
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

The Dinner

I made my way into the upscale restaurant where Mr. Reynolds had suggested we meet. The atmosphere was tense as I entered the dimly lit dining room, the clinking of glasses and murmur of conversation providing a backdrop to the impending confrontation.

"Alex," he said, his voice dripping with condescension. "So good of you to join me. I must say, I wasn't expecting to see you here so soon after your little setback."

I resisted the urge to jump across the table and strangle the life out of him, maintaining a calm exterior as I took my seat opposite him. "Thank you for inviting me, Mr. Reynolds," I replied evenly. "I'm always open to constructive feedback, even from those who take pleasure in my misfortune."

Mr. Reynolds chuckled dismissively, his gaze piercing as he leaned forward slightly. "Ah, but there's no pleasure in seeing a competitor stumble, Alex. It's simply the nature of the game. You win some, you lose some."

I fought to keep my composure, refusing to rise to his bait. "Indeed," I said, masking my frustration with a tight smile. "But I'm curious, Mr. Reynolds. What exactly do you hope to achieve by inviting me here tonight?"

His smile widened, revealing a glint of triumph in his eyes. "Oh, nothing nefarious, I assure you," he replied smoothly. "I simply thought it would be an opportunity for us to discuss your company's recent performance and how it might impact our future dealings together."

I narrowed my eyes, sensing the underlying threat in his words. It was clear that Mr. Reynolds had a plan in store for me, and I needed to tread carefully if I was going to emerge from this encounter unscathed.

As the tension between Mr. Reynolds and myself simmered beneath the surface, Mr. Chambers' unexpected interest in me did not go unnoticed. His gaze lingered on me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at his sudden attention.

As Mr. Carter, Mr. Thompson, and Mr. Wallace joined us for drinks, the atmosphere shifted from tense to jovial, with laughter and banter filling the air. But beneath the surface, I could sense the undercurrent of self-interest that ran through their words and actions.

"So, Alex," Mr. Carter began, a sly grin playing at the corners of his lips. "We've been brainstorming some areas where we think you could really make a difference in the company."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the prospect of their suggestions. "Oh? And what might those areas be?"

Mr. Thompson chimed in, his voice laced with thinly veiled ambition. "Well, for starters, we think you could streamline our operations to increase efficiency and cut costs. And of course, there's always room for improvement in our marketing strategies."

"And let's not forget about our client relations," Mr. Wallace added, his tone tinged with self-importance. "Building stronger relationships with our clients is crucial for long-term success, wouldn't you agree, Alex?"

I offered a polite smile, careful not to reveal my true thoughts on the matter. While their suggestions had merit, I couldn't shake the feeling that their motivations were rooted more in self-interest than genuine concern for the company's well-being.

As the criticism began to rain down, I felt the weight of their words like daggers piercing my armor. Each backhanded compliment and veiled insult only served to fuel my growing paranoia, as I struggled to maintain my composure in the face of their relentless scrutiny.

"So, Alex," Mr. Carter began, his tone dripping with false concern. "It seems that we've hit a bit of a snag with the deal. Any thoughts on where things went wrong?"

I forced a tight-lipped smile, my jaw clenched in frustration as I fought to keep my emotions in check. "Well, gentlemen," I replied evenly, "I suppose there's always room for improvement, isn't there? Can't win them all."

Mr. Thompson chuckled smugly, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction at my discomfort. "Indeed, Alex. And I'm sure you'll be the first to admit that there were a few missteps along the way."

I gritted my teeth, resisting the urge to lash out in response to his thinly veiled jab. "Of course," I said through clenched teeth, "but I'm confident that we can learn from our mistakes and come back stronger than ever."

Mr. Wallace chimed in with a self-satisfied smirk. "Well, let's hope so, Alex. After all, our clients are counting on us to deliver results, aren't they?"

The implication hung in the air like a dark cloud, a stark reminder of the pressure bearing down on me from all sides. But I refused to let their criticisms break me, steeling myself against their attacks as I fought to maintain my dignity in the face of adversity.

So I plastered on a fake smile and nodded along with their critiques, all the while seething with frustration at their underhanded tactics.

"But you fumbled the Gallery account yesterday, Mr. Reynolds," Mr. Chambers' words cut through the tension like a knife, sparking a heated debate among the group. With each passing moment, I felt a glimmer of hope flicker to life within me, knowing that I had an unexpected ally in my corner.

Quickly typing out a response to Jasper's message, I couldn't help but feel a sense of reassurance knowing that he was checking on me. The tiny tracker hidden in my underwear provided an added layer of security for me, but it was Jasper's unwavering support that truly put my mind at ease.

Luckily, Jasper wouldn't let me attend the dinner without it.

As Mr. Chambers continued to speak, his words resonated with a sense of truth that cut through the chaos of the conversation. "Even though we may have lost this deal," he pointed out, "the turnaround the company has made under Alex's leadership has more than padded our pockets. We're all reaping the benefits of his hard work and dedication."

As I observed Mr. Reynolds' discontent at Mr. Chambers' intervention, a nagging thought crept into my mind. There was clearly some underlying tension between the two of them, and I couldn't help but wonder what had caused their animosity towards each other.

If I could uncover the source of their conflict and use it to my advantage, I might be able to gain the upper hand in the power struggle that was unfolding within the company.

