

Helping a child into her home away from the cold outside proved to the key to opening a Pandora's box of secret Nigerian government agencies, A politically funded terrorists cell, corruption and conspiracies at it's worst and an unknown villain, not to mention the child turned out to be an Alien?(WHAT?!!!!), now Alia had to deal with all this and still make it through her WAEC examinations alive if all the above mentioned hopefully doesn't kill her.

Keirastoriez · Teen
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

EPISODE 1. (Fallen Sky).

20 years ago after devastating Terrorists attacks in different parts of the country one after the other, that affected the lives of millions of Nigerian citizens, political figures were unable to figure out the solution to the tragedy and threat the country was facing and there were threats of outside government coming in to intervene and launch an inquiry on the current state of the investigation being conducted into the terrorist cells that initiated the attack, hundreds of lives were lost, thousand were injured and more faced countless losses of both homes and businesses. people were looking at a bleak future where nothing returned to normal and happiness a mere hope. Then Towards the end of the year one star filled night, an unusual phenomenon occurred, there was a never before seen meteor shower in Nigeria Lagos State right over the Eko and Third mainland bridges, most of the flaming balls headed into the sea and a few landed onto the Eko bridge, causing damages, natives called it the anger of the gods towards the recent terrorist attacks and others called it witchcraft at it's worst, scientist all around the world who called it an Unknown factor were at a loss, but with the arrival of the meteor shower, came a new set of problems unexplained deaths and sickness and strange people with antennas and glowing green eyes roaming about the entire country with various Unknown signs and words popping up at random places, And still the political world had no solution, then one-day as if by what the Americans call magic and Nigerians deem as witchcraft or miracles from the almighty the strange people were gone and so we're the unexplained sickness, deaths and signs, As the new year approached Nigeria found itself moving towards development, new hopes were found, new dreams were made and citizens put the past year of devastation behind them and moved towards a better tomorrow, as the first of January approached, three Unknown political figures joined hands and created two new government agencies operating in the shadows they were dedicated to protecting the Nigerian citizens and it's Secrets both from external and internal invasions, and on the first of Jan 2002, The Republic Intelligence (TRI), and Nigerian Alien/Terrorist Affairs (NATA) draft was signed and approved by the then President with the knowledge confined to the founders their aides and those that were on a need to know basis, and till present no one has any clue or idea who or what the agencies are and any rumors threatening their existence to the general public were quick to fizzle out of existence, and thus the Country as a whole enjoyed years of relative peace and success and harmony, with the two agencies working in the dark and recruiting intelligent young men and women who want to make a difference in their country, and to protect it. But as they say, sometimes all it takes is one spark to light a Forrest fire in this case all it took was for a part of the sky to fall on a certain night in a certain place to expose secrets that have remained hidden for years.


Present day; 2018

Alia Sheyifumi, leaned against the balcony rails and looked up at a dark and bleak sky, one that reflected her mood with sad teary eyes, just moments before she and her parents had argued once again about the decisions made about her future, decisions no one discussed with her but expected her to just follow along like a good daughter does, tears rolls down her cheek as her father's words echoed in her mind. "You are our daughter, you live under our roof, and you will do as you are told untill you either leave this house or you get married, untill then, we will make the decisions for you". The final note in her father's voice as he dismissed her from his room earlier and her mother's disappointed gaze left her confused as they were different from what and how she had thought they used to be growing up, she used to think her parents would support her dreams and let her grow as they guided her in her decisions, but they are just as archaic as the rest, Her's was the picture perfect family they show in movies on the big scren, her parents, Mr and Mrs Sheyifumi and her older triplets brothers Kabir the eldest by an hour, Samad and Saleem who are ten seconds apart, a family where everyone had where they belonged to, there was her Dad a successful Architectural Engineer, with a successful business, he travels almost everywhere most of the time but he always came back with stories and gifts of where he had been to, and Her mom?, A boss lady lawyer with her own law firm which she runs with her bossom friend B.S & co, they handle everything from criminology to corporate consultations and representation. And the triplets?, Young geniuses that finished University ahead of their mates at 24, Kabir is already working at a Famous Gaming company abroad as a programmer and system analyst, at least that's what he tells their parents Alia thinks otherwise though she has no proof yet, the twins though are carbon copies of their parents Saleem is starting from ground level at their mother's firm, and Samad spends most of his time at their fathers company and is already Dad's Assistant and is determined to prove himself deserving of the position. honestly Alia thinks it would do him better to just get a job at an outside company with his qualifications they would probably be begging him to consider their offers. the point though was that everyone fit in a slot they belong to something they are good at and something they actually love and she the one thing she loved most of all was taking forcibly away from her when she attempted to fit into her own slot, is being forced instead to go into the medical field when all she wants to do is just write to her hearts content and not have to worry about anything or anyone. Crying in earnest now she puts her head on the cold railing as the events of the previous year leading up to this moment overwhelmed her with it's intensity almost as of it had happened yesterday and not the previous year.

