
Alicole Chronicles: Unexpected Quest Duo

A human girl had nothing but a dream about magic. A demon prince had almost everything yet wanted more. This is a story of two different lives: the adventures of a human girl with a wish to conquer the art of magic... "I had no hope. No future. The only thing I had was a fate to lose the last of my possessions, my free will… Until finally, I had enough of it all… I will have the skills to fight and win! I will have the knowledge to survive in the raging sea of unfairness, cruelty, hatred, and betrayal people call life! I will have the strength to defy the destiny I used to think there was no escaping from! See me tear my future from the grasp of fate! Because without the power of choice, one can never truly live..." ... and a demon prince... "What would you do if you were offered unlimited POWER, endless STRENGTH, constant SUPPORT, infinite WEALTH on just one condition: the end of your personal freedom? Ah, so that's your answer... Well, let's see how much it's different from mine!" Fate pushes the two to work together on an adventure of dungeons and quests to survive in a world of magic and monsters, good and evil, where things are seldom what they seem...

AlicoleChronicler · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Goodbye, Academy!

Three years later….

It was the last day of July, just one day before that Day. The girls' dormitory at the Academy of Magic and the Supernatural was chaotic. There were less than twenty-four hours left. And the young mages still needed to prepare for what was about to come or whom, to be more precise.

The doors were opening and closing as the girls rushed about. Some were frantically gathering their things, packing their clothes, and getting their documents in order. They had one goal. And that was to leave as fast as possible. The rest of the dormitory dwellers were busy looking for their best dresses. The perfect lipstick tones were yet to be chosen for the following day.

Many girls in the academy were stunning beauties. Most were tall, with long silky hair, perfectly symmetrical, almost doll-like facial features, full lips, long legs, and curvy bodies. One was so similar to the other that they may have seemed identical to a random passerby. Some would have considered their appearance to be too artificial to be natural.

Those were the season's biggest summer trends. After all, the students had all the skills and resources at their fingertips to make their bodies look any way they wanted. Of course, there were always exceptions. One of them was a mage named Alika, who chose not to change a thing about herself.

The general heavy atmosphere hadn't spared room 403, either. Alika eyed the empty suitcase and the pile of things on the bed. She let out a heavy sigh, and a frown crossed her face. Sometimes, when the mage found herself in a stressful situation, the images from her past resurfaced. There were too many troubling rumors circulating the campus that day. And Alika could not get the memories of the demonic face from her past out of her head.

'Focus!' she mentally told herself. "That was long ago. Yes, you almost lost your freedom, but now you are safe. You are not a helpless child anymore! Your most serious problem now is packing the suitcase!"

The mage hadn't even started putting all her stuff away. The process was not something she was looking forward to, either. She closed her large sea-green eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again, they were full of determination.

Alika would make all of her possessions fit no matter what! However, the suitcase looked so small that it would take a miracle to make that happen. Yet, she had spent years studying just that!

A dangerous glint sparkled in her eyes as she rolled up the long sleeves of her white bandage v-neck blouse. She redid her ponytail, tying her fiery auburn hair even tighter than before. A dark green midi skirt and white open-toe shoes tied her summer look together.

She wasn't wearing the most comfortable clothes to run around the room packing in, but she liked them. And that was what mattered most. She mustered a fierce look despite her naturally soft facial features. Alika was ready for battle, and losing was not an option!

First things first! She needed to pack her spell books. Now, where were those? Alika groaned as she spotted them on the top of the top shelf. There was no way she could reach them standing on the floor.

Students were prohibited from using magic in all residential areas. Still, she was sure that even the President of the Academy, the strict Doctor Raffaunzen, wouldn't mind just one teeny-tiny spell. It was the day before their last day here, anyway. How else was she supposed to make it in time?!

'To the Underworld with rules!' Alika thought and started the casting. As usual, the mage squinted her eyes, switching to magical vision. She beckoned the books with a slight motion of one of her fingers. And... almost finished! Alika was quick to put the spell together in her mind.

The mage felt a familiar tightening sensation in her chest. Almost immediately, an invisible force pulled the books to the edge of the shelf. It dropped them off at the bottom of the suitcase with a satisfying thud. With the guilt gnawing at her conscience, Alika continued to pack the rest of the things by hand.

6 long years had passed. Yes, they were long yet fulfilling. Alika's time at the academy was a considerable step on her path toward gaining independence from fate itself. She was born a mage. In that way, she got lucky. Yes, her powers hadn't manifested until 7 years ago. But the unique opportunity had been with her from the very start. She had the potential to become something more than most people could ever dream of.

Still, Alika never considered herself a lucky person. Luck wasn't the main reason for her accomplishments. The journey toward the academy was a lengthy and challenging one.

The academy was the first place in a while that made Alika feel at ease. It had been a long time since she had enjoyed a sense of belonging like this. This was where she truly started enjoying life. She remembered how to smile and laugh again. And these two roommates, the ones she considered her friends, were the key to all that.

Of course, Alika wasn't the only one in the room now. The other two were just as busy as she was, each in their own way. Alika's days spent at the academy weren't always easy, either. But she had no regrets. How could she have any with such good friends by her side?

Alika smiled at her own thoughts, thankful for all her achievements. There was a part of her that felt sad, too. Today was the last day they could spend together, close like this.

"How do I look? How do I look?" Bellissma asked as she twirled in front of a large mirror. The young woman was a tall brunette with curly hair reaching just past her shoulder blades. She scrutinized her reflection and continued walking around the room, unable to stay still.

Everything about Bellissma was perfected. She looked like an exact copy of this month's cover girl of the most popular fashion magazine. That included her sensual face, body proportions, vibrant makeup, sparkling red dress, and shiny black high-heeled shoes.

Her friend Sametta was sitting in the armchair near the window. She loved to spend her time with an open book in her hands. That day was no exception. Sametta was a short, skinny young woman with brown hair and a fresh pixie cut. A frown crossed her freckled face, and her expression grew serious.

"Good," Sametta said with a sigh after a mere glance through her large rectangular glasses. "Good enough for that monster to eat you alive right on the spot."

"Oh, come on! You didn't even tear your eyes away from the text! Besides, how can you, of all people, believe the rumors? I thought you were the smart one," Bellissma complained.

What are these rumors?

Find out in the next chapter.

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