In the cutthroat world of corporate politics, alliances were constantly shifting, and I knew that by leveraging the discord between Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Chambers, I could position myself for success. It was a risky gambit, but one that had the potential to pay off handsomely in the end.

As the laughter died down, I couldn't resist the urge to make a playful jab at Mr. Reynolds, knowing full well the tension simmering beneath the surface. "Well, it seems Mr. Chambers has quite the impressive track record when it comes to employee retention," I quipped with a sly grin. "Perhaps Mr. Reynolds could stand to take a few pointers."

The room erupted into laughter, punctuated by snide remarks and knowing glances exchanged between the men. It was clear that my comment had struck a nerve, hitting a little too close to home for Mr. Reynolds' liking.

Mr. Thompson chimed in with a mocking tone, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Yes, it's quite remarkable how Mr. Chambers manages to keep his employees from jumping ship. If only we could all be so lucky, eh, Mr. Reynolds?"

The others joined in with a chorus of agreement, their laughter ringing through the air like a chorus of mocking birds. It was a cruel jest, but one that seemed to resonate with the group, fueling their amusement at Mr. Reynolds' expense.

But as the laughter died down, I couldn't help but notice the steely glare that Mr. Reynolds shot in my direction. His eyes burned with a mixture of anger and resentment, and I knew that my comment had struck a nerve.

In the cutthroat world of corporate politics, it was every man for himself. And if Mr. Reynolds couldn't handle a little friendly banter, then perhaps he didn't belong in the game at all. With a smirk of satisfaction, I met his glare head-on, unflinching in the face of his simmering rage.

"Excuse me gentlemen," I got up from my chair.

As I made my way down the hall towards the bathroom, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over me. The presence of the waiter following silently behind me only added to my growing sense of paranoia, but I tried to push the nagging thoughts to the back of my mind.

Entering the bathroom, I took a moment to compose myself, the cool tile floor providing a welcome respite from the heated atmosphere of the meeting. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, noting the faint traces of exhaustion etched into my features.

Turning on the faucet, I splashed cold water onto my face, the refreshing sensation helping to clear my mind of the lingering tension. I took a few deep breaths, willing myself to focus on the task at hand and push aside the mounting paranoia that threatened to consume me.

But even as I tried to calm my racing thoughts, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The presence of the waiter lingering outside the bathroom door sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but wonder what his intentions were.

I left jasper's text unanswered. If I didn't answer, he'd come find me right away.

As the waiter suddenly burst into the bathroom, blocking the entrance with his imposing frame, a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. Instinctively, I stepped back, my heart pounding in my chest as I assessed the situation before me.

"Move out of the way," I demanded, my voice steady despite the undercurrent of fear that pulsed through me. "Or I'll call the manager."

As the man closed the distance between us, I instinctively ducked to the side, narrowly avoiding his outstretched arms as he lunged forward with a fierce determination. With a swift movement, I brought my arm up in a defensive posture, blocking his advance and buying myself precious seconds to formulate a plan of action.

With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I launched a counterattack, driving my fist forward with all the force I could muster. The impact reverberated through my arm as it connected with the man's chest, staggering him momentarily and giving me the opportunity to gain the upper hand.

Seizing the moment, I pressed forward, unleashing a flurry of blows aimed at incapacitating my assailant. Each strike landed with precision, fueled by a primal instinct for survival as I fought tooth and nail to defend myself against the relentless assault.

It's prison all over again!

The man was relentless, his movements fueled by a ferocious determination to overpower me. With every passing moment, the fight grew more intense, the sound of grunts and shouts echoing through the confined space of the bathroom as we clashed in a desperate struggle for dominance.

Despite my best efforts, the man proved to be a formidable adversary, his strength and agility posing a real challenge. But I refused to back down, drawing upon every ounce of strength and determination within me as I fought tooth and nail to emerge victorious.

With each passing moment, the intensity of the battle escalated, the sound of our labored breaths mingling with the dull thud of fists connecting with flesh. In the heat of the moment, time seemed to slow to a crawl as we locked in a vicious struggle for supremacy and I felt alive.

My mind flashed back to the memories of my time in prison, a period of my life marked by violence and survival. I vividly recalled the gritty, dimly lit confines of the prison yard, where I had honed my skills under the watchful eye of seasoned veterans.

There were victories, hard-fought battles won through sheer grit and determination, each one a testament to my strength and resilience. But there were also defeats, moments of crushing disappointment and pain as I tasted the bitter sting of failure.

Yet with each victory and defeat, I had emerged stronger and more resilient, learning valuable lessons that would serve me well in the years to come.

I finally got the big man to stay down after a punch to the temple.

And as the dust settled and the adrenaline began to fade, I knew that I owed a debt of gratitude to the men who had taught me how to fight.

I made a mental note to send them some money for commissary as a token of my gratitude, a small gesture of thanks for all they had done for me.

A pair of arms suddenly grabbed me from behind and pressed a rag over my nose and mouth, panic surged through me like a tidal wave. I struggled against my assailant, my heart pounding in my chest as I fought to break free from their grip, but it was no use. The noxious fumes of the rag overwhelmed my senses, sending my head spinning and my vision blurring as darkness closed in around me.

Desperate to break free, I lashed out with all the strength I could muster, but my efforts were feeble against the iron grip of my attacker. With each passing moment, my consciousness slipped further and further away, until finally, I could fight no longer. My limbs grew heavy and numb, my thoughts muddled and disjointed as the world faded into darkness.