
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

The Venue

With Mario's recipes as my guide, I was confident that our restaurant would stand out and attract a loyal following. It was time to roll up my sleeves and get to work, turning my vision into reality, one delicious dish at a time.

"I never mentioned that I wrote it down to anyone just in case. My wife thinks a cook book is a waste of time, so she doesn't care about it. Maybe she'll agree to let me try this." Mario thought out loud.

"That's great! I-"

"Sorry, Alex. Let me just take you in for a moment. It's actually pretty jarring to see you after thinking you were dead." Mario took in my appearance once again.

I nodded, understanding Mario's sentiment. "I can imagine it's been quite a shock. I didn't mean to disappear like that, but the circumstances were out of my control."

Mario's eyes softened with empathy. "I get it, Alex. Life can throw some unexpected curveballs at us. But seeing you here now, alive and well, it's a relief."

"Yeah, it's been a rollercoaster for me too," I admitted, feeling a pang of guilt for causing worry and confusion. "But I gotta say I'm surprised that you actually cared about what happened to me."

Mario smiled warmly. "Of course I did, Alex. You were like a little brother to me, and that bond doesn't just disappear overnight. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask."

I felt a swell of gratitude towards Mario for his unwavering kindness and understanding. "Thanks, Mario. It means a lot to me. Let's catch up properly sometime soon, okay?"

"Definitely," Mario agreed, his expression reflecting genuine sincerity. "I'll talk to my wife tonight about our restaurant idea and let you know how it goes."

Reflecting on Mario's presence and the impact of my disappearance on him, I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that washed over me. How could I have forgotten about someone who had been like an older brother to me during my formative years? It was a sobering realization that my absence had not only affected my immediate family but also those who had cared for me outside of it.

Mario had been there for me when I needed guidance and support, yet I had allowed my own troubles to overshadow his presence in my life

"I can't really explain much, just know that I'm coming back stronger than ever," I said, a sense of determination coursing through me despite the uncertainty of my future.

"I wouldn't expect any less of the youngest Todd," Mario sighed, his voice tinged with a mixture of concern and admiration. "It was your siblings who made you like this, huh?"

"Who else would dare to try?" I replied with a wry smile, acknowledging the fiery spirit that had always defined me. Mario knew better than anyone the challenges I had faced growing up in a tumultuous family.

Mario frowned, his expression betraying a deep-seated worry. "I'll keep you a secret and help you, just promise me they won't get these recipes."

"They won't get a hold of air after I'm done with them," I assured him, my determination shining through despite the gravity of the situation. There was still some hesitation from Mario, a reluctance born out of his own fears and uncertainties.

"I'll keep you safe so help me take back what's supposed to be mine," I vowed, reaching out to reassure him of my commitment to our shared cause.

"You can always count on a brother," Mario said, his hand coming to rest on my head in a gesture of solidarity and support.

"I'll be your protection," Jasper interjected, his tone carrying a hint of possessiveness as he gently moved Mario's hand away from me and handed him a card. "Alex doesn't have a phone so you can contact him through me."

Mario nodded, his smile widening as he accepted the card from Jasper. "Thank you, young man. I appreciate it."

Jasper's jaw tightened slightly at the formality, but he maintained his composure. "No problem. Just doing my part."

Mario's demeanor remained congenial, his Boy Scout instincts kicking in as he extended his hand towards Jasper. "It'll be a pleasure to work with you, sir!"

Jasper hesitated for a moment before shaking Mario's hand, a flicker of annoyance crossing his face before he masked it with a polite smile. "Likewise."

Jasper shook Mario's hand with a firm grip, and I noticed Mario visibly flinch at the strength Jasper used. "You have to wait a while though; we still have to raise the money to open."

Mario nodded understandingly, readjusting his glasses. "Of course, I'll start gathering the necessary paperwork and making arrangements in the meantime."

"Nonsense! It's easy to rent a good piece of land," Travis declared as he strode confidently into the thrift store, his voice carrying a note of determination. "All you have to do is ask me, and I can get a prime spot. So why are you postponing it any longer? Trying to cut me out?"

I glanced at Travis, surprised by his sudden appearance and the assertiveness in his tone. His unwavering confidence was both reassuring and motivating, stirring a sense of irritation within me. "Why're you here?"

"I was nearby, and Jasper texted me to come check out the scene," Travis explained casually, but I could detect a subtle tension in the air. Glancing at Jasper, I noticed a defensive look in his eyes, as if he anticipated my scrutiny.

I raised an eyebrow, silently questioning Jasper's motives for involving Travis without consulting me first.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of irritation at being kept out of the loop.

"Well, now that you're here, maybe you can help us get things moving faster," I suggested, trying to diffuse the tension with a practical suggestion. "We've got a restaurant to open, after all."

