
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
174 Chs


The handyman took out his headphones and announced loudly that we shouldn't go upstairs as it looked like the floor needed reinforcements. He described the interior as worse than the exterior, confirming our suspicions.

"We agree," I said, relieved that he was taking charge and addressing all the potential safety hazards. "Anything you find wrong must be corrected immediately."

The handyman nodded, his expression determined. "I promise to get my best workers on the job to help me fix everything right up. Don't worry," he assured us, his words infused with confidence.

Travis and I breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for his reassurance. With the promise of skilled workers tackling the renovations, we felt a renewed sense of hope that our ambitious project could still become a reality.

Once the handyman had departed, Travis and I surveyed the space once more, taking note of the areas that required immediate attention. Despite the setbacks, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of excitement at the prospect of seeing our vision come to fruition, now with the knowledge that skilled professionals were on the job.

"We've got a lot of work ahead of us," Travis remarked, breaking the momentary silence as we contemplated the task ahead.

"No, they have a lot of work to do," I corrected him, a sense of resignation creeping into my voice. "Jasper was right, I'm not cut out for physical labor."

"Neither of us are," Travis admitted, his tone filled with a mixture of exhaustion and defeat. We had spent the entire day attempting to remove the wallpaper, but we had barely made a dent in the task. In fact, it seemed like we had only succeeded in making the wall look even worse than before.

The once smooth surface was now marred with scratches and gouges, the remnants of our futile efforts to strip away the stubborn layers of paper. What had initially seemed like a straightforward task had turned into a messy ordeal, leaving us feeling frustrated and disheartened.

"We probably did more damage to the wall just by trying," I sighed, running a hand through my hair in frustration. The realization of our ineptitude weighed heavily on me as I surveyed the sorry state of the wall before us. It was clear that our DIY attempt had only exacerbated the problem, leaving us with an even bigger mess to clean up.

"I'm glad I'm not the crew." Travis sighed.

As we stood there, surrounded by the remnants of our failed endeavor, I couldn't help but feel a sense of defeat wash over me. Despite our best intentions, it seemed that our lack of expertise had only made matters worse. And as we prepared to call it a day and leave the mess behind, I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment that lingered in the air.

"Yeah, everyone should've gone home by now, so let's go back so I can change out of this stupid outfit and go shower," I grumbled, casting a disdainful glance down at the dirty pink tracksuit clinging uncomfortably to my sweaty body.

Travis and I made our way back next door to the restaurant, where we were greeted by the sight of Lollipop putting on his jacket. He burst into laughter upon seeing me in the pink tracksuit, and I fought the urge to punch him square in the face.

"Mother, leave the poor boy alone," Lollipop managed to choke out between fits of laughter. "He doesn't like dressing like us."

"But he's so cute, and pink suits him," Travis protested, coming to my defense.

"Seriously? You put him in a matching tracksuit, he's like your little dog!" Lollipop teased, unable to contain his amusement.

"Whatever, Travis, I need a suit for tomorrow," I interjected, halting their argument midway. "Bring me a nice one that makes me look like I'm in charge, and come here early to help me look presentable."

"Ok!" Travis responded eagerly, shooting me a thumbs up as he agreed to my request.

As Travis hurried off to fetch a suit, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at the ribbing I had received over my attire. But as I peeled off the pink tracksuit and headed for the shower, I resolved to focus on the task at hand and prepare myself for the challenges that lay ahead.

I returned from the shower to find Travis and Lollipop already standing there, each holding a bunch of suits in their arms. As I approached, they eagerly presented the options for me to choose from.

The first suit, held by Travis, was a sleek charcoal gray with subtle pinstripes, exuding an air of sophistication and professionalism. It had a tailored fit that hugged the contours of my body, accentuating my stature and commanding presence.

Lollipop, on the other hand, held out a bold navy blue suit with a modern twist. The jacket featured unique lapel detailing and contrasting buttons, adding a touch of flair to the classic design. Paired with slim-fit trousers, it offered a contemporary yet timeless look that would surely make a statement.

