
Alex Wayne arrives at Marvel

English translation of the original alle94 fanfic: "Álex Wayne llega a Marvel fan-fic " 21 year old Alex Wayne wakes up in Marvel as an agent of SHIELD. Be aware: Each chapter is very short. First chapters very shorts. Then between 400-600 words per chapter. After chapter 337, 900-1100 words. I don't own nothing and autor allen94 just own his OC

LeonToralla · Anime & Comics
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514 Chs

The Fall of A.I.M. Part 6


Three Days Later

February 20, 2015

Genosha Laboratory

We are currently in Jane Foster's lab to use the Einstein-Rosen Bridge to attack all A.I.M. bases.

Both SHIELD, the new World Security Council and the United Nations have allowed us to destroy A.I.M.

They were being permissive because of what we told them about that organization and its technology.

Which made them happy as they will get some of it effortlessly and let us do all the work.

Of course, we were also told to avoid causing too much fuss and not to cause too much destruction.

"The portal is ready Alex, you can use it at any time" Jane said to me after preparing the portal.

Nodding my head, I look towards the people who will be going on this mission.

Among them are also the Inhumans.

A.I.M. headquarters are a total of 6 different locations around the world.

A mobile submarine in the Atlantic Ocean.

In Asia, India, Europe, Canada, and Boca Caliente, an island in the Caribbean, also called A.I.M. Island.

Those are the only surviving locations of that organization, as the other locations were destroyed by the Avengers.

I take a deep breath to calm my emotions.

We have already distributed the places to which we will go, each group is made up of 6 people.

The team led by Magneto and Pietro will go to the submarine.

Polaris and Irene's group will go to the Asia headquarters.

Psylocke and Jessica's group will go to Europe.

Mystique and Rogue's group will go to India.

Emma, Callisto and Juggernaut's group will go to Canada.

And my group made up of the Inhuman royal family, Mantis and Laura will go to Boca Caliente in the Caribbean.

Looking at them, I say:

"Listen, in this mission we will crush our enemy and leave no trace of them"

"When you arrive at each of those bases, take everything you consider important and bring it, since we could use it to improve our country and remember one thing"

"Take care and have no mercy on our enemies"

When I finish speaking, they all nod their heads and take my words seriously.

The portal lights up.

Looking towards the portal, I say:

"Let's go"

And so, my group went through the portal.

Once we did, Jane started sending the others to the different locations of the A.I.M. headquarters.

At this time, A.I.M. did not know that they would soon be exterminated and would not have the power to defend themselves.