
Alex Wayne arrives at Marvel

English translation of the original alle94 fanfic: "Álex Wayne llega a Marvel fan-fic " 21 year old Alex Wayne wakes up in Marvel as an agent of SHIELD. Be aware: Each chapter is very short. First chapters very shorts. Then between 400-600 words per chapter. After chapter 337, 900-1100 words. I don't own nothing and autor allen94 just own his OC

LeonToralla · Anime & Comics
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514 Chs

Civil War Part 2


"Stark!" Henry Pym yelled.

"I know, you don't have to yell" Stark said as he began to communicate with the Avengers.

"Where does the signal come from?" Doctor Strange asked as he approached Henry.

"The signal is a little higher than other places, but this signal is coming from Stamford Connecticut" Henry said as he used the satellite to focus on Stamford.

At that moment, the satellite cameras capture a great brightness that illuminates it for a few seconds.

Doctor Strange and Henry are shocked and faces darken.

Because they recognized what just happened, it was a big explosion.

"But what the hell just happened in that place?" Henry yelled.


Minutes Before

Alex's group had arrived just before the start of the New Warriors live broadcast.

At first, since Alex found out that the Civil War was going to happen, he wanted to avoid it. But after thinking about it, he knew that this incident would bring down a peg to most of the heroes who acted irresponsibly.

But also, he won't let the people in this place die and with Est's powers he would protect them.

Alex does not consider himself a hero. Fulfilling Sarah Kinney's promise, helping to protect and care for Laura and the Mutant children, freeing the Mutants and giving them a place where they are not afraid of being persecuted.

All of this he did just by following his heart and to understand why he is in this universe.

He was just being selfish, but if you ask him if he would do it again even if it wasn't necessary, he would do it again.

Some may consider it contradictory, or just think like Wanda who called him silly.

But he didn't care, he knew the risks of the future and he would face them without fear.

But above anything else, he would put the safety of his world and those of his family.

Even if it means destroying or ignoring life from other universes.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Alex looked at the movements of the New Warriors.

He thought those kids were idiots, the way they sought popularity wasn't bad as long as they didn't make mistakes, because if they did, they would be judged.

In that part, Peter Parker was more intelligent, he took photos and delivered the best ones, and although he was judged, it was not too serious.

Alex watches as they pathetically hide to avoid alerting the villains.

But the simple fact of making a live broadcast that is popular and can be seen by anyone is already a fatal mistake.

He knows that they are only teenagers who have not received a good training in hero matters and although there is an adult in the group, the only one who has training in that subject is Nova, but that boy is not currently on the planet.

"Alex, are we really going to let that happen?" Irene asked worriedly.

Alex watches as they start to move against the villains, but they underestimated them and they start to run away.

And at that moment, Alex sees the person who will be the cause of the explosion in this place coming out of a house.


Alex's companions also get serious when they see him.

Since they know that this is the maniac of all the chaos.

In that, they see how Namorita hit Nitro from behind and crashed into a school bus

Seeing that change, Alex says:

"Do it now Est"

Est nods her head and releases her energy covering all people with a thin layer of imperceptible energy in a diameter of a kilometer around.

The only one without that protection is Nitro.

The man was furious at the girl restraining him and growling, his body filled with energy that he furiously released in all directions.

Seeing Nitro's actions, the faces of all the New Warriors changed and they wanted to stop him but it was too late.

The energy devoured and destroyed everything in its path without any remorse.

The surrounding people panicked but all they could do was cover their eyes and wait for their end.

Seconds later, the people were confused as they felt nothing and opened their eyes to look around.

At first, they felt it was an illusion but the fallen buildings and blast craters told them it was real.

The New Warriors were in the same situation and they were confused.

At that moment, Namorita realizes that Nitro wanted to escape.

"Stop right there!" she yelled.

That yell caught the attention of the people around and the other members of the New Warriors.

They quickly moved to stop Nitro as they didn't want him to produce another explosion.

But someone was faster.

Psylocke appeared above Nitro's head, and with her whips she caught him and sent him a stunning mental attack.

She then kicked him in the head and Nitro fell unconscious.

Riri wearing her suit landed next to him and placed a suppressor collar on Nitro.

Alex, Irene, Rogue, Laura and Est also approached them.

Alex frowns at the stunned New Warriors and says:

"What are you doing standing like idiots there? Go and get the people out of the rubble, my daughter has protected everyone from the explosion but she can't get them out of where they are trapped"

When he finished speaking, he patted Est's head.

The New Warriors were startled but looking around and quickly went to get the trapped people out.

The people around also did the same.

Seeing that, Alex didn't worry, with Est's abilities he knew that no one had died and they hadn't even gotten hurt.