
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

Office Shenanigans

As the plane taxied down the runway and took off into the boundless sky, I felt a sense of melancholy wash over me, mingled with gratitude for the experiences we had shared. Holding Jasper's hand tightly in mine, I silently vowed to carry the memories of our honeymoon in Bora Bora with me always.

I truely had the time of my life.

Back at Todd Corporation, our return was met with a flurry of curiosity and excitement from our colleagues. It seemed that everyone wanted to know about our sun-kissed tans and the adventures we had embarked on during our time away.

Jasper, in particular, found himself bombarded by the secretaries, who eagerly peppered him with questions about the honeymoon.

As for me, I found myself fielding questions from curious colleagues who couldn't help but notice the glow that seemed to emanate from me. "You look positively radiant," they would say, their eyes filled with curiosity and wonder.

It seemed like they were trying to distract me from the most recent problem.

The news came to my attention during a routine morning meeting, where whispers of Mr. Thompson's bold move began to circulate among the team. I felt a knot form in my stomach as I realized the potential implications of his actions. Mr. Reynolds, a highly respected member of our organization, had recently been forced out, leaving behind a wild legacy that needed to be tamed. His office, filled with memories and significance, was not something to be taken lightly.

It was like I was seeing too much of him, both physically and metaphorically.

At the meeting after lunch, I couldn't help but notice the subtle shifts in demeanor among the other shareholders. Mr. Thompson's bold move to inhabit Mr. Reynolds' old office had evidently worn on them as well, casting a palpable tension over the room.

I could see it in the way Mr. Chambers furrowed his brow, his usually jovial expression replaced by one of quiet contemplation. Mr. Wallace, known for his stoic demeanor, seemed more reserved than usual, his gaze fixed on the agenda before him with an intensity that betrayed his inner thoughts.

Even Mr. Carter, ever the optimist, appeared somewhat subdued, his usual enthusiasm tempered by the weight of the situation at hand. And Mr. Thompson himself, seated at the head of the table with an air of confidence that bordered on arrogance, seemed oblivious to the undercurrents of tension that pulsed through the room.

Though no one dared to address the issue directly, the tension in the room spoke volumes. It was as if Mr. Thompson's presence had cast a pall over the otherwise harmonious dynamic of our meetings, leaving us all feeling unsettled and out of sorts.

"Let's add more pages to the special feature," I suggested, feeling the weight of the decision hanging in the air. "From pages 91-110 it looks a bit cramped."

"How do you expect us to change things at this point in the process? Just edit it. It's easier than setting up a new interview and photo shoot," Mr. Carter remarked, wiping his sweat from his face, the tension evident in his voice.


"I mentioned before about making the ads more minimalistic but you wanted design," he continued, his frustration bubbling to the surface.

"The issues arose because the project team was unable to come up with enough content!" Mr. Wallace argued, his tone defensive yet tinged with exasperation.

"That's enough," I interjected, feeling the strain of mediating between my colleagues.

"If it's beyond your capabilities, would you like me to contact some freelancers?" Mr. Thompson's offer caught me off guard, his sudden change in attitude surprising yet welcome.

"Freelancers might be a safe bet," I played along, intrigued by his newfound assertiveness. "You sound very confident about it."

"I'm okay with it as long as he takes full responsibility for it," Mr. Chambers chimed in, his voice carrying a note of caution.

"I've got this!" Mr Thompson said.

"Then I'll leave it up to Mr. Thompson. We'll send some of the lineup and the layout, so get the sample done as soon as possible," I concluded, feeling a sense of relief as the meeting drew to a close. With Mr. Thompson taking the reins, I hoped that the project would finally move forward smoothly, putting an end to the tensions that had plagued our discussions.

I'm just glad it's over.

As Mr. Wallace and Mr. Chambers held me back in the conference room to grill me about meeting Mr. Azure during my honeymoon with Jasper, I braced myself for their inevitable curiosity. The mere mention of encountering someone from the elite circle during such a private affair as my honeymoon had stirred up a whirlwind of questions, and I knew the sharks wouldn't hold back.

"Alexander," Mr. Wallace greeted me with a nod. "We heard you had a meeting with Mr. Azure on your honeymoon. How did it go?"

I glanced up from my computer, offering them both a polite smile. "Yes, I did meet with Mr. Azure, he's been watching our progress and summoned us. It went quite well, actually."

"You realize that man is a kingmaker, right?" Mr. Chambers leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest. "Did you secure a deal?"

I shook my head, a small smirk playing at the corners of my lips. "Not one I liked at first. But after a little trouble from his daughter, Mr. Azure now owes me a favor, and I'm planning to leverage that to our advantage."

Mr. Wallace raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "A favor, you say? That could prove to be quite valuable."

