
Alex Wayne arrives at Marvel

English translation of the original alle94 fanfic: "Álex Wayne llega a Marvel fan-fic " 21 year old Alex Wayne wakes up in Marvel as an agent of SHIELD. Be aware: Each chapter is very short. First chapters very shorts. Then between 400-600 words per chapter. After chapter 337, 900-1100 words. I don't own nothing and autor allen94 just own his OC

LeonToralla · Anime & Comics
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514 Chs

Returning Home Part 3


Alex looked at the surprised Red Skull and Doctor Faustus, and a small smile formed on his face.

He had taken his time finding this place, slipping in unnoticed, and making his way to the Red Skull's office.

The Red Skull and Doctor Faustus reacted quickly and wanted to sound the alarm.

But Alex nonchalantly drew a dagger and hurled it at Doctor Faustus with superhuman strength. The dagger embedded in his shoulder and the force pushed him back causing him to stumble and fall backward onto a small table in the middle of the office.

The Red Skull pulled out a gun ready to fire but Alex moved at high speed, approached him, punched him in the stomach and grabbing his head hit him on the floor.

The Red Skull and Doctor Faustus just let out grunts of pain.

"Haha, you guys are really bad hosts, wanting to attack me, I just wanted to talk" Alex said as he laughed calmly.

The two men on the floor didn't buy that shit, but didn't say anything.

Instead, they wondered how this man had found them and what was his purpose in doing so.

To regain some calm, the Red Skull tries to stand up but at that moment he feels a great pressure on his back and the expression on his face changes and becomes really distorted.

It's Alex sitting on a chair and his foot is on the Red Skull's back, preventing him from getting up no matter how hard he tried.

This is humiliation at its finest.

"Really, even if it's for something you're useful Red Skull. And you, don't try to stand or next time I'll aim for your throat" Alex said as he sneered at the Red Skull and looked at Doctor Faustus.

Doctor Faustus's body tenses and he stops trying to get up.

"What the hell do you want, Alex Wayne?" The Red Skull asked with a very venomous tone of voice.

Alex doesn't care about his tone, and with an indifferent tone he answers:

"You don't have anything I want, the only thing I came to collect never belonged to you in the first place, so stop putting on airs"

When he finished speaking, Alex increases the pressure on the Red Skull's back.

Who just grits his teeth in anger.

Alex looks around the office and calmly says:

"You know, you could have a good life with everything you've got, but you want to use it just to cause chaos and destroy Captain America's life to the point of manipulating Sharon Carter to do it, you're really pathetic"

The Red Skull releases a large amount of killing intent upon hearing his words and Doctor Faustus breaks out in a cold sweat.

Since, on the subject of Sharon Carter, he had a lot to do with it, he just hopes that because of that, Alex Wayne doesn't try to kill him when he finds out.

At that moment, the room falls into an awkward silence.

But out of nowhere, Est appears surprised everyone.

"Oh Est, looks like you got it" Alex said when he saw her.

The Red Skull and Doctor Faustus turn their heads and see a girl who, according to their informants, is the daughter of Alex Wayne.

But at that moment, the eyes of the Red Skull and Doctor Faustus widen like saucers and are filled with horror when they see what the girl is holding in one of her hands.

It is a bluish cubical object that releases an impressive aura.

It's the Cosmic Cube of that universe.

"She agreed to come with us father, but she wants to go through the same change" Est said to him as she indifferently ignored the presences of the Red Skull and Doctor Faustus.

Alex nods, understanding what Est means.

"I see, then tell her to wait until we leave here, since it's not a good place to do it" Alex said softly.

The Cosmic Cube's glow flickers for a moment and Est says:

"She says she doesn't mind waiting a little longer"

"So your target was the Cosmic Cube, for a hero you're very greedy" the Red Skull said with a great anger that almost made him irrational.

Since that bastard came for the most powerful secret in his organization.

"You sure are good at interrupting people, right? Red Bald, ah no, it's Red Skull, right? I'm sorry if I offended you, but let me tell you something, I'm not a hero and if you keep challenging me, I won't hesitate to kill you and lighten Captain's load, understood?" Alex said to him in a relaxed and calm manner but releasing a horrendous murderous intent.

His words sent shivers down the bodies of the Red Skull and Doctor Faustus.

It was the first time for them that they felt that state of despair.

They had had several enemies who wanted them dead, but they were always victorious.

But hearing his words, they knew very well that this young person who had a small smile on his face would easily kill them and they couldn't put up any resistance.

Hearing Alex's words, Est's beautiful eyes flickered and she tilted her head to the side in a bit of confusion.

She had heard those closest to Alex say that he is a hero, but that he did not like being called that.

Which according to her was contradictory since she was also saved by him and according to her understanding that was what heroes do.

She even investigated and came to a conclusion.

Alex is the type of person that Japanese anime called a Tsundere.

If Alex had listened to Est's thoughts, he would have vomited blood.

"Alex Wayne, you don't understand how dangerous this object is, only Hydra knows how it works" the Red Skull said to prevent him from taking it away.

Alex releases the Red Skull, who sighs in relief, but before he can get up, Alex kicks him in the ribs and sends him crashing into the wall.

"You don't need to say anything, since this doesn't belong to you anymore" Alex said as he left the room accompanied by Est.

After a few seconds since they left, the Red Skull yells at the top of his lungs saying: