
Alex Wayne arrives at Marvel

English translation of the original alle94 fanfic: "Álex Wayne llega a Marvel fan-fic " 21 year old Alex Wayne wakes up in Marvel as an agent of SHIELD. Be aware: Each chapter is very short. First chapters very shorts. Then between 400-600 words per chapter. After chapter 337, 900-1100 words. I don't own nothing and autor allen94 just own his OC

LeonToralla · Anime & Comics
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514 Chs

Guardians of the Galaxy Part 3


The Nova Corps forces did not give up and began to furiously chase the bounty hunters who wanted to escape.

As Gamora approaches the raccoon and the tree, she sees that her target had gotten out of the bag and started running away from them.

"Hey, wait there little man, you can escape after I get my units!" the raccoon yelled, chasing Peter Quill.

"I am Groot" the tree running beside him said.

"Yeah, it is your fault that our units escaped, how many times have I told you not to talk to the merchandise?" the raccoon said a little annoyed.

"I am Groot" the tree said.

"Don't justify yourself and help me capture him" the raccoon said.

Gamora, who was about to catch up with them, rolled her eyes at the strange conversation the duo were having.

The plant called Groot stretched out his branches with the purpose of capturing Peter Quill, but he would not be easily caught and drew his gun to shoot them.

But Gamora, who had approached, ordered the Sentinel to disarm him.

With a wave of its hand and using its powers over metal, the Sentinel disarmed Peter Quill, surprising him.

This draws the attention of the raccoon and Groot, who turn to look at Gamora and she continues forward, blocking Peter Quill's escape.

That leaves them in a deadlock.

"I don't think I'm so famous that everyone is looking for me" Peter Quill said with a very tight smile on his face.

"That's what you get for taking things that are beyond your comprehension" Gamora said to him coldly.

"Hey woman, this is our prey, after all the Kree are paying a lot of units for his head" the raccoon said a little annoyed at being left out of the conversation.

"I am Groot" the tree said but everyone ignored him.

"Come on, can we be more civilized and come to an agreement? This that I have in my possession is very valuable and is worth more than the units that are paying you" Peter Quill said as he showed them a metal orb.

The raccoon was silent, wondering what to do.

But Gamora frowned and looked at them coldly.

At that moment, they heard a powerful whistle and the place where they were was bombarded by Nova Corps forces.

The Legion Sentinel surrounded Gamora and shielded her from the impact.

Peter Quill, the raccoon and Groot weren't so lucky.

Gamora frowned because she knew that the Nova Corps forces would close in and bring more soldiers and that would prevent her from escaping so she decided to give up for now to get the Power Stone and would come for it later.

Gamora reached out and touched the Sentinel's chest, who then immediately transformed into a suit of armor, which Gamora donned and flew away at high speed.

The Nova Corps ships realized this and wanted to follow her, but Gamora activated the Sentinel's powers and made them crash so they wouldn't chase her, finally managing to escape.


Seconds after Gamora's escape, high-level members of the Nova Corps appear.

They are two men, the elite of the Nova Corps.


The Denarian in charge and the Millennians are surprised by the arrival of two members of the Centurion.

"Have you guys caught all the rioters?" one of the Centurion asked as he calmly looked around.

"Yes sir, only one managed to escape. It's the most dangerous woman in the universe, Gamora" the Denarian answered.

"I see. Well, find out what these people were looking for and then send them to the space prison" the Centurion said after being silent for a few seconds.

The Millennians did their job and started transporting all the prisoners.

Among them you could see a very depressed Peter Quill, a very upset Rocket and a very calm Groot.

Peter Quill didn't know how it had come to this but fortunately he still had the orb in his possession and once he escaped, he could sell it to a good buyer.

But thinking about that crazy redhead who is looking for him, he shuddered and decided to stay locked up for a while to avoid her.


Gamora had reached the hangar where her spaceship was and getting on it, she left the planet activating the stealth mode to hide.

She had already removed the Sentinel armor.

"Trace the orb's energy and give me its location" she ordered the Sentinel.

The Sentinel touched the spaceship's screen and a radar appeared showing a blinking moving dot.

Gamora had a small smile on her lips and followed the sign.


From the route Gamora followed, she knew they had placed what she was looking for in the maximum security intergalactic prison.

She did not immediately attack as the prison was currently being protected by a fleet of Millennians.

It seems that the Nova Corps were being cautious due to her involvement.

Gamora sometimes felt annoyed with that fame of hers.

But there was nothing she could do but wait.

So she decided to investigate something the raccoon said about the Kree that caught her attention.

And what she found made her frown.

Ronan the Accuser.

An enhanced Kree with great abilities and a general commanding a large Kree fleet.

She knew about him, as many times when she did work for Thanos they had clashed.

Gamora sighed as he would be a very difficult enemy to face alone, especially if he brings his entire army.

Thus, the time passed quickly and Gamora was upset that she had been waiting for over 48 hours and the Nova Corps still hadn't left.

Just as she was getting impatient, she watched in surprise as a large fleet of spaceships appeared and wordlessly began attacking the Millennians.

Gamora's face turned serious as she recognized that fleet.

They were Kree and if she guessed right, they were Ronan's forces.