
Alexander Maximus (DC Universe)

An ordinary man was mistakenly transported by Thor in Valhalla and force to live a life he wasn't trained for...but..thanks to perseverance he survive but was then lost in the forest of Death...Years past and when he came out of the forest the war was over...but instead being transported back home he arrive in the DC universe. This will not be a serious fic, this is light hearted and fun fanfic...which happens to be in DC Universe so ...Fun?

CenturionGuard · Others
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33 Chs

Meetings and Emergencies

"Recent findings suggest that the magic used by our mysterious person was light based aligned "magic" although my contact insisted that our mysterious person is more powerful than we thought" Batman said as the rest of the leauge listen tentatively at the report.

"So should we be worried about it?" GL ask earning a nod from the rest except for Wonder Woman. "Bleed manipulation is very problematic for OA and fighting one is also going to be much more problematic."

"Bleed Manipulation?" Hawkgirl ask.

"Yes Bleed Manipulation" he replied "I don't know the specific but according to the OA database, a being who use the bleed often are very powerful figures that can warp reality as they see fit and most bleed manipulator are surprisingly enough humans and New Gods"

"New gods?" Flash ask.

GL shook his head and said "I don't know but the files on New Gods are classified in OA database."

Wonder Woman twitch, unnoticed by everyone except Batman.

"I see" Batman frowned, He pretty much does not like what he hear. He ask Wonder Woman "How was your meeting with Mr. Maximus?"

Diana's face may show calmness but inside she was conflicted because of Alexander, she doesn't want to lie but also she doesn't want to betray her friend's secret although he didn't specifically forbid her in telling but still.

"Yes, I have and it was a cordial meeting." Diana said, controlling herself from the effect of the lasso on her hips. "Although I haven't ask yet about the subject"

Batman furrowed his eyebrows in suspicion, "I see..." He said before adding "then if you have a chance.."

Diana nodded betraying no emotion on her face.


"So Ms. Starr, You're hired." Alex stand up and extended a hand towards Karen and added "I'm looking forward to working with you"

Karen beamed and shook Alex's hand forgetting her strength for a moment.

"Woah! You sure got a grip on you Ms. Starr" Alex quip. Although he already knows about her other identity but still he couldn't help but tease the woman.

Karen blush as she immediately pulled her hand and said "It must be from working on the farm when I was younger and please call me Karen, Sir."

Alex smiled and replied "Well Karen, as you are now under my employ then my first order for you is to call me Alex, no sir Maximus or whatnot, understand?"

Karen laugh and said "Well I'm looking forward to working with you as well Alex"


""No one escapes the manhunter!""


"Oh freaking Bastich! It looks like I'm visiting his planet after all."


Alarms blared at the Greenland SEC research facility.

"Alert! Alert! Alert! All hands to muster station!"

In a room full of state of the art surveillance devices, a large man in black suit stood watching a bunch of screen showing a chart of the Solar system.

10 red dots are shown in the map, moving at fast speeds heading for Earth.

"Report!" Said the man.

A man with a tablet step up and said "Commnder Williams! we've got 10 unidentified flying object that just entered the Charon relay, we tried hailing them in all frequencies we know but it didn't respond."

The man in black contemplates for a while before ordering his subordinate "Contact Sir Maximus and ready the Jupiter's Wrath"

"But Sir! It's still in experimental stage sir we-" before his subordinate can finish what his saying, Commander Williams said "Earth has just suffered an Alien Invasion four months ago, she cannot take another one right now when she's still recovering"

The man gulped before nodding, he then contacted Mr. Maximus.


"I see...." Alex eyes frowned "He has full authorization on using the weapon until the target's elimination"

Cutting the call off, he was about to stand when he felt a familiar presence breach his detection ward all over the Earth.

He furrowed his brows before muttering "Now, why the fuck are you here"

He then decided to just ask the question himself still he couldn't help but curse his name "Fucking Lobo"