
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

Vacation(Part 2)

As we stepped out of the car I was mesmerized by the scene that was impossible to find in the city. The earth was draped in a pristine layer of snow, casting a silvery glow over the grass beneath and lending an ethereal beauty to the surroundings. The air was crisp and cold, yet invigorating, as if nature itself had been rejuvenated by the winter chill. Delicate icicles adorned the branches of weathered trees, catching the sunlight and casting shimmering reflections. They seemed almost surreal, suspended in mid-air, their transparent forms fragile yet mesmerizing. Nearby, berries encased in ice resembled precious rubies, their vibrant hues contrasting with the crystalline surroundings. Surrounding leaves, dusted with a fine layer of frost, appeared like sugary confections, adding to the enchanting scene.

Two speckled sparrows frolicked in the cool water pooled in a shallow indentation on a rock. Pecking through the thin layer of ice with the assistance of the weak rays of sun, they delighted in dipping in and out of the clear liquid, their cheerful squeaks filling the crisp winter air as they fluffed up their feathers against the chill.

The lake resembled a shiny mirror, its surface frozen solid since the early days of winter. A winter hare darted swiftly through a thicket, hastening back to its warren, its snowy white fur camouflaging it amidst the wintry landscape, offering protection from the relentless predators prowling the desolate countryside. Disappointed, the lynx, which had been eyeing the hare hungrily, slinked away, acknowledging that luck wasn't on its side this time.

The crop fields lay barren and desolate, devoid of any signs of life. Not a single shoot dared to emerge through the harsh winter weather. Only the livestock remained, braving the chilly dawn with stoic resolve. Sheep clustered together, forming a dense woolly mass for warmth, while the cows searched in vain for nourishment amidst the frozen grass beneath their hooves, their troughs solid with ice. A solitary horse stood forlornly in the center of its paddock, its head bowed in resignation.

As shared by a local, The Snow Festival was a customary gathering held each winter, as expected, at the beginning of the year. During this occasion, the entire community united to honor the formidable force and influence of the sky. Their objective was to seek its benevolence, hoping for a favorable season that would spare their livestock from the harsh cold and shield their children from the perils of fever or hunger.

The heart of the village hosted the main festivities, featuring lively street dances and sumptuous feasts prepared from the carefully preserved supplies gathered during the autumn harvests. No expense was spared for this occasion. Tables were adorned with succulent cuts of venison, pork, beef, and lamb, while a magnificent, un-plucked pheasant with its vibrant plumage intact served as the centerpiece. The meats were seasoned with exotic spices, savory sauces, and an array of herbs, enhancing their flavors. Although vegetables were scarce, the occasional carrot, bean, or cabbage, diligently saved and boiled for the celebration, could be found among the culinary offerings.

Throughout the town, homes were adorned with elaborate decorations that were lovingly brought out each year to mark the festival: colorful ribbons, tassels, bells, chimes, and charming little statues depicting the Goddess Anitun Tabu. Delightful fragrances would waft through the streets, perfectly complementing the season; occasionally, the scent of cinnamon or the aroma of rosemary would tantalize the senses.

The remainder of the morning was dedicated to relishing the wintry conditions outdoors, strolling in the snow and engaging with some of the village youngsters who approached us to play. Jasper and I found ourselves bombarded with heaps of snow, prompting a full-fledged snowball fight. While such antics were never part of my childhood fantasies, let alone my adult plans, my newfound perspective on life compelled me to join in. And I was grateful that I did.

As Jasper redirected a snowball, it detonated down the neck of one of the youngsters, earning a boisterous response from the group. However, he quickly faced his own retribution as the children mobbed him, eventually toppling him to the ground. I simply watched from the sidelines, unable to contain my laughter.

As the children departed, summoned by their parents, we forged ahead through the bustling trees and narrow pathways towards the festivities congregated near the town center.

The winter festival unfolded like a vibrant tapestry against the backdrop of the snowy landscape, breathing life and color into the tranquil winter scene. Crowds of townsfolk and visitors alike thronged the streets, their breath forming misty clouds in the crisp air as they moved amidst stalls and attractions adorned with twinkling lights and festive decorations.

Every corner teemed with activity, resonating with the infectious energy of celebration. The aroma of roasting meats and savory treats wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of pine and wood smoke from crackling bonfires. The sounds of laughter and lively chatter filled the air, punctuated by the joyful melodies of musicians playing traditional tunes on rustic instruments.

