
Alexander von Kluck

Alexander Von Kluck, after dying on his deathbed unattended by loved ones, is granted an opportunity by a mysterious God to be transmigrated with supernatural powers. Follow Alex as he explores the new world. CYOA essence power in a fantasy world. Obviously overpowered, mc, this is basically a self insert. I suck at writing, and I'm doing this for fun, so don't expect this to be good or get stable updates. I might just stop writing as I get bored, or life eventually catches up to me.

Magic2 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Duke of Sanseine

The knight in full plate armor came near us upon his horse. I was a bit nervous considering he severally out geared me. However, I doubt he's here to cause trouble. If they wished to, he wouldn't approach me alone.


I didn't understand anything he said. However, before I can speak. The girl who's been my traveling partners for a day, whose name I don't know, spoke first.



After whatever they said to each other, the knight returned back and said something to the person at the head of the army. And he came back over with a person in robes. A Mage, perhaps?

The robed person pointed his hand at me, and a magic circle appeared. Immediately, I felt something in the center of my body react. My supernatural reactor absorbed some strange force. And I learned the spell he casted on me, a translator spell.

"Can you understand me now?"

"Yes, I can understand you"

"Good, I'm Leofric Cyne knight of the Duke Wessel Siegbert. we have heard news that their was an attack on a village nearby by elves in the direction you're coming from?"

"Of course, Sir Leofric, my name is Alexander von Kluck. I had witnessed an attack from an elf. Actually, the lady I'm traveling with was being attacked by one before I saved her"

Redirecting him to the girl, which he began to speak to. I focused on my reactor, and it adapted to the energy and is producing it at decent speeds. I tried analyzing the substance, it felt like small water drops coalescing into a greater water drop eternally growing. This is probably the power source used to cast spells.

it uses a magic circle to release the energy from the water drop like substance. Using this substance, it is able to have a supernatural effect on reality. I will call this substance mana for the time being.

What is the nature of this substance, and how is it able to affect reality in such a way?

Eventually, the knight went back to the Duke Wessel Siegbert? And Wessel approached me next.

"You must be Alexander von Kluck?"

"Yes, I am Alexander. Please just call me Alex"

"Greetings, Alex. I am Duke Wessel Siegbert of Sanseine. I hear you were able to save this lady who was attacked by an elf?"

"Yes, your grace, I did, I saw she was being attacked, so It was only natural"

The Duke smiled at me.

"I see. You must be a great warrior and a man of great honor to risk his life for a stranger. The lady spoke of your great strength and abilities. She said, You're able to make elixirs that can heal people's wounds?"

Seriously, she told them everything while I wasn't paying attention? I looked over to her, and she just smiled back. Why do I feel betrayed? She probably doesn't see this as a betrayal. She probably thinks she's helping me.

"Yes, your grace, I am a practicing alchemist. I have the abilities to make elixirs. Currently, I can only make simple healing potions that can cure simple cuts and bruises and potions that can cure simple sickness."

All in all, this isn't the worst thing. If his grace takes interest in my abilities, I'll get a powerful backing. After all, a Duke was a powerful title in the medieval ages in my world.

"Alex would you be willing to be employed in my service? After this mission, I will give you a building in my territory for your services, and I will pay you for the goods, of course, such as the potions"

"Apologies your grace. I would happily accept, but you see, I have to escort the lady and the child to safety before I could accept"

"Worry not, Alex. I will have a few of my men escort them to the city of Sanseine, I promise you their safety"

"Then I'll happily accept your grace"

Perfect. Now I have a strong backing, promised land, and I have the Duke himself as a customer. I turn to the two kids and thank them. I also found out that their names are Elena and Cai.

A group of men from the Dukes army came and escorted Elena and Cai to Sanseine City. I joined the Duke and marched with him towards the village where Elena and Cai are from.

Eventually, after a day, we reached the village to find it pillaged, and burnt bodies were piled on top of each other. After a while of searching, there were no survivors. The Duke decided to set up camp and explore around the vicinity of the village to see if any elves were nearby.

After a while, a group tasked with searching eventually found a small elven camp and reported back to the Duke.

His grace strategized with his knight, and in the end, Leofric was chosen to lead a group of sixty men, including me, to attack camp.

My name is Ayred Nerudy, second son of the chieftain of the Nerudy tribe. As the second son, I wasn't in line to inherit my father's wealth or land. So I decided to join a small band of raiders to save up for retirement, to find a wife and settle down.

I had planned out my whole life. After I saved up enough wealth by raiding and pillaging, I would return home and marry my childhood crush, we were close when we were younger, but with age, we had grown apart.

After we marry, I'll buy a small home perfect to raise a family of at least six children! We'll grow old together arm in arm. And we'll die together on our deathbeds surrounded by our children and grandchildren.

But for now, I'm on watch duty. A chilly wind blows across as I cross my arms to warm myself. I look over across to Aiduin, a fellow raider on watch duty.

"Hey' Aldu-"


Alduin, who looked up hearing me call his name, was now headless!


I look over to where whatever that thing came from and saw armored men charging towards the camp.

The other elves slowly came out of their temporary tents. However, by then, the soldiers had already entered, and they were taken by surprise. Many fell before even knowing where the enemy was.

I engaged in Melee with a plate armored soldier, using my light sword. I deflected his slash from above, and thrust in the helmets eyesocket fatally wounded him. He fell and was replaced by a man in a fur cloak wielding a spear.

The man was certainly a lady killer, with a head full of blond hair, sky colored eyes, and a sharp v shaped chin.

A smirk comes across my face, who enters a battlefield without any armor! Is he a suicidal fool?

However, the spear is a bit dangerous due to the distance it has on my short sword. It'll be dangerous to get close, but I won't be able to kill him without getting close.


The man charges me with surprising speed, the spear pointed at my chest. My senses screamed danger to me. As I jumped to the side, however, the man immediately changed direction as I did?? How is that possible?

Due to changing of direction, he missed my chest. However, he stabbed my stomach.

My breathing became heavy as a sharp pain infested my stomach. It became harder to breathe, and my vision started blurring.

He charged again as I try to dodge to the right, I couldn't get close to him or take him head on due to the difference in weapon range.

Due to the pain, it's more difficult to move, my movements are sluggish and heavy, he misses again but he strikes my left arm.

He did that on purpose? He could've easily pierced the side of my organ due to my slowed reaction. Is he a sadist? Toying with me?

I felt annoyed, as I fought with this person. He's clearly more skilled, and the weapon advantage he could easily kill me. However, he toys with me instead!

Maybe it's the feeling of being toyed with, but I had to go on the offensive. I bear through the pain and charge. He readied his spear as well just before I charged into the spear, I slid grinding my foot against the dirt floor, and I prepared to slash his stomach.

I feel a blinding agony against the side of my head, I see my childhood crush reaching out to me, slowly getting darker… darker… darker… darkness.

Ooh, that's fun! I didn't expect him to risk charging me like that and slide against the dirt to reach me. I was fast enough to hit the wood of the spear against his cranium.

I look at the elf, and I thrust the spear into his skull just to make sure he's dead. Anyways, the spear tip is completely broken since it was made from obsidian, sharp but fragile. I'll have to make a new one.