
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

The Tail

Reading this morning's paper was very satisfying. Jasper had made front-page news along with Mike, Sam, and the FBI for their joint effort arrest of Emily and sixteen other individuals after her home was raided yesterday morning. She was shown from multiple angles being escorted into a police vehicle depending on what paper I looked at.

According to the TV news, it had been a six-hour standoff with multiple shots fired, ending with two suspects being killed at the scene because they charged the cops like mindless zombies. Their autopsies showed they were indeed high on a cocktail of underground drugs I'd never even heard of before.

As the report repeated, a breaking news logo showed up on the screen. "This just in, Emily Todd and sixteen others were arrested in a dramatic raid yesterday morning. The raid on her home led to a six-hour standoff with multiple shots fired. Two suspects were killed after charging at officers, reportedly high on a dangerous mix of underground drugs, including 'Havoc,' 'Necro,' and 'Shadow Dust.' Authorities have also seized a significant number of weapons, ranging from firearms to explosives. Additionally, several women and men forced into prostitution have been freed. The FBI, in collaboration with local law enforcement, made this major breakthrough in dismantling the crime syndicate. This is Armando Alcada, channel 12 news."

The fact that Emily was finally in handcuffs and behind bars must've put Bea at ease, and I hoped it would get her out of my home quickly. Jeff even had her date set to testify. Resuming work like nothing had happened was hard to do. I had to testify as well and ensure Emily's downfall beyond a shadow of a doubt. Public scrutiny kept Jasper from coming into the office with me, as he would just be a distraction.

"Mr Azure, can you tell us anything about the case?" The secretaries started to bombard me with questions after seeing the news himself. "This is brand new information to all of us."

"I can't say anything until the trial is over," I told them.

"But we had to work with Emily and deal with her antics for so many years. Are you telling me we shouldn't ask about it after learning this new information?" One inquired.

"I didn't say that, I just can't talk about it until the trial is over. We don't need any mistakes on any side causing a mistrial causing her to be set free," I said firmly ending the badgering. "And send out a notice for to everyone in this building."

"Saying what sir?"

"Not to speculate during working hours and keep everything focused on work. Emily going to prison will not affect anyone's job unless they're directly connected to her. Anyone found in association with any members of the Todd family or Titan Industries will be terminated after the trial," I declared. "I don't want anyone as disgusting as her in my office. Make that very clear."

"Yes, sir!" The secretaries dispersed and went back to work as I felt my stomach start to growl.

After grabbing a bite to eat at the café, I started making my way home for the day with Mr. Tang as my driver.

"Sir, your parents have sent confirmation they'll be at the courthouse," Mr. Tang informed me. "And they've pushed the prosecutors office to make this trial happen quickly. It should be over with in a day."

"That's good," I said. At least this won't be a long a dragged out process.

Not five minutes into the drive, I noticed a suspicious, shitty-looking car following us. There were no such cars around this area so it's decay Wes very noticeable. I told Mr. Tang to take a couple of extra turns to see if it followed.

It sure did.

I slid my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed Jasper's number, hitting the speakerphone.


"Yeah, listen, I've got a tail. Pay attention to everything," I ended the call and kept my eyes trained on the car following me.

"I've done multiple maneuvers, sir. These men are very determined, and my skills aren't what they used to be," Mr. Tang apologized.

"No worries. Just take us home and leave some space between the cars," I said.

When we made it to my home, I exited the car at the end of the drive and stared from behind the gates. I caught a quick glance of the suspicious vehicle parking on the street before walking up the drive and going inside.

I was already loosening my tie as I entered. I walked straight to my bedroom and removed my suit, hanging it back in the closet. I threw on a pair of jeans and rolled up my shirt sleeves before heading into the kitchen to grab a glass of wine.

After making my way back to my room, I pulled out my tablet to watch the security cameras. The car was parked across from my neighbor's, its two occupants still inside. Just as I was about to call Jasper, I noticed an unmarked police car turning into my street.

Take that, fuckers!

I settled in my bed and turned the TV to the news, hoping it would take my mind off everything I'd experienced lately. From being scheduled to testify against my sister to watching Bea and multiple other victims take the stand in the pending shit show.

My phone suddenly rang. "Alex Azure."

""Our officers just picked up two thugs casing your place. We've got them in interrogation rooms as I speak. You want to come in and question them?""Sam asked.

I mulled it over in my head for a few seconds. "You got IDs on them yet?"

""We do. We think they're the two that went around looking for witnesses.""

"You think you can get a confession out of them? Maybe play them against each other?" I suggested.

""Oh yeah, won't even be an issue with these two idiots. They're not the brightest crayons in the box. You know them from high school and Jasper got them with the beanbag last time. We could probably tell them we've got some of the victims coming in for a voice lineup. They'd buy that load of bullshit."" He chuckled darkly.

"Sounds like you've got it under control then. Keep me posted?" I asked.

""You bet."" The line went silent.

I finished off my glass of wine and poured another. Four glasses of wine and wondering where Jasper was later, I checked the time and saw it was going on eleven. I decided this was it for my solo party and downed the last glass.

I could go check on Bea, but I wouldn't even know what to say to her about this. It wasn't safe for her out there, especially now.

My phone rang again. "Do you know what time it is?" I answered.

""Sorry! We got them,"" Jasper said without any greeting.

I smiled. "Good."

""No, Sugar, not just good. It's fantastic! They admitted to everything as soon as they saw me! They must've remembered the beanbag, and now they're prepared to testify that Emily is who hired them."" His voice lowered. ""She hired them to kill Bea.""

"They're going to rat Emily out, right? For attempted murder?" I asked, not quite believing what I was hearing.

""Well, after we tricked them into a confession, they didn't have much choice. It was either tell us who hired them or face life in prison. We cut a deal in exchange for their testimony against Emily,"" he stated matter-of-factly.

"What kind of deal?" I remained skeptical while I waited for his response.

""The kind where they agree to serve only fifteen years instead."" His voice was ripe with excitement.

"Yeah, Jasper, but that means bringing Emily back to court. I want her sent to prison and left there to rot. Not stinking up this town with days spent on trial again."

""Oh, I'm sure after her first murder conviction, the prosecutor won't have any problem convincing her to take a plea on the next one. It'll add more time to her sentence,"" he said smugly.

I smiled. "You sneaky old dog. You learn more and more every day how to really stick it to people like a shady businessman. You've learned a lot from me, huh?" I chuckled.

He laughed outright. ""Well, I don't know if I'd consider you one of those or not. But, Sugar, being a cop is like having sex. With age comes experience.""

I smirked, thinking he couldn't be further from the truth. "Not necessarily, Jasper. Not necessarily."

After asking security to do another check around the property and making double sure that Bea was still in her room, I decided I should talk to her. After all, she could be useful in the future since she showed she could be tamed, so it was important to nurture that.

"I'll sign you up for your GED classes after the trial, and if you want to stay with the rest of the maids and butlers, you can have a job here," I assured her.

"Thank you," she said as her face twisted up to cry. "Thank you so much for helping me! I'll never forget this chance you gave me!"

"Good," I said, hoping this would mark the beginning of a new chapter for Bea and the end of the turmoil Emily had brought into all our lives.