
Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin

After Harry's victory over Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry is stabbed in the back by the man he thought was the kindest and wisest man in the world. Puppeteering by Dumbledore, deceiving a friend, exploiting love. After death, Harry finds a beautiful rebirth. Advanced Chapters: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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The next day, Malfoy Manor. Abraxas Malfoy, the head of the Malfoy family, was sitting in his study, attending to the affairs of the family. At noon, a large sipurka with the Gringotts crest flew into his window, and upon seeing it Malfoy Senior jumped up from his seat and flew over to the bird. Taking the letter, Malfoy began to read the message.

"Lord Malfoy you have been disturbed by Hookwolf. I have kept my end of the bargain and learnt the results of the inspection and the identities of our guests from yesterday. I expect you and Lord Black in my office at one o'clock this afternoon. In the letter is a portkey to my office. I've already sent a letter to Lord Black. He replied that he would be in my office at one o'clock sharp." 

After reading the letter, Malfoy wrote back:

"Thank you Hookwolf, I will also be at your place at the appointed time with payment for your favour."

Tying the letter to the sipukha, he set off for the vault of artefacts and precious things beneath the manor. Twenty minutes later he emerged from the vault with two fine, paired goblin-made swords. Checking the time he took the portkey and clutched it in his hand, a familiar tug at his navel and Malfoy Senior was standing in Hookwolf's office. A moment later, the head of House Black also appeared in the study with a medium sized chest. The goblin himself was sitting at his desk writing something, upon seeing those who had entered he immediately turned his attention to them.

- Lord Malfoy, Lord Black, welcome," the goblin greeted the lords. The lords themselves, as they had known each other for a long time and conducted business together, were quite good acquaintances, so they limited themselves to a half-tilt of their heads. 

- So, Hookwolf, what have you learnt? - Orion asked, sitting down in one of the chairs. Hookwolf stared at the parchment for a moment and then turned his gaze to the lords. He silently held out the parchment to them. Lord Black was the first to take it, his eyes widened in shock as he read what was written. When he finished, he also silently handed the parchment to Lord Malfoy. Accepting the parchment, Malfoy began to study it. 

Upon reading the parchment, Abrahas' reaction was exactly identical to Black's. He sat there with eyes widened with shock. A moment later, coming out of his shock, Black asked, his voice hoarse with excitement.

- Hookwolf, is this information reliable?

- If you look closely at the lower right corner of the parchment, you'll notice a seal that says the goblin who conducted the blood test swears on his magic and his life to the veracity of this document. And since he is sitting in his office, attending to his new duties, it means that the information is correct," was his reply. These words made Lord Malfoy come out of his shock.

- We are grateful for the work you have done, Hookwolf. Here is the payment as per our agreement," with those words he placed the very same pair of goblin-made swords, and Black wordlessly placed the very same chest next to it. Inside of which lay a beautiful golden goblet.

- Pair of swords personally forged by the founder of Gringotts, the Cup of Life artefact, and fifty thousand galleons each, which you will take from our personal safes," Orion finished for Malfoy.

- And Lord Black and I also need a meeting room," Abrahas continued.

- Can we take this parchment? - Black asked, to which the goblin only nodded. And summoned another goblin who was much younger than Hookwolf.

- Escort Lord Black and Lord Malfoy to the meeting room," he ordered the goblin. He nodded and led the lords into the room. 

This room didn't look any different from the others, but that was just the appearance, in fact, this one had a huge amount of privacy charms attached to it. It was impossible to overhear anything. There was a large table and two chairs facing each other. Sitting down at the table, the lords began to discuss what was written in the parchment. 

- Orion, is it really true? - Abrahas asked. 

- You heard the goblin. They can be trusted in such matters. They are masters of blood rituals," Black replied.

- So Lord Peverell is back, and he turns out to be Lord Slytherin," Malfoy said.

- It would appear so," came the reply from Orion. 

- Did a man who introduced himself as Thomas Gaunt come to see you? - Malfoy asked suddenly.

- You mean someone who calls himself the Heir of Slytherin? - Black clarified. Getting a nod in reply, he thought for a moment and replied.

- Yes, he came, he introduced himself as Thomas Gaunt, the heir to Slytherin, but not as the head or heir to the Gaunts. He proved his affiliation with the Gonts and Slytherins by showing his mastery of Parseltongue.