Last year January.

Alia came home from school to find finds her parents cars at the gate, happy since they were back early for change especially on a day when she had a big surprise for them, 'they are going to be so happy when I tell them I finally figured out what I wanted to be, and changed my classes before the waec year started'. lost in thought about her decision and their reaction when she finally tells them she didn't notice the three piles of filled up rice sack at the doors entrance and walks into the living room smiling brightly only to be jarred out of her day dreams by her mother when she slaps her hard on her cheek, "How dare you, take such a decision, without discussing it with me or you Father first", her mother shouted furiously at her, stunned and confused Alia helds her palm up to her stinging cheek as tears gathered in her eyes and she whispered "Mummy?", " Don't mummy me, see this " her mother snaps back waving her finger in her face as she steps back and gestures towards the books scatted around the living room and overflowing a rice sack, Alia looks down and finally sees the state of the living room, all her novels, story books, manuscripts and the research materials for her stories that she had gathered over the years were flung about, some even torn, shocked she kneels down to pick a copy of her tattered hardback Fairy tales compilation story book one of the first books her father had given her to read, she wiped the imagined dirt on it as tears stream down her face at the state of things that were more precious that gold to her and she looked up to find her mother putting the scattered books around into another rice sack with a sob she hugged the book to her chest and rocked with it trying to deny what could have brought on the destruction she was witnessing at that moment. 'no it might me something else I did, there's no way it's because of that ' She kept trying to convince herself but she knew the truth, it was because she had told her teachers to let her switch to Art class before the waec exams, he must have called her parents and told them before she could explain why she taken that decision, her tears as she stands up and adjust her uniform skirt with nervous hands , and moves towards her mother carefully. "Mummy, please am sorry don't do this", she began tentatively. "Shut Up", her mother shouted again which caused Alia to flinch and she watched helplessly as her mother kept pushing books and papers into the sack, 'Daddy' she thought suddenly,'Daddy, can stop her', and as though she had conjured him with a thought her father opened the door to his office, only he also had a furious expression on his face, instead of the placating one he always had on whenever her mom got angry about her novels, he looked at her with disappointment written all over his face as he started wrapping up his phone call, which meant he might have been helping her mom with packing up her novels. little by little the hope she had felt when she thought of her dad helping to calm her mother down, began to dim and his last words to the person on the other side of the phone shattered it completely. "No mr Ayobami she will not be changing her Class to Art, she will remain in science class and thank you so much for informing us right away". Alia couldn't believe it Just moments before she was on cloud 9 dreaming about her future as a famous novelist and motivational influencer and her favorite quote had been a mantra in her mind all the way home, the one that went , "The sky is your limit, so dream high", at that moment seeing her mother packing her dream away and her father taking the chance to pursue it away from her Alia's sky fell and crashed to earth before she could even start reaching for it .


Alia pulled back from memories of a day that still haunted her, with tears rolling down her face and silent sobs heaving her chest, it was the same Everytime she remembered that day, it never changed the feeling of her entire belief being a lie and the scream that was lodged in her chest, one that never seems to come out, one that expressed just how frustrated she was about not being able to do what she wanted to do. just then one of her brothers voice come through the screen door which one it was though she had no idea "Time for bed Alia come inside", Alia sighs and takes out her smartphone from her short Pocket, 'it's ten o'clock already?', frowning at both the thought and the watch she looks up at the sky one last time before heading into the house "it didn't fall today?", Then with a sad smile she turns to head into the house when she suddenly stops and turns around immediately again. "Is that?"...., She whispered as she moves closer to the railing and squints up at the dark sky hoping to catch a glint of the streak she had seen earlier, after a few seconds or appears again only this time it was no longer a glint that seemed like a shooting star, which was why she had turned around instead it looked like a big fiery. "BALL!!" that's headed straight "For me", Alia now frightened turns around to run into the house but it was already too late, in a split second the fiery ball separated into two, a bigger one with blue flames and a smaller one with both orange and blue flames one crashed few feets aways from Alia in the balcony near the iron cage housing the Generator, it was a miracle there was no explosion but the impact caused her to stumble and her hand to slip on the screen handle, Alia crying and sobbing desperately tries to grip the now suddenly slippery door handle saying prayers underneath her tongue. 'please help me protect my family'. Just as she finally had a hold of the handle between her fingers something hit her hard in the middle of her back, the impact arched her back and her fingers let go of the door handle, mouth open in a silent scream Alia crumbles to the floor, her blurry eyes takes in the curled up bundle a few feet away from her next to the Gen, confused, Alia reached out slowly to but too weak from the pain wracking her entire body her hand falls to the ground and the world went black.