
Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin

After Harry's victory over Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry is stabbed in the back by the man he thought was the kindest and wisest man in the world. Puppeteering by Dumbledore, deceiving a friend, exploiting love. After death, Harry finds a beautiful rebirth. Advanced Chapters: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Hogwarts Founder's Artefacts and Meet the Blacks. Part 2. Salazar Slytherin's Medallion

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- Gentlemen, welcome to Black Manor," came the voice of a tall, stately man who was an older version of Orion. He differed from him only in the color of his eyes and the length of his hair, which was beginning to show grey.

- Thank you," Alex answered first. When the greetings were over, everyone sat down at the long table, which was just piled with food.

- Have a good appetite, - after these words, everyone rustled with cutlery.

Alex sat on one side of the table, right in front of Orion's father and Cygnus (he realized that he was their father by their incredible resemblance), and looked at the people around him. 

On Arcturus' left hand sat his sons and their wives, and on his right, the first was a woman with black hair, a kind face, and the same blue eyes as Orion and Sirius, Alex realized, this was Melania Black.

After her sat a man who was a little younger than Arcturus, but unlike the first, he had shorter hair and steel-grey eyes, the same as Sirius's mother's and now there was a fire of interest burning in those eyes. Next to him sat a woman with a slightly pudgy face, Alex guessed it was Irma Black, that it was her Peverell realized as soon as he noticed the same brown eyes as those of his school friend Arius Crabbe. So if it was the woman, Irma Black, then the man sitting next to her was Pollux Black.

After Irma Black sat a middle-aged woman, very pleasant looking with curly black hair and the same steel-grey eyes as Pollux's. Pollux's younger sister, Cassiopia Black. She looked a lot like Bellatrix Lestrange, same curly black hair and the same crazy lights in her eyes. Unlike the other Blacks, she had two rings glittering on her fingers, indicating her mastery of dark magic and blood magic.

After her sat a woman with atypical straight black hair and very familiar brown eyes. Alex would have recognized his 'grandmother' anywhere.

Directly across from her sat a very Dorea-like woman with curly black hair and black eyes, she was the last of the older Blacks, most likely Callidora Longbottom. Unlike the rest of the Blacks, she sat with a very pensive face, which didn't stop her from enjoying her food.

And much to Alex's surprise the three boys who were sitting next to Dorea. The first was Sirius Black, who looked at those around him with a cold stare.

The second was a boy very much like Sirius, though unlike the first he was pale, sickly pale. Regulus Black the youngest son of Orion Alex recognised immediately. Unlike his older brother, he looked at the adults with curiosity, and at the Peverells with apprehension. 

And last was a boy of nine with black, unruly hair, brown eyes, and very familiar bicycle glasses. The third boy was a very young James Potter. Compared to the Black brothers, he sat quietly, but at times there was dislike in his chocolate-colored eyes at the sight of the older Blacks, all Malfoys and all Peverells, joy, and amusement at the sight of Sirius and downright hatred at the sight of Severus.

- "Some things never seem to change," a thought slipped into Alex's mind as he noticed the look Potter was giving his younger brother.

- Let's go to the living room," Arcturus was the first to speak again when everyone had finished eating. After that, the whole group, led by Black, went into the drawing room, which was decorated in black and navy blue colors.

- So, Lord Peverell, what are your plans for the future? - The first question was asked, expectedly from Arcturus. All the older Blacks, all the Malfoys, and Alex and Darius were sitting in the drawing room. Severus, the Black sisters, the Black brothers, and Potter had sensibly been sent upstairs.

- Depends on what you mean by that question. What are my plans before I graduate from Hogwarts or after I graduate," Alex shrugged, noticing how Darius tilted his head approvingly. 

- Let's take turns," Pollux parried.

- Before graduating from Hogwarts, it was nothing special. Family matters, studies, Dumbledore and Voldemort," the boy answered, not hiding the truth, noticing how at the last two words, everyone looked at the boy with curiosity.

- You don't like Dumbledore? - Pollux asked curiously, and his sister even seemed to lean forward a little.