Travis then presented a timeless black suit, impeccably tailored with clean lines and a slim silhouette. The jacket boasted peak lapels and satin trim, exuding elegance and refinement. It was a versatile choice that exuded confidence and sophistication, perfect for any formal occasion.

Lastly, Lollipop unveiled a striking burgundy suit, daring in its color yet undeniably stylish. The jacket featured a double-breasted design and peak lapels, adding a touch of drama to the ensemble. Paired with tailored trousers, it offered a bold and fashion-forward look that would certainly turn heads.

After selecting the charcoal gray suit as my outfit for the upcoming event, I turned my attention to Lollipop, who had set up a mini barber kit complete with scissors, clippers, and grooming products. With skilled precision, he shaped up my head and meticulously groomed my eyebrows, enhancing my appearance and giving me a polished finish.

As Lollipop meticulously shaped up my hair, I couldn't help but notice that the overall style wasn't a drastic departure from my usual buzz cut. The length remained short and neatly trimmed, maintaining a clean and professional appearance that I was accustomed to. However, it was the subtle attention to detail that made all the difference.

With expert precision, Lollipop focused on sharpening my eyebrows, refining their shape and definition with careful grooming. As he worked, I could feel the subtle transformation taking place, enhancing my features and lending a newfound sense of sharpness to my appearance.

Despite the minimal change to my hairstyle, the sharpened eyebrows added a touch of sophistication and seriousness to my look. They framed my face with clean lines and crisp edges, accentuating my eyes and giving me a more polished and refined appearance.

The subtle alteration may have seemed minor at first glance, but it had a significant impact on my overall demeanor. With my eyebrows sharpened to perfection, I couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of confidence and gravitas.

I looked domineering.

"Ooooo, hello doll!" Lollipop squealed with delight as I stepped back to admire my reflection.

"Thanks, Lollipop," I said, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the transformation.

"Oh look, now you've booted his ego!" Travis teased, a playful smirk on his face.

"But his charisma can shine through naturally so he can stop looking like such a homeless man. Remember when you first brought him to the thrift store, fresh out of prison, looking like shit?" Lollipop giggled. "I live for the growth. Where are you going that you have to look this good anyway?"

"To make the restaurant even bigger than before," I replied, my tone purposeful. It was a vague answer, but it wasn't entirely untrue—I was determined to return with more capital to expand our business ventures.

"By looking cute?" Lollipop asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically.

"By getting us on the board of directors of a multinational corporation," I replied with a smile, my confidence shining through.

"Aren't you dead?" Lollipop asked, his question cutting through the lighthearted banter with a note of skepticism.

I walked over to where my dirty clothes lay and rummaged through them until I found my official ID. With a sense of purpose, I held it out to Lollipop. "The death certificate was revoked this morning, and I got this," I explained, a hint of triumph in my voice.

"He knows about that?" Travis interjected, his eyebrows furrowed in surprise.

"He told me about his bootleg operation first," I replied with a nonchalant shrug. "That's why I had to tell him why he had to keep me a secret."

"So you've decided to be alive again?" Lollipop grinned, his curiosity piqued. "What changed?"

"The timing is just right. If everything is going like I think it's going behind the scenes, I'll be able to do something very good and make my dramatic reveal," I explained, feeling a surge of excitement at the prospect of what lay ahead.

"Even as the owner of Lombardi's?" Lollipop questioned, his expression thoughtful.

"I never intended to remain faceless forever. Eventually, the novelty wears off, and I think I've had enough," I admitted. "But don't ask me any more questions. If this goes well, you'll soon be able to open your boutique."

"Good thing you aren't ugly," Lollipop remarked, his tone shifting to one of encouragement. "Go make us that money! You'll definitely seal the deal, boss!"

Tomorrow would mark the beginning of a new chapter—a chance to assert my authority, reclaim my identity, and reshape the future of the company in my own image. And as I envisioned the reactions of those who had underestimated me and tried to take me out of the equation, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of humbling them.