Travis nodded, his expression shifting from curiosity to determination. "Consider it done. Let's make this happen."

With Travis's arrival, the problem of where to get the money was quickly solved.

Mario, sensing the opportune moment, took his leave after Travis exchanged contact information with him.

"I've bugged him and his phone," Travis assured Jasper. "But I'm pretty sure the commoner is no threat. No one would listen to him if he did say something to the family. Why do you think Alex has been roaming free all this time so far?"

As Jasper offered to take us to look at a few venues after work, Travis declined, gesturing to his car parked outside and instructing Jasper to go back to work as his break was almost over. Jasper's expression turned salty as he glanced at his watch and sighed before leaving the store without another word. It was clear that he was disappointed, but there was little room for argument when the money was in charge.

Travis requested permission from Lollipop to take me for a few hours, and Lollipop granted it. With a sense of relief, I swiftly removed my apron and followed Travis out of the retail prison.

We arrived at the first potential property rather quickly. It was an empty venue, with a simple exterior that hinted at its potential. As we approached, Travis, in his high heels, complained about the pace.

"Hey, stop walking so fast! My heels are really high today!" Travis yelled, struggling to keep up.

"We just came to check out venues, and you didn't stop to change those ridiculous heels! Why are you complaining?" I grimaced, annoyed by his lack of foresight. "Hurry up and walk."

"No wonder you have no luck with women, asshole!" Travis retorted, holding onto my arm for support.

"You're no woman though," I rolled my eyes at his remark as we continued walking.

"Today, I'm dressed like this to turn heads, and I am," Travis declared, surveying the building with interest. "So this is the one you liked in person."

"Yeah, this is the one," I said, feeling proud of my choice.

The empty space for rent had a modest exterior, its plain facade belying the potential within. The building stood two stories tall, with large windows that hinted at the spaciousness inside. A faded sign above the entrance hinted at its previous use, but now it stood as a blank canvas, waiting for someone to breathe life into it. The door was weathered but sturdy, with a sense of promise lingering in the air, promising endless possibilities for the future tenant.

Travis's skepticism rang clear in his voice as he surveyed the deserted surroundings. "You're insane. This place is so deserted and there isn't a single decent restaurant around here. Are you sure we won't just go bankrupt right away?"

"It's better to be the best restaurant in a sea of bad ones," I countered, my tone firm with conviction. "Even if this place is deserted, it doesn't matter since I don't want to spend too much of your money."

"You say you have no money even though you have a literal diamond chasing after you? With all the profit Jasper makes from solo investing, you could've started in a luxury venue. Any one of Jasper's grandparents resorts, or even in the city would be better. Even if you don't want to rely on him, why not have him buy it instead of me? He obviously wanted to."

Our conversation echoed through the empty space, each word carrying the weight of our conflicting perspectives and underlying concerns. "I don't need a sugar daddy."

My response was tinged with a sense of pride, a belief in the potential of our humble beginnings and a desire to prove myself capable of success on my own terms, without relying on Jasper's wealth or influence.

I looked around, a tingling sensation crawling up my spine, a feeling I knew all too well from my time in prison. "Hush, do you feel someone's watching us?" I whispered, my voice low and cautious.

"Huh?" Travis turned to look around, but I grabbed his arm before he could fully turn, not wanting to startle whoever might be observing us.

"Don't startle them. I just know someone's watching us, I can feel it," I explained, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end as the eerie sensation persisted. It was a feeling I couldn't mistake, one that had become ingrained in me during my time behind bars.

"You're crazy! There's no one watching us! I think you're seeing things because you've been so stressed and paranoid," Travis insisted, his voice a mix of concern and disbelief.

"I'm not paranoid," I countered, my own voice tinged with frustration and unease.

"Let's just go inside, then we won't be seen," Travis suggested, trying to diffuse the tension. "Or maybe this place is haunted! Did we check to see if anyone died here?"

"Don't freak yourself out so we don't have to go in. I'll just go and speak to the landlord. Go to the car and call the realtor. Let the men talk business," I instructed, trying to maintain a sense of calm despite the eerie feeling lingering in the air.

"I am a man!" Travis protested, a hint of indignation in his tone.

"You're more like a lady," I teased, attempting to lighten the mood. Travis playfully hit my arm before turning to head back to the car to retrieve his phone.

The sound of screeching tires filled the air as a car careened around the bend at an alarming speed. Its engine roared, and the tires squealed against the asphalt, leaving skid marks in their wake. The vehicle swerved erratically, veering dangerously close to the edge of control.

It wasn't just speeding; it was as if the driver had completely lost control, careening wildly down the road with no regard for safety or caution. The car seemed to lurch and jerk in an erratic pattern, as if it had a mind of its own.

As it approached us, I knew there was no time to hesitate. With a surge of adrenaline, I lunged towards Travis, pushing him out of harm's way and braced for impact.