
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

The Culprit

I sat in my office scrolling through my phone, reading all the text messages congratulating me for stabilizing the Jameson project. People I didn't even work with were reaching out to praise me. One message read, "Congrats, Alex! You've turned things around in record time!" Another said, "Blessings for the future, Alex. You've got a bright path ahead." Even Jared's brother, who had initially tried to intimidate the shareholders, had backed off when he realized he had no power. With me in the picture, they didn't dare start trouble again. Productivity on the project skyrocketed, and Jared might be able to bring it public sooner than we thought.

Ugh, how did I become co-chairman of a tech company with Jared? Still, taking advantage of the ceasefire with my mom to clean things up was definitely a great idea. There was barely any noticeable pushback.

"You received another bouquet," Jasper said, bringing an absurdly huge bundle of roses into my office. "Should I hand these out as well?"

"Yeah, whoever wants it can take it home," I shook my head. "Any hidden note this time?"

"Yeah, from a Mr. Huynh, Jameson's startup buddy, just giving his thanks and some Buddhist scriptures." Jasper said. "Also, a box of designer goods came with it."

"Yeah, put the card on the table and give away the flowers and gifts," I said. Gifts and bribes had been arriving all day, giving all my secretaries lots of luxury goods to go home with.

"I've got another haul, ladies!" Jasper called out, warning cheers as they swarmed Jasper and grabbed everything from his hands, practically tearing the box apart.

"Burkin Bags!" one squealed.

Jasper backed up and closed my office door so I wouldn't hear the commotion they made. "They're animals," I shook my head.

"Most of them have never been given so many expensive things in a day. They've probably never had a boss that didn't keep all the good bribes to themselves. You just gave them all $120,000+ bags just now, you know. Before, it was a few Rolexes and this year's entire Calvin Klein office collection. Earlier, it was all-expenses-paid luxury trip vouchers," Jasper explained.

"It's not like anything they sent was necessarily for me," I sighed. "They just want favors from me."

"None of the letters are asking for you to respond," Jasper said.

"If they left a number, they want me to respond to them," I told him.

"Oh," Jasper sighed.

"Ok, what the fuck is wrong with you?" I finally asked. He was beaten up pretty badly yesterday, so I understood him sulking last night, but why was he still like this?


"Is something wrong? Are you mad or something? Why are you acting so solemn?" Jasper stared at me like he didn't hear what I said. "What?! Why're you staring like that?"

"I'm fine," he lied.

Ugh. Time for a pep talk. "Fuck this chairman stuff! The only thing that's changed is more people being polite to me because of my name! Then I have to look at your long face and take that as emotional support."


"Shut up! Do you think acting like this suits you? Stop it!" I snapped. I understood it was important to be sympathetic to people having a bad day, but not being able to hear a valid reason for it was irritating to me.

"After Mr. Azure gave me this job, I've been feeling a bunch of extra pressure as he explained it. It's like being a soldier all over again!" Jasper finally explained. "I'm worried I'll do something to affect your image now if I do something wrong like I did overseas."

"So you want to quit? Is that it?" I felt annoyed by this. He was the best for the job and that's why he got it! He was so cocky about everything he did while being a cop, why was this any different from that? How annoying! Why isn't he saying anything?! "Let's go."


"I said let's go!" I snapped. "We can leave the country and live off the fund Mr. Azure gave me! Forget this business and CEO shit! That way we can relax and you won't have anything to worry about for the rest of your life!"


"What are you doing clinging to me when I can literally be killed at any second?! Hurry and stand up so we can leave!"


"You're seriously the worst! I thought you of all people would be so supportive during this rough time! You even got a big promotion! You just want to ruin things by acting like this?!"

"That's not what I meant, Alex! I just—"

"Do you really think I'm that shallow that I'd think having you around would ruin my reputation?"

"Listen! That's not what I meant!"

"You bitch! If you feel like you want to worry about something, you should worry about how to help me! I might even die if I eat something without knowing what the fuck it is, and you're here trying to run away because of first-day jitters?! Fucking pussy!"

"I just thought about more qualified people—"

"Are you serious? If I pulled up to Lombardi's alone like I originally intended, I would've been beaten to death! You were the only reason I was able to survive!" I threw my teacup at him and saw it shatter at the side of his head. "There are hundreds of more qualified people, but you're the one who was chosen! Your skills have already been acknowledged! Even if Mr. Azure didn't pick you to be executive protection, I would! If anyone deserves to be by my side, it's you! Don't tell me you have the audacity not to feel the same about me!"

"Are you kidding me! Of course I think that about you!" Jasper said. "I don't know what's up, Sugar! I don't even know why I'm so nervous!"

"Then stop thinking about useless things and just do your job like you've been doing! Look into everything and everyone! You have all the resources and a more competent team behind you!" I told him.

"OK!" Jasper looked reignited. "Thanks, Sugar!"

"So where do I go from here?" I asked him.

"Well, remember how some of the security here picked up the guys that attacked us yesterday? Well, they brought them to the Lombardi house and Travis was able to get a culprit," Jasper said. "It wasn't your mother. It was your brother's wife."

Wow, that's surprising. "Ok, why is Madison getting involved in this now? Where did she get the influence?"

"She sent the order in your brother's name. They all had absolutely no idea until they were caught."

"Where's she now?" I asked.

"At the hospital. She's been doing cancer treatments," Jasper explained. "It's at a pretty advanced stage."

"Well, I guess I should go send my well-wishes to her," I sighed. "Her husband's funeral is tomorrow."

I genuinely wondered how her life was going after I ruined what was supposed to be a day where she leveled up with my brother. I'm actually really surprised she never actually divorced him after she and her kids saw all that. Did she send those guys because she knew I ruined their party? Was she trying to do what my brother couldn't? Was someone in her ear telling her what she should do?

I wouldn't know unless I went to see her for myself.

Jasper and I drove to the hospital to confront Madison. The atmosphere in the car was tense, thick with unspoken worries and unresolved issues.

"She's been in and out of treatments for the last six months," Jasper said, breaking the silence. "Stage four. It's pretty advanced. She's been putting on a brave face for the kids, but the prognosis isn't good. It kind of looks like everything is wrong because it makes no sense, but she definitely sent out the order."

I nodded, my fingers tapping rhythmically on the armrest. "Why now? Why send those men after me when she's fighting for her own life? Aren't her priorities in the wrong place?"

"Desperation, maybe. Or fear. She's got nothing to lose and considering who she's connected to it makes sense," Jasper suggested.

"Fear makes people do crazy things," I muttered, mostly to myself. "I never thought that she would fear me though. I've never even given her a second thought until now."

"Her husband's funeral is tomorrow. She might see you as a threat to her kids' future, given everything that's happened between you guys," Jasper continued.

The hospital came into view, its sterile white facade looming against the bright sky. Jasper parked the car, and we sat in silence for a moment.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Jasper asked, his hand resting on my shoulder. There really wasn't anything that I should really worry about, it's not like she was going to attack me in a hospital in broad daylight. I was safe here.

"I have to be," I replied, unbuckling my seatbelt. "Let's get this over with."