- And what did he say? - Malfoy asked.

- 'In the future, he intends to start a pureblood movement so that purebloods will reclaim what is rightfully theirs and overthrow the current government and all muggleborns and half-bloods. I'm not clear on something though," Black replied.

- And what is that? - Malfoy wondered. The Blacks were very clever and cunning and had a knack for getting things done, so it was interesting what the head of the Blacks couldn't understand.

- Muggleborns and half-bloods hold some high positions in the Ministry, and the current Minister of Magic is also a half-blood, but it doesn't matter, the Minister is a public figure and has little real power, and it's not a problem to change the Minister. All important laws and decrees are passed by the Wizengamot, and there are only purebloods there. The only place where we can't do anything is Hogwarts, since Dumbledore became headmaster, some disciplines have been cancelled and the curriculum for the rest of the subjects has been simplified. With that in mind, what are we going to take over? - Everything belongs to the purebloods as it is," Orion said.

- I couldn't agree more," Malfoy replied.

- Let's not focus on that, at least not yet, we'll have time to think about it. We have bigger issues to deal with right now," the head of the Blacks said. Malfoy nodded affirmatively. 


Meanwhile, Darius and Alex sat in one of the drawing rooms of Peverell Manor and discussed their future endeavours. Darius outlined his goal to teach the young lord everything he needed to know within five years. To this the young lord could only agree. 

- We have very little time, but I have thought of a way in which we can make it. I have the next five years to teach you everything Lord Peverell needs to know. If you were the heir, it would be much easier, but a lord has many more responsibilities. Usually purebloods are taught everything they need to know at a very early age when they have their first magical release, but since you are a five year old with the mind of a seventeen year old, we will start early. I've already drawn up a plan for your training," he said, unfolding a large folded piece of parchment in front of the boy.

Seeing the words "transfiguration" and "spells" in the plan, Alex remembered that he didn't have a wand. He informed Darius about it. The Guardian thought for a moment and said: 

- It will be right away, - and together with the young lord went to the ritual hall.

The ritual hall was a large room with a circle in the middle of it. Standing in the circle, Darius took out a sword from under his cloak, raised it vertically upwards and spoke in a loud voice.

"In the name of magic I, Darius Peverell, guardian of the Peverell family, demand the return to the family of three family artefacts, namely the Elder Wand of Antiochus Peverell, the Resurrection Stone of Cadmus Peverell and the Invisibility Mantle of Ignotus Peverell by right of inheritance and if it is not for me to judge, let Magic judge and if I am wrong let Magic vouch for me."

Darius was enveloped in a bright red light, which disappeared after ten seconds, Darius stood as he did, sword in his right hand and three very familiar objects to the ex-Harry in his left.

- Take the wand, it is yours by right," Darius said in his usual calm voice. He hesitated for a moment and took the wand, barely touching it he felt as if an electric shock had travelled through his body. Waking up from the, felt, emotion, he decided to inquire.

- Why? - he asked.

- Why what? - Darius asked, raising his left eyebrow slightly.

- Why the wand chose me as its master, I haven't defeated Dumbledore yet, - Alex clarified his question.

- Firstly, it's a Peverell family artefact, and you're a Peverell, but Dumbledore isn't. Secondly, this wand belonged to you, and Magic knows everything. Perhaps those two reasons are more than enough," the keeper replied. To which the young lord could only nod. 

- What's next? - the boy asked.

- I will tell you how your training will take place, - Alex was very interested after these words, and Darius pulled out a quadruple folded parchment from under his cloak. Unfolding it he began to read it out.

- We have time for five years, during this period I have to teach you everything that purebloods are taught from birth. Listen carefully. We'll get up at six in the morning and get your physical condition in order. Then history, spells, potions, transfiguration, pureblood traditions and customs on weekdays, and on weekends our classes will be all about the clan, clan history, clan magic, clan secrets, and your predispositions in magic. You are now five years old, these classes are for the next two years. At age seven children have a spontaneous release of magic, this will last about a month. This month will be devoted entirely to the study of theory. And remember, during the training you are not my lord, you are my apprentice, so there will be no indulgences, - these words a little frightened the boy, but gathering his courage, he nodded seriously. There will be long tedious training. 

But he could handle it, at least he should be able to. And may Merlin and Magic help him.

Third chapter today, hope you like it, hope you support it. The next chapter will be a 2 year time skip.

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