In the town square, a grand stage had been erected, its wooden platform adorned with colorful banners and shimmering streamers that danced in the breeze. Performers dazzled the audience with captivating displays of acrobatics, juggling, and fire-breathing, their antics eliciting cheers and applause from the enthralled spectators.

Meanwhile, artisans and craftsmen showcased their wares in bustling market stalls, offering an array of handcrafted goods ranging from intricate jewelry and woven textiles to wooden carvings and pottery. Visitors meandered through the bustling market, admiring the craftsmanship and haggling with vendors in good-natured banter.

Snowball fights erupted spontaneously, with gleeful shouts and laughter echoing through the frosty air. Nearby, families gathered around towering snow sculptures, marveling at the intricate designs and snapping photos to commemorate the moment.

Jasper and I stumbled upon a shooting game, its colorful array of prizes catching our attention. With a mischievous glint in his eye, Jasper challenged me to a round, confident in his own marksmanship skills. However, to his surprise, I proved to be a natural, hitting target after target with surprising accuracy.

As the game progressed, Jasper's competitive streak emerged, his playful banter giving way to focused determination. Yet, despite his efforts, he struggled to hit the mark, his shots veering wide of the target with each attempt.

The booth owner, sensing an opportunity to spur Jasper on, egged him on with a taunting remark about his game.  "C'mon don't give up, play for a prize for your friend, he's been eyeing one of those stuffed animals." Jasper's expression darkened at the insinuation, but he remained silent, unwilling to correct the misconception. I couldn't help but notice his discomfort, a subtle shift in his demeanor that hinted at a deeper unease.

"It's different because it's just a wooden gun," Jasper defended. "If it were real it'd be a bullseye."

Finally, after what felt like an eternity and a considerable dent in his wallet, Jasper managed to hit the target. The booth owner handed over a small stuffed snow leopard, which I graciously accepted.

In a twist of irony, I presented Jasper with the giant stuffed Siberian Tiger that I had won, much to his chagrin. His expression shifted from disbelief to amusement, a reluctant smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he accepted the oversized toy.

As the evening progressed and the temperature dropped, Jasper's protective instinct kicked in. Despite the warmth of my coat, he sensed my shivers and pulled me close, enveloping me in the safety of his arms. With his strong embrace encircling me, I felt a sense of security and comfort that eased the chill of the night air.

Together, we watched mesmerizing performances by fire-eaters and other talented acts. Without a word spoken, his embrace spoke volumes, conveying a silent understanding and support that transcended words. In the midst of the bustling festival, we found solace in each other's embrace, cherishing the quiet moments shared amidst the lively entertainment.

Amidst the jovial atmosphere, an older couple couldn't help but remark on the similarity of our outfits, both Jasper and I sporting jeans and flannel winter coats. Their comment brought a smile to our faces, highlighting the unintentional coordination of our attire and adding a touch of warmth to the chilly winter evening.

As we approached the array of food stalls, the air was infused with tantalizing aromas that teased our senses. The sight was overwhelming, with vendors displaying a colorful assortment of culinary delights from all corners of the world.

Jasper and I strolled along the row of stalls, each one offering a tempting selection of dishes. From savory street foods to aromatic stir-fries, and from piping hot soups to sizzling grilled meats, the choices seemed endless. The sounds of sizzling pans and bubbling pots filled the air, adding to the lively atmosphere.

We found ourselves drawn to a stall showcasing traditional winter fare, its menu boasting hearty stews, roasted root vegetables, and freshly baked bread. The rich aroma of simmering broths and savory spices wafted from the stall, enticing us closer.

The stall owner greeted us warmly, ready to take our order. Jasper and I exchanged excited glances, already anticipating the feast that awaited us. We decided to start with a piping hot bowl of beef stew, its rich aroma promising warmth and comfort on the chilly winter evening. Next, we opted for a platter of roasted root vegetables, their vibrant colors and earthy flavors enticing us with every bite.

Unable to resist the temptation of freshly baked bread, we added a basket of crusty rolls to our order, eager to soak up every last drop of savory broth. And to top it all off, we couldn't resist indulging in a decadent dessert—a slice of warm apple pie topped with a generous dollop of vanilla ice cream.

