erm… where are we?"

"Mum's flat back on Earth. You fainted after escaping in the… erm… escape pod,"

"Oh," Jack said, rubbing his eyes, "How'd you do then?"

"A in French and Law. B in Psychology and C in History," said Rose proudly,

"Is that good?"

"Absolutely," Jackie said, "It's very good,"

"Well done then Rose. I take it you're Rose's Mom?" Jack asked.

Jackie nodded, still a bit cautious about this latest arrival.

"Pleased to meet you," Jack said, taking her hand and kissing it. Jackie blushed and Rose rolled her eyes.

"Jack, she's my Mum," she said, pointedly,

"Sorry," Jack grinned, "Say, where's the Doctor?"

"Taking 'Margaret' back,"

"Oh right. Everything alright between you two again?"

"Yup," said Rose, happily, "I told him what was bothering me and it's all sorted out,"

"What happened?" asked Jackie, suddenly.

Rose bit her lip, having forgotten that her mother didn't know the entirety of their adventures of the past few days. "We had a bit of a… erm… misunderstanding," she said, "But it's all sorted now. Please don't bother him, Mum,"

"Alright," Jackie conceded, "So what are your plans for the rest of today?"

"I'm meeting the others in the pub at eight to celebrate. Wanna come, Jack?"

"Hmm, an early twenty first century English pub… could be interesting," Jack accepted. His eyes suddenly widened. "Say, are many of your friends coming?"

Suffice to say, the pub was packed when Jack and Rose walked in later that day. Rose immediately saw a large group of her friends surrounding several tables and made her way over.

"This is Jack," Rose introduced, "I met him on our travels,"

"Captain Jack Harkness at your service," Jack said, oozing with charm,

"Ooh American!" Kirsty said, "Seriously Rose. How do you do it?"

"Do what?" Rose asked, innocently,

"Find two gorgeous blokes and make friends and more with then," Lauren piped up,

"I don't think I really gave Rose a chance to decided whether she'd be friends with me or not," Jack said, squeezing in between Lauren and Kirsty, "Now, what do you lovely ladies want to drink?"

Rose sat down with a smirk. It certainly looked like Jack was better, he was back in business.

The hours slipped by pleasantly. Rose reacquainted herself with all of her college friends and told those who didn't already know her improvised version of where she had been. Being teenagers, there was a lot of banter and playful teasing towards Rose going on, which Captain Jack joined in all too enthusiastically.

"You can talk!" Rose retorted,

"I know I can. Hear my lovely voice… la la la!"

"That's singing," Rose said, sticking her tongue out.

"Right back at ya," Jack replied, sticking his tongue out at her causing a large proportion of the girls and some of the boys to sigh dreamily.

"Where did you find him?" Kirsty asked,

"I got swept off my feet, literally," Rose smirked.

Jack laughed. "I have that effect on people,"

"He kind of saved me from almost certain death," Rose said, cautiously, not wanting to reveal the entire truth,

"So you're a hero too?" Lauren said,

"Yeah, proper action man, me," Jack said, grandly.

Rose spat out a mouthful of her drink in laughter.


"I'll give you that, I suppose," Rose spluttered,

"Thank you!"

"You're most welcome." She smiled and leant back in her chair before sighing, thinking of the Doctor. Jack gave her an understanding look before nudging her foot underneath the table. She nudged him back and let the conversation wash over her.

"Rooose!" Jack crooned, "Rosie…"

"What?" she asked, coming out of her daydream to see Jack grinning at her.

"Look behind you."

Before Rose had a chance to turn, cool hands came over her eyes. She placed her hands on top of them.

"Guess who?" whispered a voice, in her ear.

Rose smiled, instantly recognising the voice.

"Doctor!" She stood up, spun around and fell into his warm embrace.

"Jackie told me you might be here," he said, softly, "and I hear congratulations are in order." The Doctor closed the gap between them and planted a kiss on her lips.

"Thanks," Rose said, when they came up for air again, "I didn't expect you to be back so quickly."

The Doctor gave a brief chuckle. "Ah now, that's 'Margaret's' doing. She literally threw herself out of the TARDIS so I could get back to you quicker."

Rose smiled. "She was nice. Very different to when we last saw her,"

"Yeah, that's two things that I've done right in my life,"

"What's the other one?" Rose asked, the corners of her mouth curling up,

"Meeting you of course!" the Doctor exclaimed, before claiming her mouth with his own again,

"Break it up!" called Jack, good naturedly, "there's innocent eyes around here. Don't go burning them!"

"Jack," the Doctor said, pulling away from Rose momentarily to speak to his male companion, "If you're going to come travelling with us again, you're gonna have to get used to me and Rose snogging each other's brains out every moment of every day!"

"Eww!" groaned all of Rose's listening friends, "Did you have to put it so graphically?"

"Yes," the Doctor replied, instantly, sitting down on Rose's vacated chair and pulling her down onto his lap, "Anyone got any problems with that?"

"No!" everyone chorused, grinning.

"There's something unusual about you, Doctor," said Matt, suddenly,

"I'm a very unusual person," the Doctor replied, cheerfully,

"Yeah, but more unusual than most," Lauren said, "For example, what on Earth was that psychic paper that Rose used last time you were here?"

The Doctor hesitated only for a second. "Nickname for Rose's ID. Got the name while we were travelling. Long story,"

"OK and why did you have Rose's ID?"

"'Cause she'd loose it if she had it!"

"Oi!" Rose said, poking him,

"It's the truth!"

"He has got a point…" Matt began, grinning. Rose was known for losing things at college.

"Great! You have my friends ganging up against me now," Rose complained, poking the Doctor again,

"Oww! Stop poking me! It hurts!"

"You deserve it!"

Jack and Rose's other friends watched the playful banter in amusement. It was just too cute.