
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

The Village(Part 2)

The anticipation hung thick in the air as Jasper leaned in slowly, his eyes locked on mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. With a gentle brush of his lips against mine, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us in that moment. "Just follow my lead."

At first, there was a hesitance, a cautious exploration as our lips met tentatively, testing the waters of this newfound intimacy. But as the seconds stretched into eternity, something shifted, a spark igniting between us that set my heart ablaze.

With a soft sigh, I felt myself melting into the kiss, my fingers tangling in Jasper's hair as his arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer until there was no space left between us. It was a delicate dance of lips and tongues, a symphony of emotions swirling around us as we lost ourselves in the sweetness of the moment.

There were fumbles and awkward moments from me, of course, as i navigated this previously uncharted territory with Jasper. But when we finally pulled away, breathless and flushed, there was a sense of wonderment in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the magic we had just shared.

I lay there, tangled in the aftermath of that kiss, conflicting emotions swirled within me like a tempestuous storm. On one hand, there was a surge of happiness, a warmth that spread through my veins at the memory of Jasper's lips on mine.

But beneath the surface, there lurked a gnawing fear, a nagging doubt that whispered of the dangers that still loomed on the horizon. I couldn't afford to be distracted, to let my guard down, not when my existence teetered on the edge of a knife. The thought of allowing myself to be vulnerable, to have a weakness that could be exploited, honestly sent a chill down my spine.

I was again uncomfortable.

Was the fleeting joy of that kiss worth the risk? Was I willing to gamble with everything I had worked so hard to achieve, just for a taste of perceived happiness? It was a question that lingered in my mind, heavy with uncertainty, as I grappled with the weight of my choices.

In the end, there were no easy answers, no clear path forward. All I could do was cling to the fragile hope that somehow, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, I would find a way to navigate the treacherous waters of my reality and emerge unscathed.

As Jasper's lips brushed against mine again in a tender goodnight kiss, a sense of calm washed over me, momentarily pushing aside the turmoil that had plagued my thoughts. It was a simple gesture, yet it carried with it a comforting reassurance, a silent promise of safety and solace in the darkness.

With a soft click, Jasper extinguished the lights, enveloping us in the comforting embrace of darkness. In the stillness of the night, I lay there, listening to the steady rhythm of our breathing, the gentle cadence of our heartbeats echoing in the quietude of the room.

Rest descended upon me like a heavy curtain, pulling me into the depths of sleep where all my worries and uncertainties were momentarily silenced.

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of muffled noises emanating from the wall. Without hesitation, I shook Jasper urgently. "Jasper! Jasper!" I whispered urgently. "Wake up!"

Jasper stirred, his forehead feeling unnaturally warm beneath my touch, his cheeks flushed with fever. Concern gripped me as I realized he was unwell. "Jasper, you need to wake up. You have a fever," I insisted, my voice tinged with worry. "We need to find a doctor."

He groaned, swatting weakly at my hand, still half-asleep. "I just need to lie down, mom. Leave me alone," he mumbled, his words slurred with exhaustion.

Determined to get help, I rose from the bed and began searching the room for a phone to call the front desk. To my dismay, I found none. With no other option, I made my way to the door, intent on seeking assistance from the hotel staff in person.

My heart raced as I witnessed the scene unfolding at the end of the hallway. A group of rowdy figures in motercycle gear loomed menacingly, their attention focused on someone who appeared to be in distress. Panic surged through me as I realized the danger of our situation.

Closing the door swiftly, I turned back to Jasper, who lay in bed, his fevered state exacerbating my sense of urgency. With the rain beating against the window and Jasper clearly unwell, the gravity of our predicament weighed heavily on me. The last thing we needed was to attract the attention of those troublemakers in the hallway.

Fighting back the rising fear, I knew I had to act quickly to ensure our safety. I needed to find help for Jasper without drawing attention to ourselves. With determination fueling my actions, I resolved to keep us both out of harm's way, no matter the cost.

As Jasper stirred, his voice weak and raspy, I felt a surge of concern wash over me. He looked so vulnerable, like a sick puppy in need of care. "Mom? I don't feel good." My instincts kicked into overdrive as I searched for a way to help him.

Spotting the large treasure chest at the foot of the bed, I hurriedly opened it, relieved to find it empty except for a spare blanket.

As the footsteps drew closer, my heart pounded in my chest, each beat echoing in the darkness of the treasure chest. With trembling hands, I quickly guided Jasper into the chest, ignoring his feeble protests, and closed the lid behind us with a soft thud. Darkness enveloped us, swallowing us whole as we huddled together in the cramped space.

Outside, the sound of heavy boots grew louder, accompanied by muffled voices and the loud bang of the door being kicked open violently. My breath caught in my throat as I strained to listen, the tension thick in the air.

As the room flooded with harsh light and the voices of our unwelcome visitors grew louder, I held my breath, willing them to leave without discovering our hiding place. The seconds stretched on like hours, each one a silent prayer for our safety in the face of danger.

As the sounds of the room being ransacked echoed around us, my heart raced with apprehension. Each crash and thud seemed to reverberate through the confined space of the treasure chest, amplifying the sense of danger that surrounded us.