Finally, the stall owner returned with our feast, presenting us with steaming bowls of hearty beef stew, overflowing with tender chunks of meat and colorful vegetables.

As we found a spot to sit near the bonfire, we gathered around a rustic wooden table piled high with our feast. The aroma was intoxicating, and we eagerly dug in, savoring each spoonful of the flavorful broth.

And as we reached the end of our meal, we couldn't resist indulging in the decadent dessert—a slice of warm apple pie topped with creamy vanilla ice cream, the perfect sweet ending to our winter feast.

We laughed and chatted as we ate, the warmth of the fire and the delicious food bringing us closer together. The flickering flames danced in the night sky, casting a mesmerizing glow over our meal and creating memories that would last a lifetime.

With our bellies full and our hearts warmed by good food and good company, we left the food stall feeling content and satisfied, ready to continue exploring the winter festival and enjoying all the delights it had to offer.

After finishing our food, we wandered further into the festival, we came across a knowledge contest being held in a tent near the town square. Intrigued, we decided to join in, eager to test our wits against the other visitors to the village. The contest consisted of a series of trivia questions about world history, folklore, and traditions, with participants competing to see who could answer the most questions correctly.

Jasper and I joined the crowd gathered inside the tent, buzzing with excitement as the contest began. The questions came fast and furious, covering a wide range of topics. Jasper proved to be a formidable opponent, his quick thinking and sharp wit earning him several correct answers early on.

But I was determined not to be outdone, and I focused all my attention on the questions, wracking my brain for the right answers. To my surprise and delight, I found myself answering question after question correctly, earning cheers and applause from the crowd as I easily pulled ahead in the contest.

In the end, after a fierce competition that kept us on the edge of our seats, I emerged victorious, having answered the most questions correctly and earned the title of knowledge champion. I was rewarded with free rounds of drinks all night.

As the knowledge contest came to a close, the organizers invited all the participants and spectators to join them in a celebration of knowledge. The atmosphere was jubilant as villagers and visitors alike gathered around long tables laden with food and drink, ready to toast to the spirit of community.

Jasper and I found ourselves seated among a group of locals, who welcomed us with open arms and overflowing mugs of soju and sake. The drinks flowed freely, and soon we were all laughing and sharing stories, united in our shared love for the village and its traditions.

As the night wore on and the alcohol continued to flow, the festivities took on a more raucous tone. Jasper, always one to embrace the spirit of the moment, found himself at the center of attention as he was egged on to attempt a keg stand by some of the more enthusiastic villagers.

With cheers and laughter ringing, Jasper hoisted himself onto the keg, balancing precariously as he took a deep breath and prepared to make his attempt. The crowd erupted into cheers as Jasper kicked his legs into the air, his face flushed with exertion as he held himself aloft, supported by the strong arms of his fellow revelers.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as Jasper defied gravity, suspended upside down above the crowd. Then, with a triumphant shout, he lowered himself back to the ground, the crowd erupting into applause and cheers as they hoisted him onto their shoulders in celebration of his daring feat.

The energy inside the tent only seemed to intensify, fueled by the music, laughter, and camaraderie that filled the air. Encouraged by the lively atmosphere, some of the older ladies from the village took it upon themselves to coax Jasper and me onto the makeshift dance floor, determined to show us a thing or two about traditional village dances from their home country.

With a mixture of trepidation and excitement, Jasper and I found ourselves swept up in the whirlwind of activity, surrounded by swirling skirts and twinkling eyes as the ladies led us in a lively dance. The rhythm of the music pulsed through the air, guiding our movements as we twirled and spun, lost in the joyous abandon of the moment.

It was a surreal experience, to be dancing with a group of strangers who had welcomed us into their midst with open arms.

Feeling a bit lightheaded from the festivities, Jasper suggested that we take a stroll around the festival grounds again to try and sober up. Surrounded by the festive atmosphere and the cheerful chatter of the villagers, we wandered through the maze of stalls and attractions, taking in the sights and sounds of the night.

Despite the cold, the air was alive with energy, filled with the scent of roasting chestnuts and the sound of laughter echoing through the streets. Lanterns flickered overhead, casting a warm glow over the cobblestone pathways as we made our way through the crowd, our footsteps slow and unsteady.

As we walked, Jasper and I exchanged lighthearted banter and shared laughter, the alcohol warming our cheeks and loosening our inhibitions.