
Alicaine Chronicles: Roselyn Knight

*Excerpt*: “Submit.” A soothing, male voice crooned inside the girl’s mind. Ice wrapped around her legs and reached up along her body. With every passing second, her chance of victory slipped further and further from her grasp. “Just relax.” The voice said soothingly. Listening to it was dangerous to the girl. The too familiar voice spoke in time to her heartbeat in phrases she’d heard it say many times before. A shadow passed over her half-frozen body. Looking up, the girl saw the shadowed body of a dragon passing under the sun above her. The dragon’s head was lowered and the she could feel its piercing, demanding gaze on her skin. “You’ve done extremely well but you don’t have to fight so hard.” The voice said. The girl’s eyelids fluttered. She was so cold. Her breathing had slowed considerably as the ice was now at her waist. White mist formed as she exhaled. Fuzzily, she knew she was losing. She’d tried everything, but nothing she could do, none of her magic, could pierce those armor like scale. The voice was wrong. Everything was at stake for her, her heart, her freedom, her life, but she was once again powerless. The dragon swooped low over her head. It’s light blue scale’s glittered beautifully in the afternoon sun. The ice had reached the girl’s chest now. Each breath she drew was laborious and took a herculean effort. “It will be over soon.” The voice crooned softly, “Just rest.” The girl foggily knew that if she caved and relaxed the fight would be over. She wanted to fight; she needed to win, but she was so tired. The dragon landed in front of her. She blinked groggily at it trying to bring her eyes into focus. The dragon watched her expectantly as its ice climbed higher still on the girl’s body. The girl could feel her pulse slowing as she tried to shake her head clear again. She couldn’t the ice had reached her chin. ‘Why?’ she thought fuzzily, ‘how can it end like this?’ She worked so hard, but it hadn’t mattered. Despair choked her as her eyelids drooped and then closed. The ice covered her head as the girl fell into darkness. *** Release rate will be a min of 3 chapters per week! The maturity rating is for the scenes that will come later in the book! It will be necessary! Alicaine Chronicles: Roselyn’s Book is about a woman, Roselyn Knight, trying to prove her worth in a society that views females as commodities. The only path she has open to her is gaining her proficiency at the best school of magic in her world, Alicaine. However, this is a double-edged sword, because as Ro gets stronger, she begins to attract the attention of several males at her school. Her race against time begins. Can she become the best fighter in the school before she loses the freedom that is finally almost in her grasp? Everything is at stake for her, her future, her life, even her heart, and one misstep could spell disaster.

SandiBell · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
61 Chs

Week 15 - The Trip 7

As they disappeared, Ro turned her attention to the stands. Even from where she stood, she could read the expression of intense hunger in Alexi's eyes and pride, written across his face. She glanced at Lady Alexandra. She looked mildly and pleasantly surprised. The Ro shifted her eyes to the clan leader. His expression was dark and furious. It was apparent that he had wanted Ro to be the one going to the medical tent.

"Tiny!" He yelled. The smallest crow stepped forward holding his spear. "You will fight her." Alexi's face turned worried.

"Father." His voice was sharp.

"Honey." Lady Alexandra said patiently. The clan leader shrugged a vicious smile on his face.

"It was over too quickly for us to gauge her capabilities." Tiny walked forwards to face Ro in the center of the court. As he walked, Ro noted the sword hanging from his belt. He stopped opposite her, and Ro sunk into her crouch once again.

"First blood only. Begin." Called the clan leader. Tiny smiled and charged. He was lightning quick.

Ro stepped back barely avoiding the strike aimed for her middle. He came again in an overhead arc. Ro jumped to the left. Tiny was so fast it was all she could do to dodge his blows. He swung diagonally down from the right. Ro caught the spear as it came down. She ground the tip into the dirt and her legs and body followed her into the air. Kicking hard at the spear's shaft as she went down, she pushed it from the crows grasp. Her feet hit the ground and her torso came up. She turned quickly, ready for the next attack as she kicked the spear away. The crow was smiling.

"I prefer to fight with my sword anyway." He told her drawing his blade. It flashed in the sun as he closed the distance between them. He was faster with the sword than he was with the spear.

Now Ro was forced to block and deflect with her daggers instead of dodge. As the minutes dragged on, she found herself tiring quickly. She needed to go on the attack. Jumping backward from him she thought of how best to do it. She was breathing heavily now and sweating but as she looked, she realized that Tiny was doing the same. Ro steeled her nerves and charged Tiny. He sliced for her and she was forced to change her attack into a block. However, she was now in range to attack. Immediately though, she had to duck backwards to avoid a blow directed at her gut. She twisted to the left twice barely dodging two more strikes. Righting herself, she found she was in the step out position. She fluidly shifted into her chain attack, but Tiny was ready for this after seeing her fight with Daryol. He pushed his sword out behind him, and she had to dodge rather than strike at his back. Ro moved to the next attack, aiming for the sensitive skin where neck met shoulder.

Tiny bent back, causing her to miss. She spun again and aimed for his liver. He blocked her with his sword, but Ro was on the attack now. She fell into the next chain easily, her body remembering long hours training. She sliced for his throat and Tiny stepped back. She spun aiming for his right femoral artery, he blocked, stepping back again. Stepping forward Ro sliced for his left brachial artery. He barely got his sword up in time. Ro whirled again, slashing at his chest. He backed up. Ro ran at him and feinted a strike at his left thigh, instead she spun to her right around his back. A burst of air caught her around the middle and pushed her back. Ro dug her heels in and prepared to charge.

Tiny still had his back to her. She ran and jumped, daggers positioned to strike on either side of his neck. He whirled suddenly and swung at her. On reflex, Ro crossed her daggers to the block position. When they struck Tiny's sword, she pushed off with them and her momentum caused her to neatly back flip over his head. She landed in her range just on the other side of him. Thrusting her daggers blindly behind her, she felt one of them slide through something with resistance.

She pulled them back to in front of her. The left one was stained red for about half of its length. Ro turned again and looked at Tiny. He was half turned to her and had his hand pressed to his back. Blood was slowly seeping from between his fingers, but he was smiling slightly. Ro felt guilty in a way she hadn't when she had hurt Daryol.

"I'm so sorry." She told Tiny. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Don't be it was a good fight. That was an unorthodox last move. You are good for a beginner." Ro blushed.

"How did you guess?" She asked softly.

"Beginners tend to use unusual moves when pressed. I didn't know until you were one until you did that. But if you don't mind, I will go to the medical tent now." Ro's face turned redder still.

"Sure yeah, go ahead." Tiny nodded and slowly made his way to the tent.

Ro watched him go, then she made her way to the bleachers. The clan leader was beet red in anger. Lady Alexandra was smiling happily, and desire was written in every line of Alexi's body. His dark eyes were trained on Ro as if he could make her his just by watching her.

Hello Dear Readers,

I wanted to thank Kelynteresa and Mochii_one for voting for my book this week. I know I said I would release extra chapters only if I hit 25 power stones, but we got close, so I will release the extra two chapters anyone. I hope you enjoy them!

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