I glanced at Jasper in the dim crack of light, his face pale and drawn with illness. Despite his condition, he remained remarkably calm, his eyes fixed on mine with a silent understanding of the gravity of our situation.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I realized that if we were discovered, I would basically have to confront our assailants alone. The thought sent a shiver down my spine, but I pushed aside my fear, steeling myself for whatever may come.

Outside, the voices of our unwelcome visitors grew louder, their words indistinct but filled with menace. I clenched my fists, readying myself for the possibility of violence, my senses heightened and alert for any sign of danger.

In the darkness of the treasure chest, time seemed to stretch on endlessly. As the footsteps halted in front of the chest, a wave of terror washed over me, threatening to engulf my senses in a suffocating grip of fear. Every muscle in my body tensed, poised for action yet paralyzed by the uncertainty of our situation.

The sound of heavy boots against the chest reverberated through the confined space, sending shivers down my spine and amplifying the drumming of my heart in my ears. Despite the overwhelming sense of dread that threatened to consume me, I forced myself to remain as still as possible, praying silently that our hiding place would go unnoticed.

In that moment, with danger lurking just beyond the thin barrier of the chest, I clung to the fragile hope that we would emerge from this ordeal unscathed. But deep down, I knew that our fate hung precariously in the balance, and that our survival depended on nothing short of a miracle.

My heart pounded furiously in my chest, the rhythm of its frantic beats reverberating through my entire being. Below me, Jasper's large hands covered my ears, shielding me from the haunting sound that threatened to pierce the veil of our sanctuary, as if trying to protect me.

As the seconds stretched into agonizing eternity, I braced myself for the inevitable—a confrontation I might not be able to handle!

"Yo! Boss said this is just bait and a car was found back near the farm! Our guy probably fled!" A rough voice yelled from across the room.

"Is it the right car?"

"It's the only car in town! How could it not be?"

"He's probably going further out! Let's catch him before he makes it out!"

The relief washed over me as I listened to the voices receding into the distance, their rough tones gradually fading into the night.

Jasper's hands remained firmly over my ears, muffling the sound of our assailants' departure. His touch offered a modicum of comfort amidst the chaos, grounding me in the present moment and easing the tumultuous whirlwind of emotions that threatened to engulf me.

The voices outside grew fainter, their footsteps echoing into the night until they were swallowed by the darkness, leaving behind an eerie stillness in their wake.

But just as I dared to hope that the worst was over, the unmistakable sound of tapping echoed through the confines of our makeshift refuge, shattering the fragile illusion of safety. My breath caught in my throat, and I held my breath, straining to discern the source of the ominous sound.

Jasper's grip tightened around me, his silent presence a reassuring anchor in the midst of uncertainty as i braced for death.

It wasn't death though.

Relief flooded through me as I registered the familiar voice of the old man, his weathered voice full of calmness. Slowly, I emerged from the confines of the chest, my limbs trembling with residual adrenaline as I surveyed the room. The other tenants regarded me with a mixture of curiosity and concern, their expressions mirroring the collective sense of relief that permeated the air.

Jasper followed suit, his movements slow and deliberate as he rose from his hiding place, his gaze wary. I offered him a reassuring nod, silently conveying my gratitude for his steadfast presence throughout the ordeal.

As we stepped out into the dimly lit room, the old man approached us, his voice gentle yet firm. "Don't be afraid," he said, his tone soothing in its familiarity. "It's safe now. They won't trouble you any longer."

With a weary yet grateful smile, I nodded in acknowledgment of the old man's reassurance, silently thanking him for his timely intervention. As the other tenants resumed their activities, casting sympathetic glances in our direction, I felt a renewed sense of determination wash over me.

As I supported Jasper's weight, grateful for the assistance of the kind strangers, a wave of exhaustion washed over me, the adrenaline of the earlier confrontation giving way to a bone-deep weariness.The old me wouldn't be so grateful.

"Thanks, old man. Do you guys have any medicine for my friend here?" I inquired, my voice tinged with gratitude as I turned to address the elderly gentleman who had come to our aid.

The old man nodded solemnly, his expression tinged with concern as he surveyed Jasper's feverish form. "We may not have much, but we'll do what we can to help," he replied, his voice gruff yet compassionate.

A kind-hearted woman stepped forward, her face lined with age yet radiating warmth and kindness. "Here, take these," she said, her voice gentle as she handed me a small bottle of fever reducers. "It's not much, but it should help bring down his fever."

I accepted the bottle with a grateful nod, my hands trembling slightly as I fumbled to open it. "You just carry this around with you?" I asked, my tone laced with disbelief as I glanced up at the woman.

She chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "You will too when you get your first period, kid," she replied, her words accompanied by a playful wink. "Those are some eyes you got there."

I couldn't help but laugh at her candid response, a flicker of lightheartedness breaking through the tension of the moment. "I've get that a lot," I admitted, offering her a grateful smile as I hurried to fetch a cup of water from the nearby sink.

Returning to Jasper's side, I watched as he obediently swallowed the pills, his movements slow and deliberate as he struggled to overcome the dizziness that plagued him. With the help of the kind-hearted woman and a few other tenants, we carefully maneuvered Jasper back to the bed, ensuring that he was comfortable and well-supported.