
Alex Wayne arrives at Marvel

English translation of the original alle94 fanfic: "Álex Wayne llega a Marvel fan-fic " 21 year old Alex Wayne wakes up in Marvel as an agent of SHIELD. Be aware: Each chapter is very short. First chapters very shorts. Then between 400-600 words per chapter. After chapter 337, 900-1100 words. I don't own nothing and autor allen94 just own his OC

LeonToralla · Anime & Comics
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514 Chs

Dragon Strike Part 3


After all, most gods represent concepts, but as powerful as they are, and even though the 'Imagine Breaker' may not completely destroy them, their consciousness would no longer exist.

Thanos is different in that regard. His abnormal strength, even without the Stones, can be a match for Alex.

Although he doesn't know if this Thanos is obsessed with Death, but with the plan to kill half of the living beings in the universe, it shouldn't be.

"Well, it's normal for him to want to get rid of those guys. After all, their existence goes against his ideals" Carol Danvers added sarcastically.

The Guardians and Alex nod in agreement with Carol.

"What do you mean?" Hela asked a bit confused.

Noticing that, Captain Marvel explained to her what the Cosmic Tyrant Thanos wanted to do.

Hela was dumbstruck at that guy's crazy idea, even though she didn't need her army to be alive, it didn't mean that she would turn everyone in the universe into living dead.

She wants to rule the universe and if they were all her dead servants, then it wouldn't be fun and it wouldn't give her the satisfaction of a true conquest either.

With those thoughts, Hela looked at the Guardians and Alex and for the first time her ambitions began to waver.

"No, that's because these guys are abnormally strong and that's why I'm hesitating" softly murmuring those words, Hela shook her head.

Alex gives Hela a strange look. Although the Guardians didn't hear her murmur, he did, so he found it amusing but decided to keep quiet and began to think about what Carol said.

She's right on that part, after all, Thanos and his big family planning would suffer if both Galactus and Ego achieve their goals.

That's why Thanos won't allow those two guys to continue to exist.

"Gamora, do you know if that guy gave up on the Infinity Stones?" after thinking about that, Alex asked Gamora.

"I don't know but it should be. I know his power and I know that it's no problem for him to achieve his goals, just that it would take a long time… that was also the reason why he wanted the Cosmic Cube" giving him a strange look, Gamora continued:

"About the Infinity Stones, it's very complicated. Currently most of them have appeared on Earth, but he has always ignored them, as if there is something on Earth that threatens him"

Alex nodded in understanding. Even if Odin is old and on his last legs, if that old man tries his best, even using his life, he can cause problems for Thanos.

And even if Odin isn't there, there's still the Sorcerer Supreme.

Although Alex, with his 'Imagine Breaker', can completely suppress the Ancient One, that doesn't mean she's weak.

What's more, her power is even more dangerous than Odin's.

So it was normal that Thanos won't come close to Earth.

But even so, Alex still doesn't get too confident, after all, the more massacres Thanos causes, the more his strength will continue to increase.

"For now, let's not let anyone get ahead of us, after all you still want revenge, right? Alexa, open a path to Ego" Alex commented as he gave orders to Alexa.

Alexa nods in agreement and approaches Legion placing her hand on the Sentinel's head, extracting the energy frequency information from Ego and Galactus.

After a few seconds and in front of the curious look of the Guardians and Hela.

Alexa extends her left hand pointing outward in front of the spaceship.

A pulse of Cosmic Energy and the Phoenix Force is released from her hand and passes through the spaceship without damaging it, into outer space.


With a strange sound, the energy destroys the space in front of them creating a kind of portal.

"Come on, it's time to destroy a planet and meet my father-in-law" Alex said with a smile, as he completely suppressed his 'Imagine Breaker' so as not to cause trouble.

Gamora snapped out of her surprise and steered the spaceship towards the space opening.

Her objective was clear.


Minutes Before

At the other end of the galaxy

Ego had a grim face, almost a day had passed since he got away from Galactus and his Heralds.

And he was currently repairing the damage done to his planet.

Even though he was in danger, it has only made his desire to capture Quill even greater.

Now, with the current situation in the universe, it will be difficult for him to capture him. Although he has already hired some mercenaries, he doubts that they can complete the mission.

So he gets the idea to go to Earth and threaten to destroy it so he can lure Quill out.

He is sure that this will work, since this place is the home where his mother rests.

Quill will have no choice but to fall into the trap

Although Ego did not see him grow up, he can understand his son's personality a little, after all, he himself almost gave up his own mission for that woman.

While Ego was having those thoughts, something caught his attention and when he realized who it was, his eyes filled with terrifying murderous intent.

Wasting no time, Ego united with the planet and in its atmosphere, his huge face appeared and he looked into outer space.

A large dark figure surrounded by five small figures were approaching his position.

These were Galactus and his Heralds.

Ego's expression sank upon seeing their arrival, but he was immediately surprised since they weren't the only ones to arrive.

A large space fleet appeared behind Galactus and the Heralds, it was as if they were being followed.

If anyone who was informed of the entire situation of the universe saw this space fleet, they would be shocked and tremble with fear.

Since the crew of that fleet was Thanos and his army.

The space fleet wasted no time and fired indiscriminately on Galactus' group.

They only defended themselves without the intention of attacking.

Ego was surprised by the situation, but quickly realized why they didn't defend themselves.

Galactus' group was hurt!