
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
174 Chs


Judge Cheney called for a ten-minute recess. My eyes scanned the crowd as I walked to where my family was waiting for me at the end of the aisle. I greeted them, giving Mrs. Azure a quick hug before ushering them from the courtroom.

"Thank you for coming," I said, shaking Mr. Azure's hand.

"Of course, son. There's nowhere we'd rather be." He smiled and gave me a firm pat on the back.

Mrs. Azure stepped forward. "Oh, honey, you know we'd never miss being here to support you. That murderer. How can she live with herself? We need to schedule more therapy with each other so I can really dig into how those awful people ruined you."

I chuckled. "Mom, she's a soulless thing. Lives mean nothing to her as long as she gets what she wants. It's nothing that wasn't bearable."

Her nose turned up in distaste. "Well, I'm glad you were there to put her away. I'm just sorry you had to go through all you did just to have this day."

I raised a brow. "All that I did?"

She placed her hand on my cheek. "Yes, son, all you did. Hiding away from your friends and family for a week and a half on end, with a prostitute no less. It must've been awful being around it."

I tensed and stepped back, her hand falling to her side. "It's really nothing, Mom. It's all to get Emily locked up for good! After all this, she's going for reform and hopefully she won't be like that anymore." No need to get into this now, but I could tell already that we'd be having a conversation about it sooner rather than later. I wondered where Bea was at the moment. I had to tell her she did a good job holding it together.

"Of course, my dear boy." She pinched my cheek. "You are the best at educating people, after all."

"Okay, Mom, if you say so," I placated her before turning to Elizabeth, who's been uncharacteristically quiet this whole time. "Hey. I'm glad you could make it." I said. "I'm happy you were able to let it go."

"I'm fine since it's not like she's going after Sam." Ugh, I forgot about them going steady recently. She squeezed me good and tight before pulling back. "By the way, good job you did up on the stand. There's no way that bitch isn't going to jail for what she did."

Mrs. Azure gasped. "Elize Amelie Azure!"

Uh oh, she's French-naming her.

"What? That's what she is, mommy." She shrugged.

"Oh, definitely, and we've got her good. There's no way she's getting out of this," I said, trying to intervene. Mrs. Azure gave Elizabeth a reproachful look but didn't say anything more.

"Son, I hate to cut in, but now that you've testified, your mother and I are going to get back to our jobs. We wanted to be here to support you." He slid his arm around Mrs. Azure's waist.

"Okay, no problem. I didn't think you guys would want to stay all day. After we get a verdict, I'll stop by and let you check out my arm. It's feeling pretty good now, though." I bent my freshly healing arm at the elbow a couple of times to show them it's in working order.

Mrs. Azure reached over and laid her hand on my forearm, making me flinch. "It's not fine until the doctor says it's fine."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll get by there as soon as I can. See you later in the week, then?"

Mr. Azure gave me a nod before turning and leading Mrs. Azure out of the courthouse. I turned back to Elizabeth, who was just standing there with her brows crinkled. I rubbed my finger over her forehead. "Crinkles make wrinkles."

She snapped out of her thoughts and smacked me on the arm. "I'll show you wrinkles. Where's Jasper?"

"Jeff said it would be better if Jasper only came when he's called to discuss the next round of charges," I said. "Plus, I don't want him glaring at Bea today."

"That was probably smart. Can't have her messing up," Elizabeth agreed.

"And you'll be taking her under your wing since I have no time for her," I said.

"Excuse me?"

"I think you'd be the best influence on her. After all, you're one of the most respectable women I know," I tried.

"My mom and I are basically the only women you know," she mumbled.

"Yeah, but you can relate to being a mess. I think if she learns from you, it'll be great. It won't be long."

"I'd rather be shot."

"Or I can just tell Dad where you've been crashing for the past few months without working," I shrugged. "Either way is fine with me."

"Hold on now, all you had to do was keep buttering me up," Elizabeth groaned. "I'll fix her up so nice you won't even recognize her."

"Thanks. She'll be staying with the rest of the staff in their quarters instead of the main house," I told her.

"I guess that's the beauty of having a staff home on your property. You really want to let her work for you?" Elizabeth asked.

"It's not ideal, but it's the only way I can keep the aftermath controlled."

"She must know too much."

"Too much to run freely. She's slept with too many people, most likely when she was underage. Who knows who might come for her," I sighed. "Jeff will bring her over after the verdict is passed."

The closing arguments had been given, and it was in the jury's hands now. Elizabeth and I were once again waiting in the hallway we've been in since the day I testified. I knew I was driving Elizabeth insane pacing around. Finally, after two hours, we were allowed back in the courtroom.

Judge Cheney called the courtroom to order and brought the jury back in.

"Judge Cheney asked the jury for the verdict. "We, the jury, find the defendant, Emily Todd, guilty of murder in the first degree."

For the first time in a while, complete relief rushed through me. Emily was out of my life for good, and it was all thanks to Bea and her bravery. The judge thanked the jury and scheduled a date for sentencing before dismissing them. The guards from the prison came to take Emily. Until now, she'd just sat there silent and still, but as soon as they touched her, she went absolutely insane.

She jumped up and looked around until she found me. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!!!" The guards were struggling to cuff her. Her eyes looked completely insane. "I MEAN IT, I'LL GET YOU AND THAT BITCH!!!" The guards got her cuffed and dragged her away after putting a spit mask on her, but that didn't stop her yelling. "YOU'RE DEAD, BITCH!!! DEAD!!!"

That definitely wouldn't work in her favor in the future. Elizabeth and I quickly left through the back of the courthouse to avoid the brunt of the media, but surely they had some reserves waiting to flash photos of us.

"Vultures, the lot of them," Elizabeth said. "Guess I should go get started on my lesson plans since I'll be opening a finishing school."

"You don't have to go that far. Just teach her how to assimilate into society and manners. Once she's good, you don't have to care about her anymore," I said. Elizabeth and I linked arms and pushed our way through the growing crowd of reporters hurling questions our way until we reached the car.

Elizabeth sighed dramatically as we got into the car. "You really think I can turn someone like her into a functioning member of society?"

"I have faith in you," I said. "Besides, Bea just showed us she can be brave and hold it together under pressure. She just needs good female guidance."

Elizabeth nodded, though she still looked skeptical. "I guess I can try. But if she pulls any of her antics, I'm calling you."

"Deal," I agreed, smiling as the car started to move.

As we drove away from the courthouse, I felt the tension finally beginning to leave my shoulders. The weight of the trial, the stress of dealing with Emily, and the constant worry about Bea's safety had been suffocating. Now, with Emily convicted and Bea's testimony over, there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

"I can't believe it's finally over," Elizabeth said, leaning back in her seat.

"Almost," I replied. "We still have the sentencing, but the hardest part is done."

She nodded. "Yeah. Thanks for handling all this, Alex. I know it hasn't been easy."

"No, it hasn't," I admitted. "But it was necessary. Emily needed to be stopped."

"And Bea?" Elizabeth asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She needed a chance to escape that life," I said. "And maybe now she can."

We fell into a comfortable silence as the car continued its journey. The road ahead was still uncertain, but at least now it seemed manageable. With Emily behind bars and the support of my family, we could start rebuilding.

When we finally arrived home, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. The trial had been a nightmare, but it was behind us now. I glanced at Elizabeth, who gave me a reassuring smile. We both knew there was still work to be done, but for now, we could take a moment to breathe.