
The Cave of Teleportation

Midnight says "ok so what do we do, now that we're here?" Alice then says "well all we need to do now is open up the portal, but there is a dragon guarding it, so be careful." Midnight then says "ok then I'll deal with the dragon, while you open the portal." "Got it" says Alice. When Alice and Midnight go through the entrance to the Cave of Teleportation, a huge dragon appears. The dragon then says "I AM THE GUARDIAN OF THIS CAVE, LEAVE AT ONCE OR FACE MY WRATH YOU LITTLE INSECTS!!!" Midnight then says "HEY WHO ARE YOU CALLING AN INSECT!!!" Alice runs past the dragon, and the dragon says "HEY GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE-" Midnight interrupts the dragon and says "HEY OVER HERE LIZARD BRAIN!!! CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!!" While Midnight is distracting the dragon, Alice is opening up the portal. Midnight then says "I got it open, quickly go through it!!!" "ok!" Midnight then runs passed the dragon and goes through the portal then Alice goes through the portal too, and now there in the human world.

———————————THE END——————————