
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

Vacation(Part 4)

I closed my eyes, a heavy sigh escaping my lips as I processed the revelation. "Give me a minute," I murmured, my mind already racing to devise a plan to navigate the unexpected obstacle that lay before me.

Emily's unexpected appearance at the restaurant was a curveball I hadn't anticipated, and I knew I needed to act swiftly to mitigate any potential fallout.

Despite the initial shock, I forced myself to remain calm, my thoughts already churning as I formulated a plan on the fly. It was fortunate, in a way, that I wasn't physically present at the restaurant at that moment. It gave me the freedom to strategize without the pressure of Emily's imposing presence bearing down on me.

Emily wasn't the type to simply walk away if asked politely; she thrived on confrontation and wasn't one to back down easily. I needed to devise a plan that would both protect the interests of the restaurant and ensure that Emily's presence didn't disrupt our operations.

"Travis," I finally spoke, my voice firm and resolute. "I need you to handle this situation delicately. Stall Emily for as long as you can, but don't make any commitments or agreements without consulting me first. I'll be in touch shortly with further instructions."

Travis's voice crackled through the phone, his concern palpable even from a distance. ""Are you sure you're okay?"" he asked, his tone laced with genuine worry.

I forced a reassuring smile, despite the tumult of emotions swirling within me. "I'll handle it," I replied, my confidence unwavering. "Just keep her occupied for now."

With a final nod of determination, I ended the call and set to work on executing my impromptu plan. There was no time to waste; Emily's presence posed a significant threat, and I was determined to meet it head-on with all the cunning and resolve at my disposal.

"Can I borrow your laptop Jasper," I asked.


With Jasper's laptop in hand, I wasted no time in accessing the security camera of the restaurant. Every second counted, and I needed to assess the situation firsthand before formulating my next move.

Just as I was about to delve deeper into the footage, my phone buzzed with another incoming call from Travis. With a sense of urgency, I answered, eager to hear his latest update on the situation unfolding at the restaurant.

"Travis, what's the situation?" I asked, my voice tinged with a sense of urgency.

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Travis's voice crackled through the receiver. ""Emily's staying here and I managed to stall her for the time being. She's insisting on speaking with the owner directly, though.""

"Keep her occupied for a little while longer," I instructed, my tone firm and authoritative. "I'm working on a plan, but I need more time. Don't let her leave until I say so."

Travis's voice wavered slightly, betraying his unease at the prospect of dealing with Emily's formidable presence. ""Are you sure you can handle this?"" he asked tentatively.

I squared my shoulders, a steely resolve coursing through me. "I have to," I replied, my tone unwavering. "Trust me, Travis. I'll take care of it. Just tell me the current situation we're in right this second."

""What other situation could there be? Your sister came back beautiful but is acting worse than your dad! She keeps complaining about how long it's taking you to see you!"" Travis's frantic voice pierced through the phone, carrying with it a sense of urgency and apprehension that mirrored my own mounting concern. As he relayed the latest developments regarding Emily's presence at the restaurant, a knot of dread tightened in the pit of my stomach, mingling with a potent mix of frustration and exasperation.

The mere mention of Emily's name sent a surge of tension coursing through me, my mind racing to anticipate her next move and the potential ramifications for the restaurant's operations. Despite my efforts to maintain a composed exterior, I couldn't shake the gnawing sense of unease that gripped me, knowing all too well the volatile nature of my sister's temperament.

"No one mentioned my name?" I interjected, my voice edged with a tinge of disbelief.

""No one, not even your sister,"" Travis confirmed, his tone heavy with resignation.

"What room is she in?" I inquired, my mind racing to devise a plan of action.

"Three," Travis informed me, his words punctuated by a heavy sigh.

Quickly accessing the security camera feed, I zeroed in on private dining room number 3, where Emily's figure loomed large on the screen, her presence casting a shadow over the room.

Just then, a waiter walked in holding her drink, and Emily's disdainful scowl sent a shiver down my spine. ""Finally! When is your boss going to show himself? Does he have any manners?"" her voice rang out, dripping with entitlement and impatience.

""Sorry ma'am, our boss is currently busy."" The waiter said before rushing out of the room before he could get scolded again.