- No, I don't," replied Peverell with a grin.

- What is in store for him? He's a well-known person," Arcturus asked curiously.

- Almost all the aristocracy hates him, even some of the fairer families," Darius said, noticing Lady Potter leaning back in her chair with a thoughtful face. - And he is protected from their wrath by only two things, his magical power and his authority, and the influence of a great light wizard. First, he will be trampled into the mud, then he will become a squib, and when he loses everything, death will be waiting for him," Alex said in an ominous voice. - And after Hogwarts, again, family and family matters," Peverell spoke again as if nothing had happened, surprising everyone present with the abrupt change of tone.

- And Voldemort? - Arcturus asked again.

- 'His death will await much sooner,' Darius replied instead of his lord.

- Why do you want to kill these two? - This question came already from Longbottom.

- Dumbledore and Voldemort are fanatics, and they are dangerous to society. You must know what's been going on in the country since their confrontation began," the woman nodded affirmatively.

- Why Voldemort, he represents the ideals of the purebloods, doesn't he? - This question came from Cassiopeia.

- Well, at least because the ideals of the purebloods should be represented by a pureblood mage, and this Lord Voldemort of yours can't boast of that," Peverell Sr. said sarcastically.

- WHAT? - The question came from all the Blacks at the same time.

- Voldemort is a half-blood named Tom Marvolo Riddle, born of the marriage of a pureblood witch named Merope Gaunt and a Muggle named Tom Riddle," he went on at length. By the end of the story, it seemed all the Blacks and Malfoys were not just shocked, but flew off into another universe. They didn't want to believe it, but after the oath of magic made by the young lord and the anagram of Voldemort's name, it was impossible not to.

- How do you know all this? - Lady Potter spoke up for the first time all evening, and the young lord simply waved his hand in Darius's direction.

- He has his methods," Lord Peverell shrugged.

The conversation then drifted to neutral topics, with the younger lords joining in a little later. The meeting lasted until ten in the evening, and by the end of it the atmosphere in the house had become more friendly, the Blacks no longer holding their masks of cold politeness and showing their true attitude. And afterward, at the dinner table, where everyone had gathered for refreshments, the Blacks chattered away, discussing everything from other countries, the Ministry, Hogwarts, and the recipe for the birthday pudding. 

The Blacks' party ended at midnight, so the Malfoys and the Peverells, except for Darius (who refused, citing business), agreed to stay at Black Manor.

They put the guests in different rooms. The Malfoy couple in one. Alex with Bellatrix and Narcissa in one and to everyone's surprise Lucius and Andromeda in one. Alex almost died laughing when he saw Malfoy Jr. blush.

-Well, meeting the Blacks went much better than I thought," Alex thought as he hugged the two girls and fell asleep.


Meanwhile, Darius was finally able to find out what had happened to the locket and the cup. Voldemort had already turned them both into Horcruxes. So he would have to get them first, and then extract the soul pieces themselves and transfer them to other things, or better yet, destroy them altogether.


The next day everyone got up fairly early, had breakfast, and went off to their places. The Blacks had the idea to visit Malfoy Manor and then Peverell Manor, Alex didn't refuse them and offered to visit the Malfoys today and then them tomorrow. The Blacks agreed and took advantage of the fireplace to go to the Malfoys.

The Peverells appeared at their manor, as usual in the main drawing room, then each went off to do their own thing, Alex to his study, Severus to his laboratory, Bellatrix and Narcissa to the library.

- My lord, I've found them," it sounded as Alex opened the door to his study. Once inside, the boy saw a man sprawled on an armchair, sipping tea.

- And what's with them? - Alex immediately realized what the matter was.

- The cup is in Gringotts in Rosier's safe, and the medallion is hidden in that cave, - the man answered, having finished his tea.

- Let's leave the cup alone for a while because I don't want to rob Gringotts again. Let's get to the locket, and I know what's waiting for us there, as much as I don't want it to be, but we need some trash from Lute Lane," Peverell said with a sour face.