"That's what I'm counting on," I replied, leaning back in my chair. "But don't worry, gentlemen. I'll keep you both in the loop. In fact, I promised Mr. Azure that I would introduce him to some of our key players in the next meeting to solidify the strategic partnership."

Mr. Chambers straightened up, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "You did? That's fantastic news, Alex. We'd love the opportunity to meet with him as well."

I nodded, making a mental note to arrange a meeting with Mr. Azure at the earliest opportunity. "Of course. I'll be sure to include you both in the next round of discussions. Keep it under wraps as I'm not sure who else will meet him yet."

With that, Mr. Wallace and Mr. Chambers exchanged satisfied looks before bidding me farewell and heading back to their respective offices.

However, even I was taken aback when a paparazzi spread featuring a photo of Jasper, Mr. Azure, and me on a yacht was shown to me by a secretary. The sensation of being thrust into the public eye suddenly in such an unexpected manner only added fuel to the fire of speculation surrounding our chance encounter.

Over the next two days, as I pondered Mr. Thompson's recent bold maneuvers, a troubling thought crept into my mind: could he be scheming with my mother, who was clearly my rival in the business world?

As I sifted through the samples Mr. Thompson had sent over in record time, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at me. Feeling the tension mounting, Jasper stepped in, his comforting presence a welcome relief amidst the chaos of my thoughts. With a gentle touch, he began to rub my shoulders, his soothing motions helping to ease the knots of stress that had formed there.

"Everything okay?" Jasper's voice was soft, laced with concern as he looked down at me.

I sighed, leaning into his touch as I continued to sift through the samples. "I'm not sure," I admitted, my voice tinged with frustration. "These samples from Mr. Thompson... there's something off about them. None of them seem to have his usual touch."

Jasper's brow furrowed in understanding as he continued to massage my shoulders. "Do you think he rushed through them?"

I nodded, a sense of unease settling over me. "It's possible," I murmured. "But why?"

As I sifted through the samples again, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. None of the work was up to par, each sample lacking the quality and attention to detail that I had come to expect from him. It was clear that he had neglected his duties, rushing through the task without giving it the care and consideration it deserved.

With a frustrated sigh, I set aside the last of the samples, feeling a wave of disappointment wash over me. It was undeniable evidence that Mr. Thompson was neglecting his job.

Turning to Jasper, I couldn't help but voice my frustration. "Nothing he gave me is good to use," I admitted, my voice tinged with frustration. "It's like he didn't even try."

Jasper's expression mirrored my own, his brow furrowed in concern. "Do you think he's deliberately neglecting his responsibilities?"

I shook my head, feeling a mixture of frustration and uncertainty. "I'm not sure," I confessed. "But whatever the reason, it's clear that something isn't right. And we need to address it before it affects our partnership with Mr. Azure."

"Don't let him get away with it," Jasper said.

"Things were easier at Lombardi's."

"You didn't do any of this because it was easy."

He's right.

As evening descended and the office grew quiet, I made my way to the printer, my heart pounding with determination. With a sense of purpose, I printed out the sample papers, each one a tangible reminder of Mr. Thompson's shortcomings.

Clutching the papers in hand, I hurried to Mr. Thompson's office.

As Mr. Thompson and his team were preparing to leave for the day, I burst into the room with a bright smile on my face. "I've received your samples, Mr. Thompson!" I announced cheerfully, holding up the papers in my hand. "I've marked a few parts that I think should be fixed right away!"

The entire office fell silent as all eyes turned to us, waiting to see Mr. Thompson's reaction. He looked taken aback, his face flushing red with embarrassment. But he knew he couldn't say no to me, not with the evidence of his negligence laid out before him.

"Okay," he muttered, taking the papers from my outstretched hand. His tone was begrudging, but he knew that he had no choice but to heed my feedback.

As I walked out of Mr. Thompson's office, the whispers followed me like a shadow, casting doubt on my motives and intentions. I could feel the weight of their judgment bearing down on me, but I refused to let it deter me from doing what was right.

"Did he just bully him into working overtime?" Someone asked lowly.

"I think so, just be quiet about it." Another whispered back.

"Yeah, better him than us."

Ten minutes later, Jasper appeared in the doorway of my office, his expression grave as he delivered the news. "Mr. Thompson has begun sending the parts you wanted edited to freelancers," he informed me, his voice tinged with disappointment. "It seems he's trying to avoid doing the work himself and go home early."

My heart sank at the revelation, a surge of frustration coursing through me. It was clear that Mr. Thompson was unwilling to take responsibility for his actions, resorting to underhanded tactics to shirk his duties and evade accountability.

How long had he been doing that and how was he not caught?

This was an obvious betrayal to me and it couldn't go unpunished. Todd Corporation's reputation was on the line, and I refused to let one man's negligence tarnish everything i had worked so hard to build.