The tension in the air was palpable as Travis and I exchanged hurried words over the phone, each suggestion carrying with it a sense of desperation and urgency. Travis's proposal to enlist Rose's services in dealing with Emily's unwelcome presence elicited a momentary pause from me, as I weighed the potential consequences of such a drastic course of action.

"No, if Rose beat her up, it'll be just be causing more problems," I finally replied, my voice tinged with a hint of resignation.

Travis's frustration was evident in his tone as he implored me for guidance, his anxiety mirroring my own as we grappled with the unexpected dilemma before us. ""What should we do?"" he asked, his voice laced with uncertainty.

A faint smile graced my lips as a sudden realization dawned upon me, the pieces of a plan falling into place with startling clarity. "Go make yourself some coffee and stop worrying," I instructed, my tone surprisingly calm despite the chaos unfolding around us.

The incredulous expressions on both Travis and Jasper's faces only served to further solidify my resolve, as I brushed off their concerns with a nonchalant chuckle. "Even if she was in front of me, I'd still have a beverage first," I quipped, the faintest hint of amusement dancing in my eyes.

""How would I be calm enough for coffee?"" Travis's urgent reminder cut through the air, punctuating the tense atmosphere with a sense of impending urgency. ""If you miss this chance, the next time might be difficult!"" he urged, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation.

I couldn't help but feel the weight of his words bearing down on me, a knot of anxiety forming in the pit of my stomach. "I am anxious," I admitted, my tone betraying the turmoil swirling within me. "How long has she been waiting already?"

Travis's response only served to heighten my apprehension, his words painting a picture of Emily's escalating impatience. ""About an hour,"" he confirmed, the frustration evident in his voice.

"Good, make her wait another two hours," I instructed, my voice firm despite the uncertainty gnawing at my insides.

Travis's exasperated retort echoed in the room, his frustration palpable as he pushed back against my seemingly cavalier attitude. ""Be serious! She waited five minutes before she started to scream at the staff! She'll definitely be gone in two hours!"" he snapped, the urgency of the situation weighing heavily upon him.

A knowing smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I reassured Travis with unwavering confidence. "Don't worry, she won't leave," I assured him, a sense of quiet determination underscoring my words.

""How do you know?"" Travis pressed, his skepticism evident in his tone.

My smile widened ever so slightly as I offered a cryptic response, my confidence rising. "Who do you know that will pop back out in public right after getting facial reconstruction surgery? She's anxious to return to business," I pointed out, a note of incredulity creeping into my voice.

Travis remained unconvinced, his skepticism evident as he pressed for clarification. ""So?""

"So, it doesn't matter if she came to buy our greenhouse," I countered, a confident lilt coloring my words. "The success of the deal is dependent on me. So what if she has a bad temper, she'll still have to plead to me in the end," I chuckled, my confidence unwavering despite the looming presence of Emily's demanding demeanor.

Travis listened intently, his brow furrowed in contemplation as he absorbed my plan. ""Okay, so then what do I do?"" he inquired, his tone tinged with uncertainty.

A smirk played across my lips as I laid out the next steps of our strategy, my voice infused with a sense of determination. ""Let security bring her stuff so she can't bitch at the staff," I instructed, my words carrying a hint of command. "Then make yourself some coffee. In three hours, tell her the boss had to rush home for a family emergency, and then call me so I can talk to her,"" I explained, my confidence bolstered by the clarity of the plan forming in my head.

As Travis reluctantly agreed to follow the plan, his tone revealing a mixture of doubt and resignation, he ended the call, leaving me to execute our strategy. Meanwhile, Jasper closed the laptop with a sense of relief, his expression mirroring my own as we shifted our focus to the immediate task at hand.

With the impending crisis temporarily averted, Jasper turned to me with a hopeful expression, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "So, since we now have some unexpected free time, how about I take you to see more festivities? The festival is still going after all," he suggested, a warm smile gracing his lips.

I couldn't help but return his smile, a surge of gratitude washing over me for his unwavering support. "That sounds wonderful," I replied.

As we made our way out of the motel room and back into the bustling streets of Malamig village, I couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude for Jasper's steadfast companionship, his presence offering a comforting anchor amidst the storm brewing. With each step we took, I found myself growing increasingly grateful for the unexpected moments of solace that he brought into my life and wanting to confess my feelings to him even more.