- By 'rubbish' do you mean some useless wizard nobody knows? - The man asked indifferently.

- Yes," the boy nodded his head.

- How soon?

- You have half an hour," the boy wanted to finish this matter as soon as possible, so he decided to finish both the medallion and the Horcrux inside it today.

- I'll meet you at the main gate in half an hour," Darius said as he left the manor.

At the appointed time, Alex, dressed in dragon-skin clothes and wearing a simple black robe, stood at the main gate and waited for Darius. Darius, with his usual meticulousness, showed up on time, not a second late. He was followed a second later by someone else. It was a man in his thirties with a glazed look in his eyes.

-Imperius," a thought slipped into Peverell's mind. - Okay, we can go," the guy said, grabbing the men and apparating away.

The trio appeared in a familiar to the former Potter entrance to a cave on the seashore, the entrance to the cave was closed.

- Sprinkle this stone with your blood," Darius ordered the man, the man silently pulled a regular knife from his quiver and ran the blade across his palm. As soon as the man fulfilled what he said, the entrance to the cave appeared.

- Let's go, - after that, Alex took out his wand, conjured "Lumos" and entered the cave.

The cave hadn't changed at all since the "last" visit. It was still the same dark and gloomy place, which reeked of vile, dark magic. A couple of minutes later, the trio came to an inner lake. In the center of the lake was a familiar islet, and on that shore was a boat.

- The boat can hold only one adult, - Alex remembered and said.

- I'll go first, and then you and "it", - the boy nodded his head silently.

A couple of minutes later the whole trio moved to the centre of the lake.

- Stupefy! - After that, the mage that Darius had found fell paralyzed. - Pour this potion into him, - Alex ordered with a wave of his hand at the "rubbish". The man didn't react in any way and started melancholically pouring the potion into the mage's mouth.

After the last drop of the potion disappeared in the mage's mouth, Peverell carefully pulled out the medallion itself.

- Is this it? - Darius asked with interest, not paying attention to the man from whom the Imperius and Stupefy had fallen and who was now writhing on the ground, begging for water.

Alex slightly squeezed the medallion in his hand and a faint black mist began to emanate from it, and an ominous hissing sound traveled through the cave. 

- Yes, - Lord Peverell stated the obvious, putting the medallion into his inner pocket.

- If that's all, then we can uh-" Darius didn't have time to finish, as there were sounds of growling from the water. Peverell looked in the direction of the noise and saw dozens of walking corpses coming out of the water, one after another, and on the shore was the mage who kept drinking water from the lake.

- They should have taken the paralyzer off him," said Darius, who didn't react in any way to what was happening, and continued to stand with a disinterested face.

- Let's get out of here, - the last two words were addressed to the man, he nodded and with the usual snap of his fingers opened a black rift behind his back, where the Peverells rushed to, to the horrible accompaniment of pain, torn meat, and hungry snarls. 

Alex and Darius appeared as usual in the main living room.

- Put this in a shielded room so no one will find it," Alex said, handing the medallion to Darius.

- Will do," the man nodded, at that moment with a quiet "pop!" Toby appeared.

- Welcome home master, - with these words the old elf bowed so much that his long nose almost touched the floor.

- Thank you, Toby, where is everyone? - With a nod of his head, Lord Peverell asked.

- Your brother is in his lab and the mistresses are in the library," Toby replied without delay, then looked at Darius and said. - 'Guardian a letter has come to you.

- Bring it," commanded the man.

- I obey, - the elf bowed and disappeared, a second later he reappeared with a letter in his hand. The man checked the letter for any nastiness, and after making sure it was safe, he opened it and began to read it.

- Who is it from? - Alex asked curiously.

- From my new acquaintance, - the man answered vaguely.

- When you met him, who is he? - Peverell asked, with genuine interest.

- He's Russian, I met him when I was scouring Lute Lane for artifacts of the Hogwarts Founders," Darius shrugged.

- What was his name? - Alexandros asked the last question he was interested in.

- Antonin Dolohov," the Peverell family guardian shocked the boy.