
Chapter 7

"Where am I?"

Rose didn't know. All she could remember was screaming and struggling against the Slitheen that carried her away from her Doctor and then… nothing. Her head ached and running her hands over it, she could feel a throbbing lump. She could also feel fresh bruises on her arms from where the Slitheen had gripped her.

"Rose? Is that you?"

"I think so," she said, shakily, "Where are we, Jack?"

"Haven't the foggiest, except we're in a very dark locked room with no way out,"

"Great," groaned Rose, "Just how I wanted to spend the start of my holiday,"

"Not even locked in here with me?" Rose could hear the teasing element in Jack's voice.

"It's a slight improvement,"

"Well, sorry but I'm afraid I gotta love you and leave ya,"


"Same way as I did when we were locked in the hospital room back in World War Two. Using the teleporter for 'my' spaceship!"

"Oh! But won't you land on the Gwarf and Slitheen?"

"Have to take that chance. I've got my newly charged sonic blaster if needs be. And I got to know that ship pretty well which could be handy. I have all the odds,"

"OK. Are you going now?"

"Yeah, are you going to be alright?"

"Yup, I'm a big girl now,"

"Tell me about it!"


Jack laughed and made his way blindly across the dark room to where he knew Rose was. He took her into his arms and hugged her tightly. "I will see you again, Rosie petal," he said, planting a kiss on her forehead, "I promise you that."

Rose tightened their embrace. "Thanks Jack. Stay safe and see you soon,"

"See ya, honey." Jack pressed a button on a gadget he had in his pocket and disappeared.

Rose sat back with a sigh and wondered where the Doctor was. She still vividly remembered the look on his face when they were separated and it tore her up inside. She knew he'd come for her eventually, it just might take a long time.

"President Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen, will you help me?"

Of course, she'd agreed which is what led to his current predicament. Namely, him standing on the shoulders of an eight foot Slitheen- having somehow gotten up there in the first place- and clinging tightly to a mud wall with one hand, getting dirt up his fingernails for his efforts, whilst trying to unlock the trapdoor with his sonic screwdriver with his other hand.

Click !

"I've done it!" he cried happily. Inch by inch, he pushed the trapdoor open, screwing up his eyes as the bright sunlight hit them. After they had adjusted, the Doctor cautiously peered around. Luckily, the area was deserted so, using all of his upper body strength, he heaved himself out of the hole and stood up.

"I'll come back and get you, Mrs. President," he promised, "its not possible for me to get you out now,"

"Of course, Doctor. Just please don't forget about me,"

"I won't. Do you have any idea where your brothers may have taken my companions?"

'Margaret' frowned in thought. "Maybe our ship that we arrived in if they haven't left already,"

"Good idea. Thanks."

The Doctor nodded and took off at a run. He had a beautiful Rose to find.

' Well, that was lucky ' Jack thought as he appeared in an empty storeroom on his spaceship, just next to the cockpit. He moved quietly to the door and pressed his ear against it, straining to hear the murmurs of the Gwarf and present Slitheen.

"The Doctor is not stupid. He will escape quickly and try to stop us. But we are cleverer than he. By the time he has found his two worthless companions, we will be far away and already in stage two of our plan. My friends, we are unstoppable!"

Jack smiled grimly. No-one was unstoppable, especially not up against Captain Jack Harkness. He knew exactly what to do. It was just lucky that he was so familiar with their ship.

The Doctor gave a low cry of triumph as he exited the trees and saw that the Slitheen's ship was still there. Peering around for any enemies, he slipped quickly over the sand and into his TARDIS. There, he picked up a few necessary items before leaving again and making his way over to the other spaceship. Undoubtedly, there'd be guards somewhere but he was ready for them. And, sure enough, as soon as he'd opened the door using the sonic screwdriver, he heard an indignant screech from the two Slitheen guards.

"Sorry," the Doctor told them, "You bought this on yourself."

He raised his hands and threw a small, bulging plastic bag of some sort filled with a liquid substance at each of them. The Slitheen guards screamed out before exploding.

"Vinegar bombs," the Doctor said out loud, brushing green goop off his pinstriped suit, "Swear by 'em!"

"Incy wincy spider, climbed up a water spout," Rose sang, hugging her knees to her chest and tapping her hand on her knee in time to the tune, "Down came the rain and washed poor Incy out…"

"Isn't that song a bit beyond you?" asked a voice,

"Doctor!" gasped Rose, her face breaking into a smile, "I didn't hear you come in!"

"Probably because you were singing so loudly!"

"I was bored!" she protested.

