
chapter 2

This chapter has not been edited. Please forgive me for any typos or grammatical errors.


Walking into the front door all eyes where on me, apparently I was the 'new girl'. I guess being home schooled gave you some qualities, you don't care about anything or anyone but yourself.

And that was how I was feeling now. Although I'm not the finest girl in planet earth but I think am at the average scale with dark hair and blue eyes, I'm 5'6 i think that's  pretty good for my age and my body is not like kim k's but I have curves at the right places.

So as I was walking down the hall to get my schedule, I didn't care about the thousand eyes that was on me accessing my looks, or the snickering I heard behind my back, i just kept walking forward.

I got to the office and a blonde average height woman with green eyes who looked to be in her mid 30's was sitting behind a desk and she had a welcoming smile on so I felt relaxed "you must be Alex" she babbled "yeah" I replied"okay my name is Anita Thomas, welcome to ghs, here's your schedule" she gave it to me and continued "feel free to ask anyone for help or directions, and you can come back here anytime" she finished "yeah sure, thanks" I said with a smile and  left the office "have fun" she chirped.

Walking into the hall, I looked at my schedule and I had math, English, Chen, biology, history then cafeteria. After that it was art, physics and creative writing. I sighed,talk about stressful. I looked for my locker and imputed my combination and dropped some of my books inside and stopped a random girl and asked her where the math class was, fortunately for me she offered to take me there.

After walking through different halls and corners I saw a door with a big maths sign in the door. I thanked her and she left, only for me to open the door and I fell face first on the floor.


