
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

Trail Success

As I stepped into the role of CEO at my father's private equity firm, I couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and trepidation. This was the culmination of years of grooming and preparation, but as I delved deeper into the inner workings of the company, my pride quickly turned to disappointment.

It became painfully clear that my father's leadership had led the firm down a perilous path. What was once a beacon of success in the industry had become a shadow of its former self. The firm was hemorrhaging money, burdened by excessive debt, and plagued by mismanagement at every turn.

I felt a sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach as I realized the extent of the damage. How could my father have allowed things to deteriorate to this point? It was a bitter pill to swallow, confronting the harsh reality that his legacy was now tarnished by his poor decisions and neglect.

My dad was truely an idiot.

As the restructuring efforts took shape, the impact was palpable. We began to see tangible improvements in efficiency and productivity across the organization. Tasks that once took days were now completed in hours, and we were able to reallocate resources to areas where they could have a greater impact.

Moreover, by eliminating waste and inefficiency, we were able to free up valuable resources that could be reinvested back into the business, driving further growth and innovation.

Addressing the toxic company culture was perhaps one of the most critical components of our turnaround efforts. Without a positive and supportive work environment, even the most well-laid plans would falter. That's why I made it a top priority to launch initiatives aimed at fostering a culture of transparency, collaboration, and accountability.

As the cultural transformation took hold, I began to see profound changes within the organization. Employees were more engaged and motivated, collaboration flourished, and there was a more relaxed and productive air around the office.

But perhaps the most gratifying aspect of this was witnessing the positive impact our cultural transformation had on the bottom line. Productivity improved, turnover rates decreased, and customer satisfaction scores soared almost instantly.

The hard work had paid off in more ways than one. Our investors were thrilled with the insanely rapid turnaround and the impressive increase in their returns.

Before the month officially drew to a close, I found myself in a position I had only dreamed of before—an official position of power and authority as the official CEO and board chairman of Todd Corporation. The shareholders had unanimously agreed to appoint me to this prestigious role a week early.

Despite my father's persistent attempts to regain control and sabotage my efforts through his other business friends, his endeavors proved futile in the face of my overwhelming competence. His tarnished reputation and history of mismanagement only served to reinforce my position as the superior leader, and I made it abundantly clear that his presence was neither welcome nor tolerated within Todd Corporation.

In a bold move, I issued a directive banning him from all Todd Corporation properties worldwide, citing his past actions and the detrimental impact they had on the company's reputation and success.

It was petty but I declared it was for the good of the corporation not to associate with him again.

Travis and Jasper had been unwavering pillars of support throughout the entire turnaround period. Travis, with his expertise and dedication, managed Lombardi's with remarkable efficiency, allowing me to channel all my energy and focus into the revitalization of Todd Corporation. His commitment to excellence ensured that the restaurant continued to thrive even in my absence.

Meanwhile, Jasper's presence was a constant source of reassurance and comfort amidst the chaos of corporate affairs. His frequent visits, often accompanied by soothing massages and words of encouragement, served as a reminder that I was not alone in shouldering the burden of responsibility. Despite the demands of his own busy schedule as a cop, he always made time to show his support and offer his assistance whenever needed.

While I couldn't help but feel guilty for neglecting our relationship amid the relentless demands of my new role, Jasper never expressed any resentment or frustration.

Due to my newfound success, I was forced by Mr. Thompson to do an interview with Business Insider.

During the interview with the magazine, the interviewer wasted no time in delving into the personal aspects of my life. As expected, one of the first questions to arise was about my relationship status.

With practiced professionalism, I confirmed that I was indeed in a happy relationship. However, I remained tight-lipped about the details, refusing to divulge any further information despite the interviewer's attempts to pry.

Though the public's curiosity may have been piqued, I made a conscious decision to maintain a level of privacy surrounding my personal life. While I understood the intrigue surrounding rich people's relationships, I believed that most aspects of my life were best kept out of the spotlight.

