
Tryouts and Bi Weekly Meeting

By Saturday my plan came to fruition. Of course it did after all It was my plan. Wait no draw back Alex. Conceit leads to downfall. Gotta reel in that dragon pride more. The new brooms have come in and replaced those ancient Shooting Star models. Our new brooms are Nimbus 1500's. Now these are from a decade back but they are way better to the Shooting Stars we had.

Bucky- I mean Marcus Flint, our Quidditch Captain, won't look at me directly. Though this is probably because of how I tried to feed him to the merfolk one the first day. Or maybe just maybe it is because he knows he can never match my good looks. Damnit dragon pride! Down boy! After a few concealed threats and a direct order from Snape Bucky knows he can't play favorites.

"Hmph I should be seeker. I am the best! My father can get the team Nimbus 2000's instead of these 1500's" Malfoy says not so subtly trying to bribe his way onto the team. That reminds me I still have to beat- I mean reeducate him on my rules.

"Malfoy please take your head out your fathers ass for a minute and shut the hell up!" I say in a stern tone towards the prat "Now I can buy the whole bloody school new Nimbus 2000's if I wanted to WITHOUT relying on mommy or daddy to cover me. But despite this you don't see me trying to bribe my way onto the team. No I am trying out just like everyone else"

I pause for a second then I speak again "It must be pretty cool back there. You know in your fathers shadow never receiving any light for yourself. That explains why you are so pale. So here let me give you some advice relying on your fathers name will not attract you any mates. Because one day he will die, just like everyone else, and you will be left without his protection. So ask yourself this Draco. If your father was to be found dead tomorrow what would you do?"

Draco turned a shade of green but he seemed to seriously think over what I said if only for a short while. Well it's none of my business if he continues on this path or if he changes himself.

Though Marcus didn't like it I made the team replacing one of the old Chasers as he only made 18/20 goals and I made 20/20. I used aerodynamics and physics to make some tricky shots that would curve into a goal thus throwing the keeper off.

Actually two chasers got replaced as Theo managed to make 19/20 shots. And Tracey got put as reserve seeker. She managed to catch 2/3 on the snitches same as Malfoy but she caught hers faster Terence Higgs is still the lead Seeker but this is his last year so next year Tracey should be the lead Seeker if no one beats her in tryouts.

"Hey Theo. Is it illegal to remove the safety features on a broomstick to make them go faster?" Apparently it IS illegal to remove enchantments from brooms. Go figure.


Up in one of the towers all the staff of Hogwarts were sat around a table. "I would like to call this terms first Bi Weekly staff meeting into session." Said Albus "As we do every year let us discuss the first years."

Discussions went on about who was doing good or bad in one class and etc.

"Neville Longbottom is a prodigy I tell you. He has a affinity with all the plants in my class." Said Madam Sprout.

"I did have some troubles with Neville in my class but with the replacement of his wand he is doing much better" Said McGonagall and Flitwick echoed that statement.

"Longbottom would be a menace in my potions lab but fortunately one of my Slytherins has been giving him guidance to help him from exploding his cauldron" Snape sneered.

"One of your Slytherin's helping a Gryffindor? What Slytherin would help a Gryffindor" Said Silvanus Kettleburn, the Care of Magical Creatures teacher.

"Alexander Prince." Snape stated

"Oh yes he has even gone to studies with my Ravenclaws. He doesn't seem to care about what house one is in and is pretty nice to everyone" Said Flitwick

"Since we are on the topic then let's review Mr. Prince.

"He is a prodigy Albus. When we were transfiguring match sticks to needles he did it within seconds then went around class to help others. He even gave help to Ronald Weasley and Neville Longbottom who, with his guidance, both managed to do the transfiguration properly." sais McGonagall though sounding slightly jealous that he wasn't one of her lions.

"A prodigy indeed. We were going ovr theory for the levitation spell when Alexander asked if he could read something else. When asked why he wanted to read something else he said he could do levitation wandlessly. Of course I was skeptical but he demonstrated by lifting my desk into the air then lowering it back down without speaking or using his wand." Flitwick says excitedly

"Alex is quite gifted with potions, though he seems to use half the time guiding Longbottom. Though with his own potions he likes to experiment sometimes leading to the potion failing, fortunately none have blown up yet, but other times it will improve the potion or change the effects slightly."

"Oh can you give us an example of his potions that had their effects changed?" Asked flitwick

"He made a boil cure potion that also worked in removing warts."


