
Alex Wayne arrives at Marvel

English translation of the original alle94 fanfic: "Álex Wayne llega a Marvel fan-fic " 21 year old Alex Wayne wakes up in Marvel as an agent of SHIELD. Be aware: Each chapter is very short. First chapters very shorts. Then between 400-600 words per chapter. After chapter 337, 900-1100 words. I don't own nothing and autor allen94 just own his OC

LeonToralla · Anime & Comics
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514 Chs

The Fall of A.I.M. Part 8


Asia, Japan

Outside the Omnitech headquarters, an A.I.M. company

Here the group of Polaris and Irene have arrived.

"According to the information we have, all the people who work here are members of A.I.M. so there is no problem in crushing them" Polaris said as she looked around Omnitech.

"Adrian, confirm it" Irene said to a young man from her team.

"Yes, miss Irene" the young man replied while using his telepathic powers.

This young man between fifteen and sixteen years old is a mutant who escaped from Zander's facility and was protected by Alex and Laura.

"Yes miss, everyone inside that place works for A.I.M, their real headquarters is under the building and they seem to be on the alert as they received information that the submarine in the Atlantic has been destroyed" young Adrian said as he widened his eyes.

Nodding her head, Polaris says:

"Looks like father got ahead of us, let's go fast"

So they advance towards the building.

Walking through the door, they are received by a group of armed people.

They tried to shoot them, but Polaris quickly takes their weapons away using her powers.

Young Adrian quickly knocks them unconscious.

"Adrian, take the other members and take care of the upper floors, Irene and I will check the underground floors" Polaris said calmly.

Adrián nods his head and, leading the others, begins to go up to the upper floors.

"Let's go Irene" Polaris said as she walked towards the underground floors.

Nodding her head, Irene follows Polaris but before reaching the entrance, she stops and says:

"Be careful, the people on the other side have weapons that can hurt you"

Polaris stops, already knowing what Irene was referring to.

Pulling out some small marbles made of vibranium, she turned them into spears and hurled them at the door, passing through it and killing the people on the other side.

Upon entering, they saw the bodies of two security people killed by her spears.

Ignoring those bodies, they went down the stairs and reached an elevator.

Entering the elevator, they went down towards the real A.I.M.

Before getting off the elevator, Irene informed Polaris that there were A.I.M. soldiers waiting for them below.

As they got off the elevator, they saw a total of twenty-four armed men who, upon seeing them, began to fire their energy weapons.

Polaris was already prepared and created a large portal in front of her to protect herself from the shots, while controlling her spears she attacked them, massacring all the soldiers.

The soldiers were terrified as they each began to fall.

They wanted to give up but it was too late.

Thus, another place of A.I.M. fell.