Travis's expertise in public relations, coupled with his father's guidance, proved invaluable during the interview, ensuring that the conversation remained on track without veering into scandalous territory. Their meticulous preparation and strategic approach helped navigate any potential pitfalls, allowing the interview to conclude smoothly and without incident.

"So you were betrayed by your own siblings but you've managed to get back on your feet and restore an private equity empire back to its former glory as one of the top ten in the country. Can you tell us the secret behind your success?" The interviewer pressed, her eyes keen for any hint of revelation.

"I have a very loyal and great support system," I replied, mustering a cheesy smile for the camera, ensuring the interviewer caught my reaction.

"Are you referring to your partner? Have they had an impact on your career?" She probed, hoping for a glimpse into the identity of my mysterious companion.

"Yeah. I'm very happy with them. Going home to them makes the long days worth it," I replied vaguely, careful not to divulge any identifying details.

"They sound like a keeper," the interviewer remarked, her fake smile betraying a hint of disappointment at the lack of juicy speculation surrounding my love life.

With the interview coming to a close, I felt a sense of relief wash over me, knowing that I had successfully conveyed the message I wanted about the company's success while still maintaining a high level of privacy about my personal life.

Maintaining a certain level of mystique and privacy allowed me to retain control over my public image, ensuring that I could continue to operate with a degree of autonomy and discretion. Despite the pressures of the interview, I was satisfied with how it had unfolded, confident that I had struck the right balance between transparency and confidentiality.

As I entered Lombardi's, the bustling kitchen was silent as all eyes were on the TV screen broadcasting my interview. The staff erupted into excited chatter, praising the performance they knew I was putting on and discussing the intricacies of the interview.

"He's totally faking it," one of the dishwashers chuckled. "I don't even recognize our boss!"

"He's really good at it."

"I can't believe we got to see Alex's soft side."

"He's not even really like that!"

"He's not this charming in real life at all."

"Yeah, but he coming off like that because he's got to maintain his public image at all times. The more money he makes, the more money we make. I say he's a genius!"

"Thank you, everyone," I said, acknowledging their support with a nod of gratitude. Their shocked expressions turned into wide smiles as they rushed to congratulate me, offering handshakes and pats on the back.

Amidst the excitement, Mario approached me with a beaming smile. "Alex, I have some great news! My wife just received her culinary license, and she's ready to start operating the bakery. She's bringing in some family from Italy to help her there. We should be ready to operate in a week."

"That's fantastic, Mario!" I exclaimed, genuinely thrilled for him. "Whatever she decides, just have her send the proposals to Travis for approval. We'll make it happen."

Mario's eyes welled up with emotion as he looked at me. "Thank you, Alex. You've made me something bigger than just a line cook at some crappy diner."

"It's the least I could do," I replied, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You've been an invaluable part of this restaurant, Mario. You deserve all the success."

Mario pulled me into a tight hug, his gratitude pouring out in tears. I was immediately uncomfortable. Travis quickly intervened, gently guiding Mario to the break room to compose himself.

Jasper's entrance into the kitchen brought a new wave of excitement, his police uniform adding an extra air of authority to his presence. His beaming smile lit up the room as he approached me.

"So, I'm the reason for your success?" he teased, his eyes sparkling with pride.

I chuckled, feeling a warmth spread through me at his affectionate gesture. "You're definitely part of it."

The whispers from the waitresses didn't escape my notice, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the realization that Jasper's display of affection had stirred up some intrigue among them. For the first time, I felt a surge of confidence as I stood beside him, knowing that I was dating the most attractive and supportive person in the room.

As the kitchen buzzed with excitement, I reveled in the sense of accomplishment that permeated the atmosphere. Everything seemed to be falling into place, and even my mood was lifted by the positive energy surrounding me. However, my contentment was short-lived as Travis burst into the kitchen with an air of urgency, his face etched with panic.

"Alex, your mother is here!" he exclaimed, his words punctuated by a sense of urgency that sent a chill down my spine.