"I heard you call him Alex instead of by his full name or last name. I have never heard you shorten a students name or give them a nickname." Inquired Aurora Sinestra the Astronomy teacher

"Alex is my nephew. I visited him and his mother often over the Summer to discuss the magical world and to give Potter some nutritional potions."

"You have a nephew?!" Septima Vector the Arithmancy teacher exclaimed in disbelief

"Yes. it came as much as a surprise as you all when I found out my mothers brother actually managed to breed." Snape sneered. He didn't think well of any of the Prince's other than his own mother, Alex, and his mother Amanda

"Alexander is also the Half Brother to Harry Potter" McGonagall spoke up

"Arthur Cornwall assignments all get O's" said Binns who even got Alexanders name wrong. Even the staff ignored his interruption.

"I didn't know Harry had a brother" said Vector

"Yes well it seems James got drunk one night and ended up in bed with Amanda Prince, Alexanders mother." Said McGonagall. Her tone was tense. She didn't approve of of James impregnating a woman while intoxicated

"Let's get back on subject shall we, we can talk more about this later" Said ALbus

"He is fine in my class. Not perfect granted. He is often discussing the plants we are working on with Neville but his assignments due get an O."

"Mr. P-p-prinnce d-does well on the w-written assignments of my class" Said Quirrell the stuttering professor.

"Miss Norris seems to like that Alexander boy. I often find him petting her in the hallways" Argus spoke up. Which is surprising since he never had any good thing to say about anyone.

"How about Harry Potter?" Said Albus

"Harry does well though he receives advice from his brother sometimes. His written assignments are always neat and he receives an O for them as well." McGonagall said. Flitwick, The stutterer, and binns agreed more or less.

"Other than one incident where he got bitten by a Snap Dragon he is doing well in my class" Said Sprout.

"Potter is... adequate in my class" That was all Snape was going to say about that.

Then they moved onto more students most of the teachers had high praise for Hermoine Granger

"Hmph she is a little know it all. When I do not call on her she will sometimes just yell out the answers." All except Snape. "Not to mention when asked for 2 feet of parchment she hands in 5 feet or more." Even the others had to admit that getting 5 feet on an assignment was a bit much


"You do know when I catch the snitch I will gain us 150 points right" Said Harry being slightly cocky. I am glad he is gaining more confidence in himself, enough to be a bit cocky at least.

Currently my group of friends and Harry's were in my hideaway having fun, chatting, and eating snacks. Oddly enough somewhere in the last week Harry and Ron have bonded a bit so Ron was there too along with the Twins. Ron has been teaching Harry about Wizards chess and Quidditch.

I was sitting there with goat legs and horns like a satyr due to one of the twins pranks. Though the fur on my legs was neon green. I also have to fight off the urge to eat anything I can find such as the plate that the snacks were on.

"Well then I guess I'll just have to keep the score with 160 points above you at all times." I said matching his cockiness.

"Hmph I hope you have the skill to back that up" I probably should have noticed that sentence was a set up

"Oh I'll baaack-" I cover my mouth. I forgot that I sometimes bleated due to the prank. I half heartedly glare at my friends who are laughing at me. "Not funny"

"Sorry alex you're. It's Hilarious!" Harry laughed

"Oh I'll get you two baaack on this" I turn my gaze to the twins who were not even bothering to hide their snickering. I reach down for my drink and I hear a crunch. Looking down I see i took a bite out of the tea cup. "... damn it..." This caused everyone to laugh again. Even the Ice Queen of Slytherin, Daphne, was laughing openly at my misfortune.

Once they all settle down I look over at ron whose rat is eating a biscuit "Hey ron. You're rat is always quiet around me you know?"

"What do you mean he is quiet around you?" Asked ron looking down at the rat

"Well remember on the train when I spoke to Trevor? Well before that your rat was talking about the tasty treats it was eating but then once I said I could understand animals Scabbers hasn't spoke around me anymore except to say squeak."

"I'll take your word for it mate. Not like I can understand the dumb rat." Ron said with a shrug

"You know normally that is just a joke or something but your rat may very well have mental issues" The rat squeaks loudly but once again it was only yelling squeak in an indignant tone.

I shake my head feeling pity for the dumb animal. It's the only animal I have ever meet with mental issues. Even Neville's toad can form complete sentences. Such a shame to see my first mentally challenged animal at Hogwarts.

I'm not really feeling 'it' today

ShadowRose13creators' thoughts