
Alexander von Kluck

Alexander Von Kluck, after dying on his deathbed unattended by loved ones, is granted an opportunity by a mysterious God to be transmigrated with supernatural powers. Follow Alex as he explores the new world. CYOA essence power in a fantasy world. Obviously overpowered, mc, this is basically a self insert. I suck at writing, and I'm doing this for fun, so don't expect this to be good or get stable updates. I might just stop writing as I get bored, or life eventually catches up to me.

Magic2 · Anime & Comics
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As I walk through the sea of shelves filled with books, shoving countless amounts of valuable books into the dusty bag I brought with me, I eventually reach the end, where I hear faint voices. As I walk towards the voices, it becomes clearer and clearer, I hear countless whispers.

"What if we're caught?" A girl's soft spoken voice speaks.

"Don't worry, not many people come to the library at this time of night, plus we're all the way at the end of the library" a voice whispers back.

I peek through a shelf, finding myself in an awkward predicament. In front of me were a couple who were releasing their hormones.

I try to distract myself from these teens, yet their voices get louder clearer than daylight, letting out a heavy sigh, which the kids heard, as they were frantically looking around, yet found nothing in the end.

"I told you! What if someone entered the library?" The girl panics

"Don't worry, maybe we are just paranoid, we can't even see anyone" The boy tries to calm the girl down.

As I witnessed this scene of two children 'eating seafood' let's say, I was overcome with awkwardness and disgust. Seeing two children engage in such activities was rather incomprehensible to my mind.

Truthfully, it's rather scarring. Maybe I had an innocent view of children due to my own in my previous life? I couldn't imagine them engaging in such behavior, at least not at such a place. Of course, it was inevitable. The pain when my darling girl first brought home her significant other.

I remembered my own hormonal tendencies in the past buried deep within the crevices of my memories, hopefully to never see any light.

Deciding to end things immediately before it can go any further, I grabbed a potion from my belt, the sleep potion.

Another deep sigh overcame me. Today has been a tiring day. Tossing the potion at the kids. After a second or two, they were passed out on the ground. I returned to my previous activity of borrowing these books without permission.

After the old bag was stuffed to the brim, I snuck out the way I came, passing the two affectionate couple and the passed out guard.

As the night's breeze brushed my naked form, I shivered from its cold touch. As I slowly put my clothes back on, I felt the coldness rescind as the warmth of the cloth and coat envelopes me.

Retreating back to base, I find Miriam still awake behind the doorway. She was pacing back and forth from one end to the other. As the door creaked, she noticed my presence and looked back over to me.

Looking at her face, it was a mess. Her brows were wrinkled, circles under her eyes, and her hair was untidy.

"Why are you still awake? Miriam, it's getting dark. You should go to bed, you look unwell."

I was worried. She seemed to be concerned about something.

"I… I was worried for Master Alex, you came late today and I was worried something had happened, so I was worried." Miriam said

I could see tears on the edge of her blue eyes. Seeing this, I couldn't help but smile come across my face. It was cruel, I shouldn't smile seeing someone in concern for me.

But I couldn't help it, it was a smile of happiness. Maybe it's because it's been two years since my wife passed away and my children couldn't visit me. But, seeing someone's concern and wanting for me… it brought a sense of happiness.

I dropped the old bag and brought her to an embrace.

"I'm sorry, Miriam, I was gathering all of those. I couldn't come home early, so don't worry, I'm right here."

In hindsight, I probably should have told her I was going to be late. The tears stopped and were replaced by confusion until a few seconds later embarrassment.

Her face became red, she hid behind her hands, and looked to the floor all flustered. It was cute.

"I, I apologize Master Alex! I showed you something embarrassing!"

A small chuckle overcame, and she got even more redder.

"It's okay, Miriam. It's okay. There is nothing wrong with showing concern for someone close to you, I encourage it, actually. I find it rather cute."

"cute?!?!? Master finds it cute?" Miriam whispered

I picked up the fallen bag and the books before stuffing them back in. Looking back towards Miriam, who avoided direct eye contact with me, still wore a red face. However, it was much less pronounced.

"Let's go, Miriam, it's getting dark, and you need to rest."

"Ye.. Yes, of course, Master Alex."