The Doctor grinned and came and crouched next to her, staring at her by the blue light of the sonic screwdriver. "You alright?" he asked her, softly,

"Yup," Rose nodded, "I'm… I'm sorry I've not been talking to you,"

"Don't apologise. It's me that should… again." The Doctor sighed and reached forward and brushed a lock of Rose's hair off her face. "I'm sorry for not leaving a message that would stay there. I'm sorry for abandoning you again and making you scared. And I'm doubly sorry for breaking a promise."

Rose breathed out gustily.

"And before you say it, I'm sorry for the amount of apologising I'm going to be doing over the next few days."

Rose smiled slightly before reaching out and taking his hand. "I just got scared," she admitted in a low voice, "I didn't know if I could trust you to keep promises again. And it hurt."

"Oh Rose," the Doctor said, his hearts tearing to pieces, "I'm so, so sorry. You have every right to feel that way. I just hope that one day I can regain your trust. I know I've let you down big time,"

"You've already regained it," Rose whispered, tears beginning to fall down her cheeks, "you found me."

The Doctor pulled her into his familiar embrace, wiping her tears away with the tips of his fingers while his own fell unchecked down his cheeks. "I love you, Rose," he whispered brokenly, clutching her as if his life depended on it,

"Love you too. My Doctor."

It was about an hour later and the Doctor and Rose had returned to their TARDIS, holding hands once more. Rose had immediately gone to take a relaxing shower to clean herself up. Clambering up a tree and sitting in a dirty spaceship weren't exactly the cleanest things to do.

The Doctor sat in the captain's chair after making sure he wasn't covered in any Slitheen remains and smiled. "Put some music on, girl," he called to his TARDIS, feeling in the mood for it. He heard a little click and then music began to pour out into his ears. "Wonderful choice," he complimented, "one of my favourite songs in the universe !"

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing

Watch you smile while you are sleeping

While you're far away and dreaming

I could spend my life in this sweet surrender

I could stay lost in this moment forever

Well, every moment spent with you

Is a moment I treasure

'It was true' mused the Doctor, 'I'd quite happily spend the rest of my life watching Rose. She's amazing, so beautiful. I could never hurt her again or I'd loose her for good. I love her so much.'

I don't wanna close my eyes

I don't wanna fall asleep

'Cause I'd miss you, babe

And I don't wanna miss a thing

'Cause even when I dream of you

The sweetest dream will never do

I'd still miss you, babe

And I don't wanna miss a thing

Rose opened the bathroom door and listened. She could hear music coming from the control room and it was good music, music she recognized from her time. She slipped down the corridor towards the source and looked in.

Lying close to you

Feeling your heart beating

And I'm wondering what you're dreaming

Wondering if it's me you're seeing

Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together

And I just wanna stay with you

In this moment forever, forever and ever

The Doctor stood up, his hands in his pockets staring at the vortex as he listened carefully to the lyrics. They were summing up exactly what he was feeling; he didn't think he'd be able to live if Rose died or left. Thank God, indeed, she'd taken him back and they were together.

I don't wanna close my eyes

I don't wanna fall asleep

'Cause I'd miss you, babe

And I don't wanna miss a thing

'Cause even when I dream of you

The sweetest dream will never do

I'd still miss you, babe

And I don't wanna miss a thing

Rose took a step into the control room, watching her love who turned around slowly. He smiled lovingly as he saw her, looking into her eyes. In turn, she got lost in his chocolate pools, not averting her gaze as the music played around them.

I don't wanna miss one smile

I don't wanna miss one kiss

Well, I just wanna be with you

Right here with you, just like this

I just wanna hold you close

Feel your heart so close to mine

And just stay here in this moment

For all the rest of time

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

The lyrics were right, they were absolutely correct about both of their feelings. Unable to stand it any longer, Rose ran forward into his arms and their lips connected in a tender yet passionate kiss. Both of them poured their hearts and souls into the moment as they tried to convey just how much each other meant to them in just that little action.

Don't wanna close my eyes

Don't wanna fall asleep

'Cause I'd miss you, babe

And I don't wanna miss a thing

'Cause even when I dream of you

The sweetest dream will never do

'Cause I'd still miss you, babe

And I don't wanna miss a thing

I don't wanna close my eyes

I don't wanna fall asleep

'Cause I'd miss you, babe

And I don't wanna miss a thing

'Cause even when I dream of you

The sweetest dream will never do

I'd still miss you, babe

And I don't wanna miss a thing

Don't wanna close my eyes

Don't wanna fall asleep, yeah

I don't wanna miss a thing

The lyrics trailed away and the music began to end but neither the Doctor nor his Rose noticed, too wrapped up in one another. They were home again; back in one another's arms where they should be for now and for forever. Their incredible love for each other would never end.