
Alex Wayne arrives at Marvel

English translation of the original alle94 fanfic: "Álex Wayne llega a Marvel fan-fic " 21 year old Alex Wayne wakes up in Marvel as an agent of SHIELD. Be aware: Each chapter is very short. First chapters very shorts. Then between 400-600 words per chapter. After chapter 337, 900-1100 words. I don't own nothing and autor allen94 just own his OC

LeonToralla · Anime & Comics
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514 Chs

The Children of Thanos Part 1


North of Canada

The A.I.M. base at this location was hidden away from any city or town.

The mission to destroy this place was given to the group of Emma, Callisto and Juggernaut.

But they had noticed something strange.

They had arrived at the location only to find that it was under attack by an unknown group.

Using binoculars, Emma sees a humanoid creature almost the size of Juggernaut leading a group of misshapen canine creatures and destroying the entrance to A.I.M.'s secret base.

Callisto and Juggernaut are also watching these creatures.

"What do you think those things are, Emma?" Callisto asked.

"They are aliens" Emma answered calmly.

Her answer shocks the group.

"How do you know? a curious Juggernaut asked.

"That's simple, the functioning of the human brain is like a fingerprint and it is unique, which means that other beings that have another type of functioning are not human"

"And that of those creatures varies a lot from that of living beings on our planet" Emma answered as she looked at those alien creatures.

They all fall silent.

Seconds later, Callisto asks:

"So we continue with the plan or do we go back?"

"Wait a minute, I'll notify Alex of the situation" Emma answered while she communicated with Alex.

They nod their heads.


Alex, who had just arrived on A.I.M. Island, is surprised to receive a call from Emma.

"Is something wrong, Emma?" Alex asked as he answered Emma's call.

"Yes, we are currently in a strange situation" Emma answered.

Raising his eyebrow at her answer and with a little curiosity, Alex asks:

"What do you mean?"

"Well, a group of aliens are attacking the A.I.M. base. The leader is a humanoid being about the size of Juggernaut, his skin is black, wearing armor and he leads a group of misshapen canine creatures. Wait a minute and I'll send you a picture"

When Emma finished talking, she sent him a picture of the aliens.

When Alex received the picture, he is surprised to see these creatures as he recognized the leader.

He is Black Dwarf, one of the so-called Children of Thanos or also known as the Black Order.

Alex is quiet for a few seconds.

He knows why they came and attacked the A.I.M. base.

They want the Cosmic Cube.

He doesn't understand how Thanos found out about its existence, but it shouldn't fall into his hands.

He asks Emma:

"Is that group the only one in that place?"

"Yeah, I already did a psychic check and they are the only group" Emma answered.

"Then finish them off and A.I.M. together" Alex said.

"Understood" Emma said and ended the call.

"Is it already decided, Emma?" Juggernaut asked.

"Yeah, let's finish them off" Emma answered.

"That's what I wanted to hear" Juggernaut said with a smile on his face.