
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs


As I walked into the roadshow venue, Jasper was right by my side. We were both dressed to impress, our tailored suits exuding confidence and professionalism. My suit was a sleek charcoal gray, with a crisp white shirt and a bold crimson tie, while Jasper's ensemble was a classic navy blue, accentuated by a patterned silk pocket square.

"I feel like Superman," Jasper noted.

Despite the nervous energy buzzing in the air, Jasper's calm demeanor helped to steady my nerves. Together, we navigated through the throngs of people, exchanging polite nods and greetings as we made our way towards the stage. The atmosphere was electric, with an undercurrent of anticipation running through the crowd.

As I scanned the room, my gaze fell upon my mother, looking like she had dressed up extra special for this. I felt a surge of irritation wash over me at the sight of her, a mixture of resentment and frustration bubbling beneath the surface.

Was she here to ruin this too?

Our eyes met briefly, and I saw a flicker of surprise cross her features before she quickly composed herself and looked away. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through her mind in that moment. Was she proud of me, her son, taking on such a pivotal role in the company? Or was she plotting her next move, calculating her own agenda in the midst of this high-stakes environment?

Was she disappointed I wasn't dead?

I pushed aside the swirling thoughts and focused on the task at hand. With Jasper by my side and the weight of expectation heavy on my shoulders, I knew that I had to deliver a flawless performance. The roadshow was my chance to prove myself, not just to my mother or the other executives in the room, but to myself.

I can do anything! I'm unstoppable!

As I took the stage alongside Jasper, I couldn't help but feel a surge of nerves coursing through my veins. But I pushed aside the doubt and focused on the task at hand, drawing upon the hours of preparation and rehearsal that had led up to this moment.

Throughout the presentation, I sought to convey a sense of optimism and confidence in our company's future prospects, inspiring trust and enthusiasm among investors and stakeholders. By articulating a clear vision and demonstrating our capabilities, I aimed to instill a sense of belief in our company's potential and foster long-term shareholder value.

As I stood before the audience, I made a conscious effort to maintain perfect posture, standing tall with my shoulders back and my head held high. I exuded confidence and professionalism, projecting an air of authority and command.

With each word I spoke, I maintained steady eye contact with the audience, engaging them directly and conveying sincerity and conviction in my message. I gestured purposefully, using my hands to emphasize key points and enhance the clarity of my communication like Travis taught me.

As the presentation drew to a close, I felt a surge of satisfaction and accomplishment wash over me. Despite the challenges I had faced, I had risen to the occasion, delivering a performance that surpassed expectations and left a lasting impression on all those in attendance.

As I stepped off the stage, I was met with nods of approval and loud applause from the audience, a testament to the impact of my presentation. I exchanged glances with Jasper, who wore a proud expression, silently acknowledging my triumph.

I scanned the room for my mother, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Carter, and Mr. Chambers. Each wore a distinct expression, reflecting their individual reactions to my presentation.

My mother's face revealed a mixture of surprise and begrudging respect. Despite her attempts to maintain her composure, I could sense a hint of unease beneath her composed facade. It was clear that she had not anticipated the level of confidence and competence I had displayed during the presentation.

Mr. Wallace appeared stoic, his features betraying little emotion as he observed the proceedings. His sharp gaze bore into me, assessing my performance with a critical eye. I could tell that he was impressed, though he would never openly admit it.

Mr. Thompson, on the other hand, wore a faint smirk, his lips curling upward in a subtle display of satisfaction. It was evident that he had been won over by my presentation, recognizing the potential for success that lay ahead.

Mr. Carter's expression was more inscrutable, his features shrouded in a mask of neutrality. He maintained an air of detached professionalism, carefully concealing any hint of emotion or opinion.

As for Mr. Chambers, his face betrayed a hint of concern, his brow furrowing slightly as he watched me intently. Despite his reservations, I could sense a glimmer of hope in his eyes, a recognition of the possibilities that my presentation had unveiled.

The first roadshow concluded with an unexpected outcome that surpassed all expectations. As Jasper and I tallied the final numbers, we were both astonished to discover that i had raised a staggering $350 million, far exceeding the initial goal we had set. The sheer magnitude of my success left us both exhilarated and incredulous.

Over the course of the next week, we embarked on a whirlwind tour, conducting roadshows in major cities across five states. Despite the grueling schedule and demanding nature of the work, we remained focused and committed to my goal.

The culmination of our efforts came during the final roadshow in Chicago. As we took the stage to deliver our presentation, I could feel the weight of anticipation in the air. The audience was comprised of industry experts, investors, and stakeholders, all eagerly awaiting our pitch.

With Jasper by my side, I delivered our message with confidence and poise, articulating our vision for the future of the company with clarity and conviction. The energy in the room was electric as I spoke, and I could sense the audience hanging on my every word.

I felt like I'd make a great dictator.

As the presentation drew to a close, the room erupted into applause, a testament to the success of our efforts. The feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive, with investors expressing a newfound confidence in our company and its leadership.

After the whirlwind of presentations and the resounding success of the final roadshow in Chicago, Jasper and I found ourselves attending a lavish banquet, a celebration befitting our extraordinary achievement. Despite our fatigue from the rigorous schedule, we were compelled to join the festivities and bask in the glow of my triumph.

Throughout the evening, I found myself engaged in conversation with various industry leaders and influential figures, all of whom were keen to learn more about the circumstances that had led to my remarkable achievement. They were impressed by my poise and professionalism, and I could sense a genuine interest in getting to know more about me and my future plans.

At one point a well-dressed gentleman approached me, expressing his regret at having missed the roadshow. The gentleman extended his hand, offering a firm handshake. "I must say, I regret missing the beginning of the roadshow, but I'm eager to be a part of this venture. What are the terms for investment?"

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, surprised by his immediate interest. "Well, considering the circumstances, the investment comes at a premium. We're looking at a significant figure," I replied, trying to gauge his reaction.

He nodded thoughtfully. "Money is no object when it comes to promising opportunities. Name your price."

I hesitated for a moment, then stated a figure that I was sure would give him pause. "Ten million dollars," I said, almost expecting him to laugh it off.

To my astonishment, he simply nodded and reached for his checkbook. "Consider it done," he said, writing out the check without a second thought.

I blinked in disbelief as he handed me the check, feeling a mix of incredulity and satisfaction. "Are you sure about this? There's no need to rush," I offered, still somewhat taken aback by his immediate acceptance.

He smiled confidently. "I'm sure. When you know a good investment, you don't hesitate. And this," he gestured to the room around us, "is a good investment."

I glanced at Jasper, who nodded approvingly, and then back at the gentleman. "Well then, welcome aboard," I said, accepting the check with a newfound sense of confidence.

I glanced over at Jasper, who seemed unfazed by the transaction, his expression unreadable. Was I being too presumptuous in my assessment of the situation? Should I have held out for more, pushed for a better deal? But then again, as Jasper often reminded me, my worth was undeniable, and perhaps this was just a testament to that fact.

But now, as I stood amidst the bustling crowd, I couldn't help but feel a sense of vindication. The same individuals who had once dismissed me were now eager to grovel at my feet, their attitudes transformed by our recent success at the roadshow. It was a stark contrast to the past, a testament to the power of achievement and success in shifting perceptions.

I'm so Great!