
The Bobolink of Wisdom

When Alice goes inside of the small cave, she is surprised that it is alot bigger inside than it looked from the outside. She finds a nice spot in the cave to go to sleep in, and goes to sleep. When she wakes up it is morning. She then looks around in the cave, when she sees some ancient writings that looked to be from her Ancestors, it showed her a hidden map to a special type of paper. She followed the map, when a Bobolink randomly flies to her, and then says "I am the Bobolink of Wisdom-" Alice interrupts the Bobolink of Wisdom and (with attitude) Alice says "and?... wait YOU CAN TALK?!?!?!" "Yes I can Alice." says the Bobolink of wisdom. Alice then says "WAIT HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!?!?!" then the Bobolink of Wisdom says "I an the Bobolink of Wisdom, I know EVERYTHING"