
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

The Set Up

Jasper pulled up at Lombardi's after we left the office as per my request. Even though it was a deep cleaning day for the place, I just wanted to check on everything. Plus, my mother, Helen, wanted to meet me to talk about Tony. Jasper said it might be good for me to go, but he wouldn't be leaving my side this time, and I agreed. I had no idea what weird thing my mother was going to try to do to me next.

"Sugar, I know it's closed today, but something's off here," Jasper said as soon as we exited the car. "It's too quiet to the point of being odd."

Last time it was this quiet, I was struck by a car. "I'll take your word for it," I said, standing next to him and leaning against the driver's side door with my phone in hand, informing Travis that something was definitely up at Lombardi's and I might need some backup.

For about fifteen minutes, we stood in front of the car, looking from our phones to the building and at our surroundings. Everything looked incredibly quiet and the area seemed to be void of people, eerily similar to the day Emily paid someone to run Travis down with a car.

Surely nothing like that was going to happen again so soon.

"Second floor, right side," Jasper said suddenly. I didn't look up too obviously, but I was able to see the shadow silhouette of at least two people.

"Guess that means someone's here since the cleaning should be long done," I said. "There was a second car in the back parking lot as well."

"Who do you think sent them?" Jasper asked.

"Who else but my mom."

"How do you know?"

"Well, she either blames me for Tony or Emily, or she just wants to take this chance to kill me," I said. "Other than her who else would try this?"

"That sucks. Well, hopefully, they brought enough people for me to have some fun," he said, reaching into the car window and pulling out a baton for me to carry while taking off his blazer.

A crowd of several black cars pulled up next to us in a frantic motion, and unknown assailants started to pile out of them.

"There's a lot of people, Jasper," I said.

"Shouldn't be a problem," Jasper said, hooking his police belt to him. "Since you put me in charge of security measures, backup should get here in no time. Stay put no matter what."

"Should we try to go inside?"

"I don't think inside is much better."

"Can you handle it?"

"I'll drag them all to hell with me if it means I can keep you safe, sugar," Jasper vowed, quickly strapping a vest to me and putting me behind him. "Stay put and out of the way."


He ignored me and watched as at least twelve men started to approach us. "Don't worry, sugar. This is part of what the military prepares you for. If it's too much to look at, close your eyes."

Jasper lunged forward and took down two people in one shot effortlessly, with just his arms. He moved with precision and power, flipping people over his shoulders and throwing them away from me. I could hear bones crack and a guy fall to the ground screaming in pain. Another guy swung at Jasper but only managed to slash his shirt.

Screams of "My eyes!" "He got me!" "Fuck!" "Ahhhhhh!" echoed as Jasper bulldozed through the attackers. Some got back up only to be quickly kicked or punched back down. Someone hit Jasper in the back of the head with a wooden plank, breaking it, but Jasper knocked him out the next second.

Jasper threw up his forearms like an offensive lineman blocking a defensive back, but the guy he aimed at slipped to the side, pushed his elbow down and away, caught his head, and rolled him to the floor. Jasper quickly jumped back onto his feet, watching the muscular man rush toward him in slow motion as three other men even more slowly jumped to their feet. The muscular man reached under his shirt even as he pushed past the commotion, but Jasper did not try to stop the gun; he rolled his hand under the man's wrist, drove the man's arm over and back, and pulled him backward and down. Jasper had the gun before the man slammed into the floor, hitting him on the forehead twice with it, knocking him out.

From the corner of my eye, I saw someone come at me. Before anything could happen, I grabbed his wrist with my left hand and held his gun hand against his chest. The gun caught under his jacket, and I hit him twice with the baton, square in the nose, hearing it crack. He sagged, and I shoved him away.

"Jasper, on your right!" I yelled as someone lunged for Jasper's gun. Jasper turned in time, deflected the guy's hands, and snapped the weapon up hard into the bottom of the man's chin, popping his jaw like a rat trap. The weapon flicked again, and this time Jasper hit him in the Adam's apple. The man clutched at his throat, choking, his face turning bright red.

Once Jasper had gotten the last guy to stay down, I rushed to him. He was badly bruised, had a few lacerations, and at least one of his teeth had been knocked out.


"I'm okay, baby! Believe me, this is nothing!" Jasper breathed heavily. "I knocked twelve of them out—what's wrong with that—nothing except there were 13."


"You didn't see the last one," Jasper looked around frantically.

"No, let's get out of here," I said, worrying about how beat up he looked. "We were obviously set up!"

"Stay right there!" someone yelled from the entrance of the restaurant.

Jasper quickly positioned himself in front of me, eyes scanning for the voice's source. The tension was palpable, and my heart raced as we prepared for whatever was coming next. 

A man emerged from the shadows, his face half-hidden under a hood. He looked calm, almost amused by the scene before him. "Quite a show you put on. But I'm afraid it's not over yet."

"Who are you?" Jasper demanded, his stance unwavering.

The man chuckled. "Let's just say I'm someone who's very interested in your demise."

Jasper didn't wait for the man to make the first move. He lunged forward, but the hooded man was quick, dodging and countering with surprising agility. The fight was intense, both men matching each other blow for blow.

I tried to stay out of the way, but it was impossible not to feel the tension and fear. Jasper was holding his own, but he was already injured, and this new opponent seemed fresh and full of energy.

As they fought, I noticed movement from the corner of my eye. More men were approaching, reinforcements for the hooded man. Panic surged through me. We were outnumbered, and Jasper was already struggling.

"Jasper, more are coming!" I shouted, but he was too engrossed in the fight to respond.

"RUN ALEX!!!!"

I scanned the area, looking for anything that could help. My eyes landed on a fire escape ladder hanging from the side of the building. If I could reach it, I might be able to get to higher ground and call for help.

I made a break for it, running as fast as I could. I could hear the chaos behind me, but I didn't look back. Reaching the ladder, I jumped and grabbed the bottom rung, pulling myself up. My heart pounded in my chest as I climbed, each step taking me further from the immediate danger.


When I reached the top and looked down, Jasper was still fighting, but he was starting to falter. The hooded man landed a particularly hard punch, and Jasper staggered back, barely staying on his feet.

Desperation filled me. I had to do something to help. I scanned the rooftop and saw a pile of bricks left from some construction work. Grabbing one, I aimed carefully and threw it at the hooded man. It hit him square in the back, causing him to stumble.

"Jasper, now!" I shouted.

Jasper seized the moment, delivering a powerful kick that sent the hooded man crashing to the ground. But the victory was short-lived as the reinforcements arrived, surrounding Jasper.

My heart sank. There were too many of them. I grabbed another brick, ready to throw it, but I knew it wouldn't be enough. We needed help, and we needed it fast.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of sirens in the distance. Relief washed over me as I saw black slick cars and familiar looking security arriving.

Jaspers backup had really come through!

The gang members hesitated, looking around nervously. The sight of the approaching security was enough to make them think twice. Some started to back away, but others seemed ready to fight to the end.

The security quickly took control of the situation, their presence forcing the attackers to retreat. They swarmed the area, restraining those who resisted and securing the scene.

I climbed down from the fire escape, my legs shaking with adrenaline. Jasper was on the ground, breathing heavily but still conscious.

"Jasper!" I ran to him, helping him sit up. "Are you okay?"

"I've been better," he said with a grim smile, blood trickling from a cut on his lip. "But I'm still here."

"D-Don't move!"