The sunlight shone through the window, and the sounds of the birds chirping became incessant, I was forced to awaken to the sound of the bustle of the streets.

Heading downstairs with a yawn, I was greeted to the sight of Miriam sweeping the store floor. She looked over at me and quickly averted her gaze.

I was confused but remembered yesterday night. She must still be embarrassed.

When I first created her, she was reserved, rigid, and serious. So, seeing her flustered like a schoolgirl was a strange sight, if not a little cute. It reminded me of how children act.

Going over to the dining table, seeing that she had already prepared breakfast, I took a seat and enjoyed the meal.

Looking out the windows from the dining room, I have begun to notice an influx of homeless people around the city. I have only been in this city for a few days, and I don't know the economic state of this kingdom or whatever. However, I know it wasn't this bad when first coming over.

After thanking Miriam for the food, I returned to my room. Looking over to the corner, the bag from yesterday laid on the floor.

Taking one and opening to the first page, I couldn't understand a single word. Using the translation spell enables me to now understand the words across the paper.

[World building dump]

The books ranged from history to medical textbooks, biographies of notable figures, and magic.

The history was rather intriguing as I got to learn of the world around me that I was previously unaware of.

I am in the city of Sanseine, on the continent of Darmstadt, eastern coast of the large continent. Sanseine is part of the Arkinegel Empire founded two thousand years ago by Arkhen The Conqueror when he subdued and conquered neighboring kingdoms. He lived for eighty nine years and conquered all the northern and parts of western lands of the continent.

Two hundred years ago, Arkinegel had lost the western parts of the territory to Acraina Kingdom when a city state of Tridale requested both nations to help with mercenaries that revolted and occupied the city, due to payment not being given.

The two nations ended up mistaking each other for the enemy and engaged in a skirmish that evolved to a full-scale war. The Acraina Kingdom came out victorious by encircling the Arkinegel largest army that crippled the Empire's ability to wage war.

Sanseine itself is a large port city importing and exporting goods from the continent and beyond, particularly from a large kingdom across the ocean called Lusitania. Very little is known about this kingdom other than they are a large exporter of materials, such as silk and spices.

Notable cities of the Empire are Arkinegel, the capital situated in the northern tundra, surrounded by hills and a large mountain range to the west, it is well secured. And has never since the founding of the empire been laid siege too. Arkinegel is a large importer of food and a massive exporter of raw materials such as iron, mana stones, nickels, and other raw materials. While it might be the capital of the empire and the seat of power for two millenniums, it is, however, not the largest city by population.

By population alone, the largest city is ST. Ricio. it was named after Ricio Geraldford. Though not born in the Empire, he was called a Saint as he was one of the nine loyal soldiers of Arkhen who supported him throughout his conquests.

Ricio's younger years were spent as a slave to a nobleman, however after Arkhen had slain the noblemen in combat during his conquest, Ricio had vowed his life to serve Arkhen and joined him, It was stated he was Arkhen's most trusted comrade and friend.

After the death of Arkhen, Ricio retired to the countryside with his wives and children on an empty plot of land with fertile soil surrounded by grassland in the center of the empire. That plot of land is now known as ST. Ricio.

ST. Ricio is the largest exporter of grain and the central hub of trade in the entire empire. located at the center of the empire utop grasslands and fertile soil, the infrastructure of the empire is reliant on the city. Many roads connect to it from the vast territories.

Due to this fact, the city has become the wealthiest of the Empire even wealthier than the coastal trading cities. As the roads connect to this single city it has become a hub of culture that many wish to visit, enjoying the foreign cuisine that centers here from all the continent, as well as the enormous hub of knowledge that gathers in the library of ST. Ricio. This library is to this world as the library of Alexandria was to my previous world. Many musicians and writers come from and too ST. Ricio, the city, has been called home to many great men throughout its founding. This city is the ivory tower of the entire world, and many gaze at it with envious eyes.

The city of Arcadia is known for its magical education within the Empire. The majority of the Empires magicians come from this city. Due to the large investing in attracting mages to the city, ever since the noblemen Esmeray a famous Mage who founded the university 'Magisity' has attracted all those who wish to study the craft.

As I put the history books away, I picked up a magical theory textbook…